Photos (Top to Bottom): The Burnie United squad for the game against Tilford Zebras; The Zebras' Jayden Welch (right) tackles Burnie's Kaimon Johnson; The Zebras' Jonathon Ladic gets in a header in midfield; The Zebras' Paul Cairns and Ricky Self surrounded by Burnie opponents on the edge of the box; The Beachside squad for the game against the FFT Under-15s; Beachside captain Michael Soszynski with the Division One championship trophy; Beachside celebrate the Division One title and promotion to the Premier League [PlessPix]
State-wide Top-Four Finals Series
Tilford Zebras 1 (J Ladic 69) lost to Burnie United 3 (S Smith 18, M Ambose 23, A Johnson 78)
South Hobart 2 (A Brennan 4, T Roach 42) beat Riverside Olympic 0
Devonport City 2-1 Glenorchy Knights
Northern Rangers 1-0 Clarence United
Division One
Beachside 9 (B Pullen 10, 45, P Dunne 23, B Klasen 30, 32,60, 74, A Reason 82, B Davis 89) beat FFT Under-15s 1 (C McDonald 51)
University 6-0 DOSA
University 9-1 DOSA
Hopefully now we'll get some respect for the northern sides. I noticed in the "Statewide" Cup Final programme the northern tables weren't even printed. Maybe if they had been some of the southern sides would realsied the victorious northern sides have plenty of firepower!
Division One Result
University 6 (Miles Barnard 3, Julian Proud 2, Jima Wech) Northern Suburbs DOSA 0
does nobody at Zebras remember how to host a team from the other end of the State. What a shame to see the Burnie boys in the bar at KGV without a single Zebras person and no invite to share a feed. Does anybody else remember the good old days when teams looked after their combatants in State league.
I assume South will host Devonport next week?
Hey, did anyone see the local tabloid's soccer preview on Friday? They don't even know the correct name of their soccer writer!!! The byline said 'Callum' Paske when it should be 'Callan' Paske. Unbelievable that lot. Give 'em hell Callan!
So it will be Uni v Metro for second place next week.No chance of a decent ref for it? Last time Metro kicked the hell out of the young wingers and put Marty out of the game.
uni commenting on roughness. look in your own backyard mate
sozzzaaa is my hero
sozzza is my hero
gee that's poor form Zebras,you could of fed the poor buggars b4 sendin them home
Agree 100% with comments regarding the Zebras. Poor form indeed.Very unprofessional indeed. Problemis that most there had no involvement with the old state league , so they dont know what showing a bit of hospitality involves. Not that that is an excuse .
I bet that if they had won the game , an invitation would have been received.
3 of the 4 winners from the North - anymore need be said?
and Zebras you may have lost - but you could have done the right thing by your Northern 'friends' obviously NOT!
Hospitality has nothing to do with state league experience. All northern sides, some of whom have never been state league sides put food on for travellers.
Southern Tasmanian teams unfortunately 'sook' when their Northern counterparts defeat them. You can be assured that when a team goes North, they will be treated well. The diff between North and South are egos!
Zebras you are an embarassment to the SPL, I hope you send an official appology to the Burnie Team for you oversite (giving you the benifit of doubt there)from mesorry Burnie, every other SPL club would of fed you, win, lose or draw
zebras nothing but a bunch of overachieving sooks!
It was a terrible shame that this occurred after the Burnie-Zebras game!! Win lose or draw you MAN UP and go into the club rooms and enjoy the fact it was a hard fought game and have a chat the a laugh with the other team!! I was shocked! This would not happen up NORTH!!!! And so much for the HOME OF FOOTBALL... didnt feel real homely!!
I actually know 3 or 4 blokes in the zebras team from state teams in the past and was looking forward to have a beer and catching up... guess that didnt happen!!!
All hail the Northern teams as they went so well in the Statewide Cup this year.
What about the responsibility of football fed, no facilities open during the game so people had to sit in the cold grandstand that hasn't changed in 30years and piss in a shed. Pretty sad considering that there are some people that sit up in their office with their "mates" and watch. what about some warmth for those who pay to watch, especially those who have travelled a long way.
You'll find the majortiy of SPL clubs do put on a good feed, so blame Zebras, not the whole league. Too true tho, poor by Zebras
If Burnie felt they were not hosted in a fashion they would have liked then Burnie President should send an official Letter of Dissapointment to the Zebras President.
Dont come on here Rubbing an entire Clubs name in the Mud!
From a players point of view there is nothing better than having a beer with the boys from a travelling side. Many of us Played state together along our paths and always good to have a chat.
As players we only assume these sort of invitations are extended at a Commity level. There shouldnt be an excuse but I and can only assume it has been an oversite as a Club visit and chat happens after every game.
There is certainly no ego issue or 'sooking' from a loss. Burnie played a good physical game and simply wanted the win more on the day.
Well done Burnie. The Zebra boys wish you success in your next Final's Game.
The simple answer is, blokes in the North don't get paid for playing, they play for the strip/team. Blokes in South are extrinsically motivated..... money talks down there!!
okay hope all you wise monkeys have enjoyed your dig at the zebras and making your own mind up as usual on what happened re zebras v burnie on saturday . here are facts of what actually happend we approached fft as it was their gate and they receive all the money not like the northerners who have their own gate and keep all takings from gate and canteen ( no excuse i know )and asked if they were providing food just like they did when we played earlier in the year and if not we would take them back to the club and feed them and provide beverages as the zebras have always done with visiting teams and the answer was no they are not interested as all they want to do is get on the bus and get home because they have such a long way to go. so either we were told a pack of lies from fft or burnie had a change of mind as they actually won the game so please before you all go off your high horse get the facts first.
You approach people from the visiting teams and offer them to stay and eat ,not FFT.What have FFT got to do with asking Burnie to stay ?
Look at the way they run everything else.
Think about it !
So what was on the menu at South Hobart?
devonport put up a great feed for the knights was very happy with the lasagna/past/soup and salad rolls
Why put the blame on the Zebras when it was not their responsibility to provide the northerners with food and beverages after the game, but it was FFT’s duty and they decided NOT to supply a meal. Why are you all making it out to be that the Zebras were the individuals hosting the game, when really it is FFT’S roster and they are the ones responsible for the facilities?
You mention the lack of hospitality, well why complain about that when there was a lack of respect in the grandstand from the Burnie supporters. How dare you say it was poor form by the Zebras boys for not putting on a good feed when you lot sat yourselves down in the stands and verbally abused the zebras players, now tell me… why on earth would we want to spend time with you after the game when you can sit there acting all high and mighty, yelling out things such as ‘maggot’ and ‘get off the field you maggot’? The disgusting language used was appalling, especially when there were young children around. All the Burnie supporters had no respect for the people around them, continuously bagging out Zebras boys when their families are sitting in the grandstand having to listen to the horrible things being said about their child.
ok you say difference is players up north dont get payed, well guess what neither to we, your the one that wants to get the facts right before sling mud! yes zebras have a number of sponsors due to hard work, Zebra players this year have done more for the sport in tas than i bet any other team has done this year, example players running clinics in the remote areas of central tas for children that dont have opportunities to be tought our game, work with kids in regional areas of southern tas, work with kids from troubled families and support world hunger and give there time to raise money for them..... now tell me zebras are a disgrace to SPL.....
anon 8:45
I was in the stands and there was nothing wrong with anything the Burnie people said, there was a Zebra daddy saying some nasty things about the Burnie player being a sook, just before he was carried off on a stretcher. that did get a reply from one Burnie person, but fair enough I thought...but surely after the game we could all have a drink and a chat...don't be so precious
Agree with anaon , 8:45. I was in the stands as well and the language from the Burnie supporters was a disgrace. Not so much swearing but the way they shouted out smart arse comments to players . That is not supporting your team.You have just proved to the soccer public in the south that you guys up north have much to learn when it comes to sportsmanship. I did play in th state league some time ago and I must say that the supporters back then were much more knowledgeable and respectable than what I witnessed yesterday. Oh and anaon 9:11 , you sound like the dickhead !
Anon 9:38 im from zebras and you are stretching what you said too far. your a laugh tho
The state finals are on and here I was foolishly hoping to see a forum discussing playing styles, tactical differences and the state's outstanding players - of which I have seen a few recently (north and south). Or perhaps some discussion about the future of state competitions and the formats they may take. And what do we get, a North v South Masterchef debate on who's food is best, or the lack thereof.
Adam Whitemore (Northern Rangers coach)
South Hobart offered their usual hospitality courtesy of the Cascade Hotel .
Riverside as have other teams this year accepted the invitation.
Whether the day is run by FFT or not, FFT opened the bar and invited both clubs to have a drink. Only one club showed up.
Why would we rely on FFT to run a function they cant even provide us with decent referees.
Also dont Zebras have their own club? Couldnt they have opened this up to Burnie?
no wonder the game is so amatuer
I was in the stands not far from most of the Burnie suporters and around a few Zebra supporters and I'm not sure what all the fuss is about, a bit of passion but nothing untowards I would say.
You were there Walter what did you think?
I'm going to cook some Chilli Soup and offer it to the Burnie supporters at KGV if they make the final.
Based on some comments, it seems that many do not regard that fact that Burnie were not shown any hospitality as trivial.Definitely not.It is pure courtesy and respect . That's all.No one is asking anyone to move out of their own home and give it to the Burnie people. Not hard to organise $50 worth of chips from the shop next door if desperate.
who f**king cares about food!!!!! As we live in a state where the LONGEST trip you would have to make is 4 measly hours it is not much of a worry... harden up maggots!!!! You could have stopped at campbell town pub and ordered $25 worth of hot chips like we did and spend some time enjoying local cultures and meeting the famous campbelltown robins football club players!!!!
Beachside put on the best food when 'Chicken Man shows up'
my god you lot are so thick food wasnt provided because burnie requested no refreshments as they were not staying and were heading straight home please move on to soccer you ignorant people...
to the douche bag in the stand who called me a 'wuss' im currently in a cast for a couple of weeks. cheers champ!!! im pretty sure i saw every single zebras player walk past the clubrooms on the way out. im not sure whether it occurred to any of them to maybe come in and have a beer as we were in there for quite a while. and its definatly not a whole southern thing as the other teams that we have hosted and have been hosted by have accommodated us well. to all the offended zebras families in the stands. really????? your gunna cry about maggot???? nothing wrong with a bit of yelling and heckling adds to the atmosphere.
Zebras = lack of respect
Note to other teams playing at KGV. It's byo!
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