Photos: The initial strip of artificial grass down one wing; The surface in the centre being prepared; One end of the ground being prepared for the artificial turf [PlessPix]
Work started this week on laying the artificial pitch at Olympia’s new headquarters at Warrane.
It will take two weeks to complete, providing the weather is good.
Rain will delay the proceedings but things are starting to take shape, as can be seen from the photographs taken today before the rain came down.
The Tasmanian National Training Centre team is finding the going tough at the NTC Challenge series this week, judging from the results of the four matches so far.
Tasmania lost 2-0 to the Northern Territory in their first match.
The second outing was a 3-2 loss to South Australia, while in the third game, Tasmania went down 2-0 to Western Australia.
The fourth match resulted in a 3-1 defeat at the hands of the Victoria Institute of Sport.
All institutes have the same young intake. Age is no excuse for poor results. As a tax payer I question the need for this programme. $100,000 for the men's programme and $100,000 for the women's programme per annum. No feeder clubs and a very slim chance of getting into the AIS. Put the money into the clubs instead of stripping them of their players each year.
if you take the money of the ntc what hope do we ever have of producing a decent player to make national level and im am sure that the clubs wouldnt spend one red cent on developing girls ithink it about time people stopped bagging out kids.If you have ever coached you would realise how the kids that are not up to standard and dont want to put in the extra workand hold back the others.and i am not a parent of any kids but i do get a bit tired of people picking on the tis
once again, anyone questioning the worth of this program knows nothing about football whatsoever
clearly this program is not right for Tasmania. Clearly having 16 äthletes from Tasmania in a TIS set up is excessive - we just don't have depth of talent to justify this. There must be a better model. This is not bagging the kids but the adults running the show at $200K PA of taxpayers money. If we have players of National standard then fair enough but I ask how many of these 32 players are - we can't even beat Northern Territory. Do we have 22 AFL players in TIS or 16 hockey players in TIS - I don't know but I doubt it VERY MUCH!
Didn't believe it but now I do. I was doubting that Olympia would go ahead with their ground development as a lot of clubs come out and say that this will happen but never does.
Kudos to Olympia for taking a huge step for the sport down South.
A ground made specifically for football and football alone.
Well done and I hope it serves you well for the seasons to come.
We are trying to develop kids at the wrong age at the moment. We need to better coach the younger kids now,than in 4 to 5 years time there skill level will be at the same level as other states.We are trying to develop kids that have missed quality junior coaching.Dean may need to coach under 12 and bring them through each year.not start at 14 and 15.
What is important is the development of our kids.. Is the TIS doing that YES.. what do we compare too? we have nothing to compare !! except what Kenny charges!! but from some body who in the old days had to read a book by Craig Johnston to get ideas on how to make it and what extra training can achieve we are now offering something,, I have seen, been there and hope that these kids at least some of them make it at a higher level.. For those so negative argue the $$$$ spent getting Hawthorn to play so we can watch... at least what is being spent by these programs is going to OUR kids.....
That's the problem the players are not developing their individual skill level.Dean is only making a team that plays well.Why play players in training games that are not even going to the Ntc challenge.Winning is not everything it's the only thing with Dean.
Your kid???
I believe that Dean only trains his players to play one position.Now thats development.lets hope your kids position is the one that the A league teams are looking for.
If you look closely at the way the NTC play, you will note that there is a definite system to the way they play. Better than any senior SPL side.Next time you watch them play, take note of how players do actually play different positions.They will go from left to right or vice versa.Defence to midfield or vice versa and midfield to fromt etc.Also I have noted that an instruction my be given for a player to move into the number 8 or 6 position or whatever position.These players know exactly what movement,runs holding etc that is expected of the position they have been asked to play. Some are better at it than others obviously , but all know how to play most positions. Some players have a better first touch than others, some can turn with the ball better than others etc.But most of their players know exactly what is expected form each position. Obviously a player like Will Abbott will have to play as a CB because that is his strength. If the aim is to be noticed by an A League club , then Will playing as a wid midfielder will not help hihis cause.
People really have no idea on development of juniors here do they? absolutely clueless! Once again I will state that anyone who does not think TIS/NTC is good for a players development under Dean May does not know Football whatsoever.
I believe that Dean only trains his players to play one position.Now thats development.lets hope your kids position is the one that the A league teams are looking for.
December 9, 2010 7:33 AM
Clubs tend to sign players for specific positions...ie, they don't sign a striker in hopes that he may be able to hold down the position of goalkeeper too. Der.
Obviously NTC parents are commenting at the moment. I thought Dean May told you all not to blog "or else"!!
1 TIS - 0 NNSW first win for the boys
Corey Smith, can you please start putting your name to these Anon comments. We know its you, now own up.....
the Dean May supporters need to get their stories straight. Firstly how can TIS players be sold as being flexible when SPL Clubs have been told they must play Jez as a wide right and Will as a centre back??? Secondly just because we tax players (as opposed to parents of athletes in the TIS) are not happy with four hosptial beds being swapped for a program that is developing 32 youngsters on the pretext that they are all of National potential standard does not equate to us stating that the program is of no value to development of players.
If FFT spent the money on what Olympia is spending its money on we would have some terrific facilities in the State. Good to see TIS get a win - at last.
Well done TIS on your first win, I did hear that N.NSW were all 12 year olds and passed the ball really well.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Corey Smith, can you please start putting your name to these Anon comments. We know its you, now own up.....
December 9, 2010 4:29 PM
Once again wrong, I think the TIS program is very good and is vital to developing players in Tasmania. I am also a big supporter of Dean May as a coach and football brain. Why would I write negative things under anonymous when I can write quiet well under my name. Thanks again for your wisdom, I am guessing your the same person who guesses I comment when I don't usually?
Corey, a wise man once told me....
"Never miss a good opportunity to shut up"
You do great things for the game mate but answering rubbish like that wreaks of immaturity.
Dont reply to any of it, respect for you will grow.
Your Pal.
Well done Corey on having the balls to put your name to your comments and maybe if more did than their comments would carry more weight and show more maturity on their part than commenting as anonymous
Corey you may be a big supporter of Deans program,but he is not of yours,no Tis players are permitted to play futsal if they are in his program.Fact.
I can't believe that these bloggers are bagging the NTC program. After all they are only kids, don't forget this as they seemed to be judged as adults when they are cleary not.
The skills need to be taught at an early age but unfortunately there are a lack of coaches for Juniors to teach the required skill.
That's an FFA decision not a Dean May decision, same as if an AIS player wanted to play in another competition on the mainland.
anon 6pm, i am very confident in my programs and would like it if everyone followed but this will never be the case. If somebody doesn't support my program than that is no reason I can't support theirs. I will support anything I think helps develop players, as long as they are not restricted from learning elsewhere. I believe that there are many other people within Tasmanian Football restricting kids, Dean May is not one of those in my current opinion.
Despite being severely hampered by excessive wind and rain the Olympia ground is progressing and is on track for completion before Christmas. Will be great to Josh Fielding displaying his skills on the new surface at home games.
It's a fair call not to allow athletes to play futsal when they are in a program. This doesn't mean Mr May doesn't support Viking. I imagine the reason is to do with fitness of players who are part of a professional fitness program and do not want to be injured or overworked playing futsal.
Walter, full respect for this being your site. However, I think you should either allow or disallow comments and not edit them.
I Can't wait for the new season to start, so many player movement rumours, which will be good because hopefully more of the games will be competitive if the quality players mentioned are moving clubs.
I'm also hoping that there will be a new rivalry, the Eastern Shore rivalry between Clarence United and Olympia. It will be a really good spectacle if the opening match is a friday night match between olympic and clarence at Olympics new home ground. they could play off the for the eastern shore cup or something, would mean that there would be a bit of feeling in the match, something to play for and hopefully a round to always look forward to!
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