Photo: Jeremy Walker has signed with VPL club Oakleigh Cannons [PlessPix]
Ulverstone youngster Jeremy Walker has been signed by Victorian Premier League club Oakleigh Cannons.
Another Tasmanian, Billy Gasparinatos, also plays for Oakleigh.
Former South Hobart and University goalkeeper Neil Young had a brief stint at the club some seasons ago after he moved to Victoria to study.
Walker, a scholarship holder with the Tasmanian Institute of Sport/National Training Centre, had been expected to play with Kingborough Lions United in the Southern Tasmanian Premier League this year.
But, he recently attended a trial for Melbourne Heart’s youth team and this led to him being signed by Oakleigh.
Heart will enter the A-League Youth competition for the first time in June for the 2011-12 season and, depending on the outcome of his trial, Walker may be part of their set-up.
In the meantime, he will play with Oakleigh Cannons and await the outcome of his trial.
He is back in Tasmania now but returns to Melbourne next week.
Last month, Walker spent two weeks with the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra and, after that, Oakleigh coach Arthur Papas agreed to sign the youngster for his club.
Walker was a standout player at the 2008 Under-15 Nationals and won a scholarship with the Tasmanian Institute of Sport.
In 2009, he was voted top player in the Southern Tasmanian Premier Under-19s competition and was named in the top 16 players at the National Training Centre Challenge.
Last year, Walker was selected in the Top 15 of Foxtel’s Football Superstar program and spent three weeks training in Brisbane with the Brisbane Roar. Injury forced him to leave the program.
His ultimate ambition is to earn an A-League contract.
kingborough lol
Firstly congrats to young walker a lovely kid hope he fulfills his dreams, Secondly sorry to Kingbourgh went through all the Dean May shite and now you have one? (well will you have him??)
No doubt Dean May will claim total credit for this. Its the only pathway blah blah! I believe Billy Gasprinatos got picked up by Oakleigh when South Hobart played them a few years ago in Melbourne. Billy played well and was offered a contract. Different pathways same end result. Well done Jeremy Walker for getting your contract.
Its pretty funny that after all the controversy over which club Walker and Abbott were going to join it now all looks like being for nothing as I hear Abbott is also likely to play interstate.
Surely Kingborough must be a good relegation chance again.
1 down, 1 to go.
A great role model for young players on the North West Coast! A former Ulverstone junior player... That doesn't seem to be mentioned too much when talking about this young talent... There are more players like him up here but the whole "you have to move to Hobart" puts most off. Shame.
Nick Owen
Well done Walker. A great player with a will to achieve. All the best!
Walter, hearing rumours that the youngest Huigy, Luke, is either moving to Glenorchy Knights to join his brother, Jacob, or is signing for South Hobart...
Watch this space.
Huigsloot is staying at clarence. Also I hear Trent Cornish is back and training with them, he played with beachside last year, but is now back with Clarence and should be their PL keeper. he is an under-rated keeper, and will be a massive gain if Browny plays him, which he should. he won clarence the 19s state title two years ago with a flawless performance.
Off Topic but...
Summer Cup Mens Premier
Two groups of 4 and Two groups of 3.
For the two groups of three, each team having a bye in their group plays the other team having a bye.
Great idea to ensure all teams have 3 matches each.
However the results of these matches count - so that a team may win against both teams in their group but not finish top because they lose to a team from the other group.
Certainly different!
Noone at kingborough will hold any grudge or bad feeling against Dean May, Jeremy or anyone for that matter. nor at Will if he goes intrastate. from the training session(s) that he went to he was all class. CONGRATS.
on another note the surface at the den is looking fantastic again this year!!
Jeremy Walker has certainly made sacrafices to get this far. There are far better players of similar age such as Brayden Mann and Sam Hughes who were not prepared to make the same sacrafices and who will not likely achieve the same level of success.
Very nice, thanks for the information.
"Walker left his family and relocated to Hobart having been identified by Dean May whilst playing for the State Under 15 at Nationals in 2008" from FFT website
In fact, despite Jeremy being in the 2008 State team for 9 months prior and often not receiving a starting 11 spot, Dean May did not even know his name when he was asked by an AIS rep scouting at NYC in Coffs Harbour during a game. May reacted by offering Walker a scholarship immediately after the game and then directed the State coach to give Walker more game time.
Jeremy, you deserve everything you achieve due to your undying commitment. You remind me of how Tim cahill describes his early years.
lol Tim Cahill?
He wouldn't last 1 tackle in VP seniors.
Yes well done to the lad but to say Jeremy was a standout player at the 2008 nationals is just nonsense.
That claim is pure hype by those that have a vested interest in desperately trying to justify the money spent on the TIS program which has yet to produce anyone capable of being a professional player.
Please don't even say Cahill and walkers name in the same sentence!
Anon Jan 28 5.20
'There are far better players of similar age such as Brayden Mann and Sam Hughes who were not prepared to make the same sacrafices and who will not likely achieve the same level of success.'
I'm pretty sure Jez was 15 when he moved to Hobart which means he wasn't totally in control of the decision to move. It would have taken a massive decision on his parents behalf to support this move both financially and mentally. A lot of things would have needed to fall into place for it to work.
I don't know the circumstances of Brayden nor Sam but you're assuming a lot to say that they weren't prepared to make the sacrifice.
I Don't know Sam but I know Brayden. He intends to move to Melbourne next year and give it his best shot to make a Vic Prem team. Who knows what might happen from there.
I certainly wouldn't right him off just yet, especially after his new coach irons out the kinks in his game :)
Also, if it is true that Brayden and Sam were/are far better players than Jez, then what can FFT do to assist or make it easier for them to succeed?
Surely they can do more than just say 'move to hobart'
Nick Owen
Massive fan of the boys getting over to melb its the best way forward. VPL will be a great learning curve and especially Arthur Papas. Oakleigh are a good club with a great mix of talent and experience.
Its taken its time but the ambitious are starting to follow in the steps or Megan Archer (spelling) Matt sanders.
Congratulations Jeremy Walker, It really doesn't matter where he was in 2008, as people develop at different rates.
A big sacrifice for Jeremy and his parents & don't forget the LUTTMER family who also relocated and took in Jeremy and young Sammy Hamilton as part of their family for the past 2+ years.
Hope to see more young Tassie talent heading North of the border soon.
Gee Nick don't tell me they have brain washed you into thinking your a NW boy. Look forward to catching up in the Steve Hudson Cup
Chris Hey
Nick, I agree with most of what you say but there is no doubt that Jeremy's tenacity and commitment have been the major factors in his success, including the tremendous support of his parents and the Luttmers. I suggest that making this move whilst still at High School is far more difficult than at College age.
It matters if you're trying to make a point ;0)
I wonder what sort of people it takes to put down a kid trying his best to make his way in this world playing the game he loves enough to devote the major part of his life. Does it make that person feel better about themselves and their own success/failure??
You'd think we'd be standing up applauding the kid because he has taken a further step, but no, some seem to gain some sort of perverted pleasure in tearing him apart even if it's only to denegrate his past performances or someones opinion of the kid as a player.
Jeremy I wish you well, as I am sure the vast majority of reasonale and fair minded people do. I hope this is just the first step on your rise to achieve your own personal goals. Well done lad.
Brad Hughes
walter, why is everyone saying that players are following matt sanders footsteps when he actually followed those of ben harbinson who had followed those of lance plunkett?
I believe Matthew Sanders made a great sacrifice to leave his family and move to Melbourne with his Uncle Michael Morley and try his luck at the VPL.
Walker may just succeed like Matthew.
One rule for one, and one for another in Tasmania. Is walker a "can't touch him" player?
Well done Jeremy a good move and good luck with the Melbourne Heart prospects.
Agree Melbourne would be a good move for Brayden Mann also who would walk into VPL.
Let's remebre though that VPL is only a state league and this is purely a stepping stone to further things if they are capable.
seriously theres some jelous people out there bagging all our tasmanians who are playing at a higher level, gives these boys the.credit they deserve
Firstly well done to Walker and his support network.. Who cares who followed who, before me there was longo and Reynolds and before them etc etc etc... each case is different and has its own battles, failures and success.. Walkers battle is about to start when he sees the competetion and is further away from home and support,, as a soccer community we should be supporting any player(and family) who devotes themselves to the game we love whether they are TIS, Nth, Sth, West, blue, black or green.. whether they are identified like Walker/Reynolds/Longo at a young age or took the risk and left under their own steem like others to give it a shot...
I can think of a lot of really talented tassie boys that never left the state and can only say "what could have been" the handful(a big handful!!) of guys that have had the courage to try and fulfill a dream over the last 20 years would all say the same... Head down bum up J Walker work as hard as you can and expect things to get harder but also be more rewarding then ever.. Believe in yourself and never give up and lets hope we as a soccer community in the whole of tassie see you in the big time...
Good Luck Brett Pullen
Let's remebre though that VPL is only a state league and this is purely a stepping stone to further things if they are capable.
Only a state league it may be but if you saw Sth Melb Hellas dismantle Sth Hobart recently, you'd realise that it's genuine quality.
Well said Brett , sums it up nicely .
that may be the case but get serious, we all know vpl is better than the tassie league, hat league in the world is not!!
my point is that it would not be hard to play in the vpl and several players in tasmania will do this.
sth melbourne is a bad example as they are going to be title contenders in the vpl along with green gully, a better indication is melbourne knights where they were not very good at all.
I guess I didn't make it totally clear in my last post as I was sticking up for Brayden a bit and not focussing on how much of a credit Jez Walker is to himself, his family and those who have helped with his football. If you don't know Jez then Hardworking and humble pretty much sums him up.
A good kid with a great opportunity.
If you want to see him off he'll be supporting his beloved Ulvie tomorrow!
Nick Owen
p.s. to Chris Hey
I have been waiting 21 years to take you on and finally I get my chance. No doubt you'll fill up on toasties from Perth on your way up like you used to all those years ago! should be fun :)
Nick, and you, I & Steve were filling up on jam doughnuts, fuel for champs.
Walker is the man.
you are right there. Jeremy is the man. He deserves every thing he gets good luck the him. <3
you are right, walker is the man. he deserves everything that comes his way. although he does lack in the physique part, he is a scroney little boy.
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