Photos: Action from today's friendly between Metro (blue) and Beachside (green) [PlessPix]
Beachside beat Metro 3-1 at North Chigwell this afternoon in a pre-season friendly.
Colin Wain, Ben Crosswell and Kurt De Jong were the scorers for Beachside, while Jason Dawes pulled a goal back for Metro with a late penalty.
Jayden Wiggins played for Metro, who had Nathan Grandin, the former Hobart United keeper, in goal.
Michael Sosynski was in goal for Beachside, who were missing Brett Pullen.
"I was happy with our game as we had a lot of young guys out there," said Metro coach, Matthew Rhodes.
"It was our first hit-out for the year and there were a lot of positives to come out of it."
Nelson president Bill Hanley was the referee.
As predicted in the comments section of this blog some weeks ago, the merger between Christian United and Kingston Cannons has gone ahead and the new club will blandly be called Southern FC.
Kingston Cannons arose out of the former Rapid and it is a sad day to see the club's demise as it was once a powerhouse of the Tasmanian game.
When clubs merge, one usually becomes dominant and the other party gradually disappears.
The reduction in the number of clubs is a bad sign for the game in this State.
Foor my views on the Christian / Rapid Mmerger see an earlier blog
No Scots, no metro? Or just outclassed?
Outclassed. Too many youth's not enough brains or ability.
metro concern wasn't to win today. it was more about seeing how some of the younger players would do against some quality opposition.
And it seems they gave some work to do. Expect the McKinnon cheque book to come out?
is it Clarence's or Taroona's turn to have Crosswell play for them in today's practice game???
Couple of things if you a going to get on is blog and write things about my players and there brains and ability have the guts to put you name next to it and dont hide .Secondly we played our u/19 and young reserve players who perfomer very well against a side that has already played 4 to 5 practice matches .There would be a lot of sides in div one who would love to have the young players we have at our club and numbers.We can all say something when we hide our names but there usaually the people that we reserve and social players and never made the grade.Dont care what people say about me heard it all before but my players being question on there ability and brains is personally and out of line .And beachside had a classy group of players out there with a years of time in the game and ben crosswell one of the best players in the state would of thought the boys can hold there head up pretty high .
and we haven't even got to the summer cup yet
i'd relax a bit matty plenty of more where that came from
beachside to be out of puff by season's start :)
Questions over metro's mental toughness already? Cop a bit of stick and the coach goes on the rampage!
Get used to it Mat, it's going to happen all year. I know when I play against your boys this year I will be in their ear searching for a mental edge. Coming out and crying like you have shows a weakness.
as long as you can back it up flange
anyone know who the metro player is in the second photo?
beachside very comfortably, still with Pullen to come in with a few others who were also unavailable.
who else is coming in at metro Matty?
good pics Walter. Wouldn't happen to have anymore
corey smith to come for metro
Any news on todays practise game results ?
Zebra,s 7-1 over united.only noticed only five senior starters from last years team.looked like last years res and 19s mix.Voss sharing with kaden
Anonymous 4.27, I do have more photos from this game,
guys lay off metro its pre season results mean nothing, metro will be ok with jaydyn wiggins,corey smith and daniel white all aparently signing with the club, beachside would beat every premier leauge club at full strength with the side they will have by the season start so lets look at it from that angle
screw that we don't need Corey Smith at Metro. Rhode's does'nt want him any way, he's said it numerous times. Told him to not even both when he rekoned he was going to bring his boots and play in the practise match against Beachside
metro need all the players they can get
I'm not sure why any club would want smith, let alone pay for him. For someone who has done so much for futsal, he really is a blight on the outdoor version with some of his antics.
they should just worry about the lack of players to win some games in Div 1.
attitude adjustment and smith might have a slight chance of fiting in at a club like metro.
no they dont need people like corey smith - to be fair to them, their group has a good spirit, and although out classed they actually played some good football.
daniel white and corey smith have already signed for glenorchy knights.
great to see a new open season on corey smith start again.pity that some people of fine character see fit to use this blog for some personal attacks while bravely hiding behind being anonymus.if you were on fire i would save my urine
Rhodes would not want smith as he knows that he would probably take his coaching job. Metro are not stupid and know that if Smith was to sign they would gain a lot more signings with him such as the Daniel White's and Jackson Marsh's of the world along with a plethora of Futsal kids.
Lets not forget the Brazilian's he would bring and his newly appointed role at Northern Suburbs and access that would gain for a club like Metro.
Other than all of that he is not too bad a player. Played a game for Launceston City and apparently got a lot of the ball if my sources are correct?
Jerrie, I'm not sure you would have time to urinate on people anyway? Surely writing your long, dull and boring posts on here take up a majority of your time?
I dont think anyone has the right to bad mouth a person they only know by reputation.
Plus for all those involved at Metro, Corey has been approached by your coaching staff. You might want to take that up with them.
jerry - a little high and mighty of you!
Northern - Hi Corey
Flange - LMAO
nothern or should i say corey .firstly it about time you delirved on some of the stuff u say you can do .Secondly have you sat down and talk to rhodes i doubt yet you say you could take hes job .I watch matthew rhodes play most of hes playing life he was a great keeper and person .So hate do to dissapointed you but when he was playing you woundnt have got a game corey so its about time you delirved on and of the field mate .Rhodesy well done on the way you went into bat for your young blokes on weekend its good to see a coach standby his chargers.Says a lot about you as a person and coach no doubt after all this crap we will still see you in a knights strip again best stay in your comfort zone.
Corey would be welcome at metro any day as long as he put in the effort to train and commit himself to the team, which he is capable of doing with the right support around him. any player who says he cant play has obviously not seen him. as for the metro player who said he is not welcome there, I really cant see you being part of the committee and being able to make those decisions.
shut up everyone. who cares
The guy in the second photo is a scotsmen by the name of paul docherty and as you can see by his shorts he used to play for glasgow celtic. He is also a pro bodyboarder. Legend has it he beat up a white pointer with an emptey beer bottle. He is some guy
Seriously there are some strange people about!!! YES, I have had an offer from Metro and YES I have had an offer from several other clubs!!!
How many times will there be rubbish on here though and made into a full on discussion?? for example anon 5.14 what drugs are you on?? stay in my comfort zone at knights?? how is div 1 out of the comfort zone??
practise game tuesday next week walter, knights 19's v zebras 19's and zebras v knights seniors!! there is a story you can write about that is relevant!!
So not denying you were the alias 'Northern' Corey?
didn't Gordon Ramsey play for Rangers once too - haha
@ anon 8.45
no i am not northern, although he does have a couple of fair points! unfortunately no access to any brazilian players this season anyway though or i would have already had one out here!
if i wanted to do that i could be like yourself and come on here as 'anonymous'!
walter, i noticed that you wrote about the dinamo clinics but we heard nothing about the chelsea clinics last week? the coaches at the chelsea clinic were more highly qualified coaches?
corey best thing you can do is keep a lit on it you are just getting yourself in deeper let it go everyone nows you will not leave the knights.You are just playing a game worry for you is clubs will not bother with you anymore because you just play them along your 27 maybe the last time you are worth something and you go and shoot yourself in the foot lets hope for your sake its not to late.Lets hope you wake up to yourself and play some good soocer self praise is not the way its whats on the field that speak volume on your ability .
What you will find corey is that the chelsea coaches dont actually work for chelsea fc, they are affiliated with the club.
They bank on the fac tthat people will send their kids along because of the 'chelsea' tag, which will never eventuate into anything other than $$$ in their pockets.
The Dynamo coaches are actual coaching staff at Dynamo.
i think corey is going to play first half with knights and then change to zebras at halftime
i think corey would know they are not chelsea fc coaches but my kids attended the clinic and the coaches were uefa a license holders who had previously worked in the professional game and now run their own business called football coaching international. they will be bringing actual chelsea coaches out to australia in the future. there were no promises made.
the dynamo coaches i find it hard to believe would be true coaches at the club as the club is in mid season over there?
you were very knowledgable until your last comment there Anon, as youmwill find the croatian league is currently in their winter break...
They were genuine articles, whereas the chelsea boys were mercinaries, that provided a decent product.
There is too much Estrogen in this room...
For all you Metro players wondering what that big word is, here is a link.
what is with all of these comments on corey and metro, the guy has trained at knights in pre-season and has never said anything about leaving, as far as loyalty goes i think he has shown very good loyalty to the kids he coaches and the club if he stays at knights after being offered the cash that is said to be on offer
I blame Beachside for all of this. Anytime they are featured in an article on here the blog just turns to anarchy. Go Beach.
Metro would not offer Corey anything, he's just blowing his own trumpet again............must make him feel more wanted at Knights .....lol
metro sholud try get Ricky Orr back as soon as
metro sholud try get Ricky Orr back as soon as
anon 11.02 i think you will find you are wrong on that comment
Why would Ricky Orr come back to play for a div1 team that won't win anything when he can play at a better level with a team that could win stuff?
Re chelsea clinic these guy dont run there own business they work for organisation called coaching international promoting various clubs style of training, eg chelsea way,Man u way ,Milan way etc.After seeing numerous clinics over past 3 years some Tas coaches and i state SOME are doing exactly the same.Come on FFT and clubs bring us something worth while to put our money towards and really teach our kids.By the way how much did knights lose on Dynamo clinic must have been $$$.adds are not cheap.
metro need rick orr and sam sweeney bak, to stand a chance of going up played against them both last year, top blokes and top players but ad reckon they d need a few other players around them as metro have too many kids at the 1 time!
anon 12.31
Sam Saif who was one of the coaches that came down is a partner of the business Football Coaching International and they have official ties with Chelsea. Chelsea Football Club also send coaches out to Australia to run camps in the English off season through this organisation. They will be sending coaches to Tasmania in September.
The coaches here last week were accredited Uefa A license holders, Sam worked with Sheffield Utd youth academies for years and Darren Davies was a former apprentice at Tottenham Hotspur. They are very well qualified.
In september we will have actually Chelsea Academy coaches down.
How do I know this? Because all was organised through Vikings Futsal Association.
Hope this clears your comment?
Any more info on clinics and what Futsal is offering in the state that others are not than please email corey@vikingsfutsal.com
Apparently Jono Ladic, now back in hobart will be joing corey and danny white at metro for $350 per game? Any truth?
I wouldnt pay him he's past it this lad
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