Thursday, July 25, 2024

Coach Franco Previdi comments on the performance of the Tasmanian Under-15s at the national championships

Photo:  Franco Previdi (left) and Greg Downes.

 “The U15s first game commenced with a 4-1 loss to Victoria White.  The players performed well considering the pace of the opposition.  Game was very fast and physical which our players are not use to, however, we were beaten by a very strong, and technically good opponent.  It took us too long to adapt to this style of play because we are not used to this style of football.

"Second game was against NSW Metro Sky.  The game was played at Win Stadium in Wollongong, a high-class stadium.  This game was also fast and physical but our players adapted quite quickly and fought hard against a strong and technically better opponent.  We managed a draw which was equivalent to a win for us.

"Third game, versus QLD Silver was also a draw.  Fought hard, scored first, had many chances and conceded late in the game after missing a few chances.  Overall, we matched the opponent and played well. 

"Fourth game, versus WA.  Lost 3-0, however, WA had 9 players who play with Perth Glory Soccer Academy.  The score did not reflect the quality of our team’s performance.  A few mistakes cost us the game but overall, I was very happy with our team’s performance.

"Fifth game, versus NT.  The game was played in very windy conditions.  We defeated the NT 4-0. I was very happy with the team’s performance. 

"Sixth and final game versus NSW Country.  This was an outstanding team performance beating the opponent 2-0 and could have been more but for missed chances and the opposition’s excellent goal keeping.  This game showed how the team jelled together and implemented the game plan, and improvement was evident from the first game to this last game.

"Overall, 2 losses, 2 draws and 2 wins was an excellent outcome against very strong opposition and I was very proud of the boys.  Their sportsmanship and maturity on and off the pitch was outstanding.

"This outstanding result was due in most part to Football Tasmania’s (TSP) run by David Smith, Allen Eadie, Alex Aylott and myself.  GK Coach, Frank Maella, Sports Trainer, Greg Downs and Manager, Rick Oats. 

"I take this opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work and commitment ensuring a very successful programme and a huge congratulations to each and every player.  Well done! You represented your state with an outstanding performance.

"Thank you also to the parents for your support shown to the coaching staff and to your boys.  Your time and dedication in seeing your boys succeed was commendable."


  1. That is a great result for a Tassie youth team on the mainland! Well done

  2. Not sure why FT haven’t published or a media release on a very good result
