Photos (Top to Bottom): Jayden Wiggins has been appointed assistant coach at Metro; Vikings Futsal spokesman Corey Smith [PlessPix]
Metro have appointed Jayden Wiggins as their assistant coach to senior coach Matthew Rhodes.
Metro will commence pre-season training on Monday, 15 November, at 6.30pm at North Chigwell.
Training will then continue very Monday and Wednesday.
The 2010 Tasmanian Vikings State Futsal Championships will be held on Saturday, 20 November.
It will feature teams from interstate and all parts of Tasmania.
Categories and age groups will be 7/8-year-olds, 9/10-year-olds, 11s, 12s, 13s, 14s, 15/16-year-olds, primary school girls, youth girls, open men’s and women’s, over-30s men, and mixed social.
“I have made it an open invite and I have also invited FFT to enter teams if they so wish to ensure that all players get the opportunity,” said Corey Smith, the State Co-ordinator, Futsal Tasmania, Vikings Futsal Association.
“We have two interstate teams confirmed also for this event.”
Great idea by Vikings, FFT sides should see how a real competition is run.
I notice that FFT are calling for expressions of interest for the FFA Nationals... What a joke, no trials or anything.
Who is the mickey mouse outfit now?
What do the staff do in there at this time of year????
aron 12.06 your a legend corey in your own lunch box.
Thanks Walter for putting this on the site, Entries close on Monday for any junior teams that are wishing to enter. It is open entry.
Also congrats lazer beak on your appointment...
anon 8.55am although I find the first post humorous, I have actually tried to work with FFT with this tournament to gain maximum exposure. The ball is in their court so to speak but early discussions with John Boulous have actually been very pleasant and helpful.
Can we get rid of the finger pointing posts walter if they are not correct? It's actually lergely degrading when people state it is you when it is clearly not. Can we try and not turn this post in to a slagging match and focus on the fact it is an event that will help development of players.
I find it amazing that we bag out a guy that provides aservice to our youth that no other in Tasmania can match.
Why is this?
Corey is easily one of the best youth development people in the state.
Thats what makes him easier to deal with then the competition.
I think with jason dawes onboard it maybe the end for corey smith at the knights .And maybe hes senior playing days will be over because i doubt he would be wanted anywere else i hope for coreys sake i am wrong.
anon 3.05pm is that the dumbest comment ever on a blog? corey smith can play any position on the pitch and is one of the better technical players in the league? some people are stupid
Lol 3.05pm, your funny (sanders)
lets hope the refs are better then what they were last night was terrible and if vikings is ran so well why did a team forfeit super league last night.
Spot at metro for Corey
Jason Dawes will come through the reserves, surely. He has not proven himself at Premier Reserve level let alone at Premier League level. If Corey's at Knights, he'll be starting.
FFT provide a commercial alternative to Viking. Why would it want to support that?
because it is the governing body and it should do what is best for development and not what is best for their pockets
why is everybody starting so early .
Surely not taking a leaf from K M'S Book
is it true that corey is moving north-west for futsal?
Sorry to say Brian but I don't think anyone really stops. From Futsal to indoor soccer and cricket no on really stops!!
Plus maybe south shoulf have started early themselves, early in poaching players again like evey season. After all they will have to after they are losing a lot of players!!
I find these posts a bit funny. We have Cory asking Walter to remove blogs from Anom that are not relevant to the story's. But the anom comments regarding cory as the best thing since slice bread, and that he can play in any position of a playing field are actually Anom comments from him. get over yourself cory.
moron at 10.06pm, your wrong again, and spell my name right! I'm getting pissed off with people stating comments are mine that are not!
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