Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday night results

Forestry Tasmania Southern Premier League

University 0-2 South Hobart (Upton 38, Beecroft 72)
Kingborough Lions United 2 (Marchioli 25, 77) lt New Town Eagles 5 (McKeown 20, Collins 30, Kent 68, Leszczynski 81, Kerr 88 og)


Tilford Zebras P18 Pts 38 GD +33
South Hobart P17 Pts 38 GD +31
Glenorchy Knights P17 Pts 32 GD +7
Hobart Olympic P18 Pts 21 GD -19
Kingborough P17 Pts 20 GD -5
New Town Eagles P18 Pts 18 GD -8
Clarence United P16 Pts 18 GD -10
University P17 Pts 11 GD -29


Richard Bladel said...

Congrats to Eagles for their win tonight, they went out obviously fired up, passionate and were encouraged to attack Kingborough and it paid off.

Captain said...

rivetting comment as usual Richard!

James Wilkinson said...

Almost as riveting as talking about the clarence reserve team wouldn't you say reds?

Marty Nidorfer said...

I wasnt there, but crucial was the win for Eagles. Am very proud of the effort by our lads and staff. Thanks Frosty for the updates. I look forward to supporting us this weekend.

Dick Adams said...

Diego, very well said

Ril said...

Thanks for posting the results tonight Walter. Good to see as per usual that not one person involved in any of the 4 teams playing tonight, or either of the refs, could find a spare minute to enter the results on the FFT Electronic System themselves tonight...

Also Diego & SJ, whilst I haven't seen the Clarence Reserves this year, the majority of Premier Reserves teams/games are of a much higher standard than Div 1. So personally, the more comments about Premier Reserves compared to Div 1 the better in my opinion!

Marty Nidorfer said...

Ril, obvious Div 1teams that are competitive and better speak for themselves. Look at the ladder and you will see them. Reserves are reserves, juniors are juniors, they wont receive exposure like Div 1 does, regardless of quality.
This has been the case for as long as I know.
Read the paper and tell me of any sports "reserves" match reports. It makes for more interest in the whole scene if more clubs get some sort of exposure, regardless of the cattle on the park.
This is not having a go, just my opinion.

jerrie kruijver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

amen Diego.

Ril, find another bandwagon and stop boring us to death! Sick of hearing about your little Electronic System and how it causes you great pain when it isn't used as you would like.

People have lives - they have to get home, warm down, have a beer, etc etc. Me, I'm grateful to Walter for his blog because it's the best way of finding out information - as he is dedicated to going to the game so that we can see the results when he gets home!

Not good enough for you? Go to FFT and see what they say to you!

In the know said...

That 4th spot is still wide open although you would probably have to have Clarence as favorites with the games in hand. Olympic GD makes it tough for them.

Looks like everybody will get their wish for Uni to go down to Div 1. Not sure I can see them coming back either.

Ril said...

I agree with what you're saying about the exposure Marty, well said. Re-reading my post, I didn't put it well, but basically was disappointed to see 'Reds' bagged out for mentioning a Reserves game in a comment of a blog that actually mentions Reserves scores. I don't know him or his team, but thought there was no crime mentioning a Reserves score he was happy about. I'll leave him to fight for himself though, but just thought that hearing more comments about Reserves isn't such a bad thing is it? In my opinion, it's much better than hearing about a certain player that seems to come up in more than half of the topics!

Fred, I think I've mentioned it no more than 2-3 times in 4mths on this site, so if that's too much for you to handle, I apologise.. I too come here knowing it's the most reliable way to get results fast. I'm just saying the clubs etc. are often the first to bag out FFT about how they run/promote the game (and fair enough in most cases), but a 1min task is apparently too much to ask of for even 1/3 of the 6 parties that had the option to do their small part to help out last night. Instead we do have to rely on Walter all the time, which it shouldn't have to be.. I'm sure he has a life also!

the Den said...

Fair enough if someone wants to come on here and talk about the reserves league. Not everyones going to be excited to read about how the clarence reserves played, but it is, after all, a blog on Tasmanian football! You can't then turn around and have a crack at someone for posting a "rivetting comment" on a game that has more interest than nearly all reserve league games.

As for 4th place, i'd say it'll be between clarence and kingborough. Both teams have a similar run home and also play each other twice (in 2 days) in a couple of weeks time! Could make things interesting!

Ril said...


Back onto the Premier League, and I have to say it's a pity that this season has been so rain-interrupted, as it's certainly had it's fair amount of excitement in the ladder. With a number of teams going from title contenders, to relegation threats, to final 4 potential (in any order depending on the team). It's been one of the better years in recent memory in terms of competitiveness. Hopefully the teams that are left to play a number of games in short time to catch up aren't handicapped, and continue to make the season interesting!

Anonymous said...

white eagle with stoddart, young leycinskis and pitt were unstoppable in the 80/90s. i suppose every dog has it's day. that dog being souths good luck to southies. calies becoming defunct is a crying shame and the muppets who decided to team up with kingborough want shot. wtf did calies have to do with kingborough, horrible club

jerrie kruijver said...

is there asnyone who can interpret the tongues of madmcglone????????????

Anonymous said...

Asnyone? is that esperanto

Anonymous said...

sorry Jerry, I'll put it another way, White eagle were a formidable side in 80/90s . Now they appear to be easybeats.. Souths on the other hand were shite, now they are fairly dominant. Caledonians were a foundation club in Tasmania who amalgamated with Kingborough for whatever reasons. Caledonians don't exist anymore. I am fairly angry that the executive of caledonians allowed this to happen. I haven't been in touch with tassie football for a while apart from the occasional visit to the tas footy website. So I'm out of the loop. I suppose I was hoping for some healthy feedback from those in the know Anyway, I hope this post makes a little more sense than the first post

jerrie kruijver said...

ok madmcglone lol.personally i still think rapid was the best side ever and i have fond memories of playing juventus croatia and olympia.those games were passionate affairs.

Captain said...

reds stupid comment as usual; diego better speller :)

I think Prem Reserves is by far better competition than Div 1. Walter does great job and can write about anything he chooses to but its a pity the teams in this comp don't get the odd write up like they used to do.

I also think that Div 1 teams should prove they are better than Prem teams before being promoted. This could be either by play off or having Prem League aspirants playing in Prem Reserves comp and winning that.

This woould draw Metro, Taroona and a couple of other wannabes into that comp.

Would be better for Mets and Taroona to be playing more decent competition each week and would be interesting to see who would prevail.

Who cares said...

"having a crack" certainly generates some comment and the high comment count attracts more comment ...

more so anyway than Steve Johnson's "interesting and amazing fact" - not!

Walter said...

Captain, I agree that Premier Reserves is often a better competition than Division One. I used to cover Reserves in greater depth in The Mercury than I did Division One, but that all changed when promotion/relegation came into play. The Mercury felt, quite rightly, I feel, that promotion relegation made Division One a more important and interesting competition (not necessarily a better one) for its readers than any so-called reserve competition. Surely, any neutral observer would have to agree.

The reason I don't cover the reserves on the blog is that I never get any information from clubs about their reserves. It's hard enough getting information about senior teams, let alone reserves. I spend hours on the phone as it is getting information about senior sides.

On this point, Division One coaches are the best sources of information I have. I receive emails or phone calls each week with team news from 90 per cent of Division One coaches, which makes the work a breeze.

I'm lucky to hear from two or three of the Premier League coaches. And yet, it could be so easy with email. I'm just tired of making all those phone calls for so little result.

The reason I've virtually stopped doing Northern Premier League previews is that I no longer get information from the Northern clubs, or if I do, it's on a spasmodic basis, and even then, only from one or two clubs at the most. I used to ring them up each week or email them, but that 'carrot' didn't work in the end so the whole thing has fallen by the wayside.

Email is such a marvellous way of doing business in this field nowadays, but no-one seems to care, so I just do what I can. I do have another life!

Captain said...

Fair call.

Looking forward to your write up of the semi today Walter.

Dick Adams said...

so reds

you believe we start writing absolute pointless stuff on these comments just so many more people will look at them

Who cares said...

Sometimes yeah ... I thought that's what you were doing. Now I'm looking at you in a different light ...