Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Rex Fabian Trophy for the best Tasmanian referee and other jottings

Photos (Top to Bottom): Liam Monagle wins the 1983 Rothmans Gold Medal and is shown with previous winners (L-R) Danny Spendiff, Brian Davidson, Larry Nunn, John Kirkpatrick (inaugural winner in 1971) and Brian McKay; Juvenutus-Pioneeer, coached by Ken Morton, won the State Premiership in 1985; Juventus, coached by Peter Brine (third from right at back) in 1983; Top referee Brian Clarkson in action, with John Charlton (nearest camera, in red shirt); Juventus, the State reserve champion, at KGV, with president Ernie Schiro (back row, extreme right) and coach Ahmed Abdaltam; Juventus reserves prior to second-leg State premiership match at George Town; Juventus stars Bruce Pears and Sergio Pace; Caledonians' star Tommy Wright; The Caledonians side of the early 1980s (back row, L-R) Siggins, Goldsmith, Robins, Atkins, Schwaiger, Pillans, Martin, Banagan (front row, L-R) McKay, Wright, Murtagh, Di Venuto, Joseph, Parker

Kim Barker has won the ‘referee-of-the-year’ award for nine consecutive years.

Does this award have a name?

The best referee in Tasmania used to be presented with the Rex Fabian Trophy.

Does anyone know what happened to that trophy?

The winners from 1978 to 1985 were:

1978 Jack Johnston

1979 Jack Johnston

1980 Norm Johnson

1981 Keith Credland

1982 Duncan Fairley

1983 Alan Anderson

1984 Dave De Cani

1985 Brian Clarkson


Here are some Pepsi Youth League line-ups from 27 July 1985 (some over-age players were permitted).

Some of these players went on to make a name for themselves in senior football and even interstate and overseas.

Juventus: Maccallini, Brianese, Longo, Nicholls, Di Martino, Leon, Schiro, Fabrizio, Lanci, Bromfield, Mastracola, Stanford, Morton, Mangione

Caledonians: Greenwood, Law, Crowley, Barrell, Neale, Cayzer, Grainger, Hen, Burrows, Jefferies, Hart, Shepherd

Olympia: Kalimnios, Fiotakis, Vagianos, Nikitaris, Venetsanakis, C Tsiakis, Burrows, Tsangaris, Strates, Patiniotis, Paplos, Natsis, Karipidis, Hsiridis

White Eagles: T Steenhuis, Arnold, McKenzie, Garrigan, Rosinski, Ketchell, Witek, P Pless, Templeman, Lasczak, Crowther, Drinkwater, O’Hea

Here are the senior squads of the same weekend (28 July 1985):

Juventus: Craven, Pears, Perri, Cochrane, Whisson, De Felice, Clarkson, Fabrizio, Pace, Kannegiesser, Broadhouse, Nicholls, Morton

Caledonians: Di Venuto, Robins, Driessen, Martin, Wright, Joseph, Goldsmith, Brown, Murtagh, Schwaiger, Parker, Barrell, Grainger, Greenwood

White Eagles: Johnston, Krysica, Burton, Kerr, Forshaw, M Leszczynski, Young, Stoddart, R Leszczynski, A Leszczynski, Crowther, Morrison, P Pless

Olympia: Burden, Kaproulias, Hey, Vafakos, Padas, Gorniak, Paplos, Munro, Forster, Sherman, Xanthopoulos


The State Premiership second-leg match between Juventus-Pioneeer and George Town United was played at KGV Park on 11 October (note: October) 1985 and resulted in a 1-1 draw.

The squads were:

Juventus-Pioneer: Craven, Pears, Perri, Cochrane, Di Martino, De Felice, Clarkson, Fabrizio, Pace, Kannegiesser, Broadhouse, Leon, Whisson, Morton, Mastracola

George Town United: Carstens, Pennicott, Davidson, Monagle, Gimpl, Callaghan, Coogan, Sawdon, Scheibl, Hughes, G Farrell, M Farrell, Gaetani, Forsyth, Lewendon

The first leg in George Town ended in a goalless draw, so Juventus were the Tasmanian champions.

The Reserve State Premiership between Devonport City and Juventus was played in George Town on 29 September 1985 and the southerners won 3-0.

The squads were:

Devonport City: J Udovicic, N Batt, R Smith, N Palmer, D Cole, R Koch, C Buchanan, K Rigby, M Meldrum, L Smith, M Di Pietro, D Timms, J Alexiou

Juventus-Pioneeer: T Maccallini, Brianese, Mastracola, Longo, Leon, D Schiro, R Schiro, Lapolla, Lanci, Bromfield, S Maccallini, Ghedini, Stanford, Gasparin


jerrie kruijver said...

walter was that shane bromfield in the juventus team?

Brian Roberts said...

Talking of trophies.

the cup for the leading goal scorer is still at FFT.

The Dr Clemente Rose Bowl

MrOlymia said...

I Noticed that in the George Town line up there is a Pennicott. Is this any relative to the young Pennicott in the south hobart senior team now??


Yep MrOlympia its his dad Gary worked in George Town for a number of years as a teacher and played for George Town then.

Anonymous said...

Sergio pace looks like a mafia hitman ready to smoke a smug James Reyne from Australian Crawl