Wednesday, October 16, 2024

George Mamacas provides compelling arguments for the proposed merger between two of State's most historic clubs

Photo:  George Mamacas, the former Olympia president, is right behind the proposed merger. [PlessPix] 

The proposed merger between Southern Championship club Olympia Warriors and NPL Tasmania club Clarence Zebras has generated an enormous response.

Rather than speculate, I decided to go straight to the horse’s mouth.

George Mamacas, the former Olympia president, is one of the prime movers in the proposed merger and he provided me with his vews and compelling arguments in favour of the merger.

Here is my interview with George.

Walter Pless:  Who came up with the merger proposal?   Were there talks between the two clubs?

George Mamacas:  I had lunch with Nick DiGiovanni.  There was an understanding between both of us that our clubs were struggling and something needed to be done.  I offered to get the two clubs in the room for preliminary discussions.  Thus far, three meetings have been held.

WP:  What would the benefits for both clubs?

GM:  Clearly, the main benefit for Olympia FC would be being able to have their players and supporters back in the NPL and WSL.  This would bring a pathway back to the top level of football in Tasmania for both men and woman and give rise to the supporter base and status of the club as whole.

I can say the discussion of an Eastern Shore super club was had.  The combining of two of the biggest clubs in Tasmania over half a century can only be a good thing.  It is my view that both clubs would benefit immensely from this merger and shake things up a bit.  The resources of both clubs fed into one entity would become a force in a short period of time.  We would be able to amalgamate sponsors and have a lot more influence with the Clarence City Council.  Our club would dwarf every other club in the area, being Nelson and Southeast United.  The Youth would gravitate directly to us as we would make it clear that we are the ‘go-to’ club for football on the Eastern Shore.  There would be only one real choice, and an excellent one at that.  Both clubs in their current form have been struggling for success on the field at their respective top levels.  This will change.

WP:  Which ground would be the home venue for the proposed new club?

GM:  Wentworth Park would be the NPL and WSL venue.  Empire Courier Park would be used for training in the preseason and for games below the NPL and WSL levels.  

Both grounds will be utilised on any given weekend.

WP:  What would be the name of the new club?  Would something like ‘Olympia Warriors Clarence Zebras’ be too long-winded?

GM:  The name of the club is still up for discussion.  There are some definite possibilities, but I shall not reveal them as, should the merger take place, we are planning a big media exposure when the new club is launched.

Photo:  George Mamacas may be the president of the new merged club. [PlessPix] 

 WP:  You say we.  What will be your involvement?

GK:  I have been asked by both clubs to nominate as President.  This, for me, will be a huge honour and a responsibility I will not take lightly.  I enjoy club administration.  I enjoy winning.  Both clubs currently have fantastic, dedicated football people on their boards.  I will work with them and we will become one family, harnessing everybody’s strengths.  To ensure the survival of both clubs’ heritage and history will be paramount to success.  Making sure every man, woman and child at the club experiences football in the best possible way.  I personally want all players to reach the peak of their ability, whatever that is.  I would urge all budding footballers, no matter their age, to come to this exciting new club.

WP:  Before any proposed merger could occur, what has to happen?  For example, do the boards of both clubs have to vote on it?  Do members of both clubs get a vote?

GM:  I can only give certainty on the Olympia FC process, but I suspect the Clarence Zebras process will be much the same.  At Olympia FC there will be an AGM meeting held on the 27th of October at the home ground.  At this meeting, there will be a motion put forward.  A ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote will be cast by financial members only.  This merger will only go ahead should a ‘yes’ vote prevail.  I would urge those in attendance to vote for the ‘yes’.

WP:   Your name has always been synonymous with Olympia, a club founded by Greeks, and a club that is a mainstay of Tasmania's Greek community.  What would a merger with an Italian-founded and backed club mean to you and to the Greek community?  Surely, it would be a unique situation in Australian football?

GM:  There is no doubting that this is unique.  This is the opportunity for club survival.  Olympia FC right now is a different beast to what it has been in the past.  The club has found it difficult since being put out of the NPL.  It has been stated to me that this is an opportunity we cannot miss.  The current Board has done a terrific job to keep the club in the black and trading.  It speaks volumes that current Olympia President, Matthew Sly, and his board are in full support of this merger.  After hearing the facts, I am as well.  Parents and players are quite rightly wondering about their futures and pathways to the top levels.  Sadly, the Women’s Super League has also had no Olympia FC in it for a few years.  This will give Olympia girls the chance to once again play in the top league at the earliest opportunity.

WP:   Have Football Tasmania expressed an opinion?   Would they need to sanction the merger?

GM:  Football Tasmania have, indeed, been told of the talks and are very supportive of the process.

WP:  Did Football Tasmania torpedo Olympia's latest bid to be admitted to the NPL Tasmania competition?

GM:  I can say that correspondence was sent to Olympia stating results and the lack of a compliant home ground were two of the major reasons for not being accepted into the league this time round.  It was also made clear that it would be difficult to get in any time in the foreseeable future.

WP:  What would Olympia's traditional Greek supporters think of the merger proposal?

GM:  The ‘no’ voters will be voting on emotion and from an ignorance of the facts.  Who are we to not heed the word of those currently at the coal face, namely being the executive board of Olympia?  They are there, they know the facts and they know what is best for the club.  They have my full support.

WP:  Do you know what the players of both clubs think?

GM:  I have spoken to Alex Holmes [Olympia’s senior coach] and he has had players express concern for pathways within the club.  A merger, done the right way, will be welcomed by Olympia FC players who seek to play one day at the top level.  I do not have a read on the Clarence Zebras players, other than to say if this merger can bring them success, I doubt they would any have issues.

WP:  Is there a time-line for this proposal?

GM:  Hit the ground running with the club playing its first game in season 2025.


Anonymous said...

It may merge resources and man power creating a lot of extra support.

Or volunteers and interested parties who were already on the fringe of their club may choose to step away.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is be careful what you wish for. Everyone knows that GM had the money to fund a move like this . If he is prepared to risk that in such , that is up to him. All that Zebras can provide in this situation is the NPL licence. GM will then use that to get Olympia back in the NPL.
Every thing will be fine while GM Iis prepared to keep bank rolling the venture until people get sick of his ways and the trouble will begin. It has happened once and will happen again. We all know if GM is financing something then it his his way or no way. This will work for a while but not indefinitely. He has every right to demand what he wants if it’s his money on the table but that is a dangerous situation.
Clarence are a basket case and this is a quick fix for them also. Easy way out.
The history of one of not both of there’s clubs is at risk but it seems this is not a consideration. I suppose Zebras are no longer Italian backed and got good reason.
They have created that situation .
Will be interesting to see what happens.

Brian Young said...

And Juventiacos is born.

Anonymous said...

Can you please explain why Clarence are a basket case. Are you involved in the club or have inside knowledge?

Anonymous said...

Clarence had 17 teams 10 years ago

Anonymous said...

I remember 40 years ago when Glenorchy Croatia and Metro Claremont discussed a merger.

I am glad the majority saw his as short sighted.

Both clubs fortunes have ebbed and flowed since but they both survive today

Anonymous said...

It’s a mess anyway you look at it two club’s folding on the eastern shore with in two year’s.

Anonymous said...

Didn’t that happen already when Hobart Zebras merged with Clarence ?

Anonymous said...

George says if Olympia merge with Zebras, Olympia will be back in the WSL. Both clubs don’t have a WSL license at the moment. How does he not know this?
Sounds like Mr Mamacus still doesn’t give a shit about women’s football

George Kalis said...

My father was a founding member of Olympia. The club has had many highs and lows over many years.

The facts are that both Olympia and the founding fathers will have their club destroyed by this. There will be no Olympia in 5 years.

The AGM is members only vote and no proxy can be given- which is against the club's constitution. What else is being done to ensure that those who are working or cannot attend are being heard??

The club has fallen on hard times recently after FT took away the club's licence BUT it can be learnt back though hard work.

I for one am against this merger. I no longer attend games but the Kalis family has supported this club since its inception. If George gets his wish it will lose my support for what it's worth.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6.40 pm. You obviously don’t know anything about Clarence as they are now known. Ever heard of Hobart Juventus? That is a clue.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6.40
Considering they’ve reached out to their eastern shore rivals who are in champ for a merger openly coming out and saying they need help, and being a club that’s already merged and failed miserably i think Clarence are a basket case.

Mathew Dyson said...

After playing at Clarence for 16 years starting as a junior in 2006 and my last season being in 2022. Any Clarence United person that votes for this to happen has a very short memory and should be ashamed of themselves. George would often tell us we were minnows and there would only be enough room for one club on the eastern shore and he would be our downfall. I guess he’s trying to now make that become a reality.

CUFC Members were sold on the merger with Zebras as it would bring players and money. Out of that special general meeting three people
Voted against the merger, Andrew Brown, Gordon Jablonski and Myself. Since then Poor coaching appointments post Franco, paying un dedicated players well overs because they felt they had to which killed culture and moral within the club. Things don’t happen over night there is no simple fix, do the little things right create the right environment and players will come.

Anonymous said...

I sincerely wish this potential union all the success it deserves

Anonymous said...

Mr DS comment on FB regarding an interesting article / interview by Walter is very interesting indeed.

Anonymous said...

The idea of creating a better sporting club for the community is a great idea for all involved. But this would take planning and time to find the best outcome and balance. Have conversations behind closed doors with no transparency is not the way forward. Bring members together to cast a vote without any prior knowledge is not the way to gain trust. Still there has not been any clear proposal on how this would work or who would take the lead in merging the communities, how are members able to make a vote on a clubs future with no information on hand. The people behind this are supposed to be respected business leaders in the local community, if this is how they run their own house then I truly feel sorry for those who work for them. I for one would not want to put the future of a club in their hands if history is anything to go by, go back to drawing board and find another way

Anonymous said...

I all I read there was bring your youth and junior players, we'll take their money and they will never get to play in the top tiered team because we will buy players to create a team that thousands will be spent on but nothing will come of it.
Can't buy loyalty. It is bred.

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand why Zebras have approached a team who are playing in the championship for this merger.
What is in it for them.
It just doesn't sit right.

Anonymous said...

I heard that the zebras president was on a 'trip' recently with the CEO from FT.
I wonder if the CEO advised him that Zebras would not be getting an NPL licence in 2025 so the Zebras president thought quick on his feet and told the CEO that Zebras and Olympia were discussing a possible merger so he could save Zebras and skuttle Olympia's NPL application all in the one fowl swoop as he probably knew that Olympia would get the NPL application over Zebras.
FT may have a please explain on their hands I think..............

Anonymous said...

GM……take a deep breath and have a long long look at what you are proposing and with whom.. I thought you weee smarter than that……then again.

Anonymous said...

There are so many holes in this idea
1- Olympia having their players back in the NPL or WSL (Not that certain the current groups can manage that & also if it's a merger are they really 'Olympia' players?

2 Combining 2 of the biggest clubs
Hobart Zebras are no more
They literally are non existent anymore
This is a merger of Clarence & Olympia (Mr. Dyson maybe correct)

Neither Claremce or Zebras have been a power house in the last 15 years and Olympia stuck in silverware before Port developed. If they were indeed a strong club at that time they would not have crumbled as they did. So in reality there are 3 entities but really 2 clubs that aren't strong at all trying to get short term joy.

3- Imagine George and Nick Di Giovanni working as co presidents hahhahahaha

What do they shout before a game JUVEEEEELLLLAS

Anonymous said...

At the end of the day, players or parents don't choose to play with one or either of these clubs for whatever reason.
Amalgamating them will not give you more players George.
It'll lessen the pool.
People don't play for zebras because of the board or the culture of the club.
People don't play for Olympia because of past experiences where they weren't given a chance or their child was not looked after.
What makes you think that by rebranding a club will resolve all these issues.
The problems will remain.

Anonymous said...

I smell a rat here . Why are Clarence Zebras rolling over so fast .

Anonymous said...

How come Clarence have put in an application to play npl games at KGV?

Anonymous said...

Great interview Walter & informative questions were asked. Now we will see all the negative comments. I see the problem in Football Tas is that people just don’t like change! A bit like the people who stress at the supermarket when they do a relay & change all the aisles & they can’t find their items in the usual spot! A super club on the Eastern Shore could be exciting if people dare to let it be. Step outside the square (or pitch lol). Embrace new challenges & see what eventuates. Stop holding on to the history of clubs that is no longer there. Clinging on to the past doesn’t promote the future of football. If it doesn’t pan out for the good, nothing gained, nothing lost. Time to spice up the Eastern Shore & get all the tongues wagging as they already are. The old saying ‘Bad publicity works just as well as good publicity’.

Anonymous said...

George it is up to people like you then to ensure this does not go ahead. Dont sit behind the scenes and complain if you are not going to do anything about it.

Chris Schofield said...

The sheer and utter arrogance of this guy! Well, there is another Club on the eastern shore and one that has won more trophies in the last four years than any of the Clubs he remembered to mention combined! Well, this Club has played at Wentworth Park for 30 years and we are going nowhere! Long after all these so called big Clubs have folded and merged we are still stand alone and proud of it

Anonymous said...

Clinging onto the past it what gives you culture, a connection and an identity.
You let that go, you are just like everyone else.
I do not follow the A-League because I do not have a connection with any of the clubs so I have no interest.
Do that with this merger and the same thing will happen.
No one will follow it.

Anonymous said...

At the end of the day, Zebras and Clarence merged 5 years ago in the hope that it would create what George is proposing now.
Why does George think that this will work with a 3rd club involved when it didn't work the first time around.
It will actually cause more angst as there will be 3 clubs involved all with different ideas and agendas.

Anonymous said...

Before Olympia lost their NPL licence they had a talented group of players from 2006 and 2007 that all of a sudden lost their pathway. A high number of these players had / have played a both state level and have since made NPL starts across all four remaining southern NPL squads. If Olympia hadn’t lost their licence and that pathway they’d still be there instead of dispursed across the remaining clubs. So I completely get the rationale to merge to create an attractive environment for player development, competition and pathways, as well as enticing coaching depth that facilitates attachment for players.

Anonymous said...

Neither club have had a meeting to vote on the possibility of a Merger actually happening and yet George Mamacus states he has been asked by both clubs to nominate as president

“If true” Both boards are a disgrace . Shame!!!

Anonymous said...

It is all well and good to advocate for change but this isn’t change. It is the same people making the same mistakes. Meaningful positive change would bring in fresh faces rather than rolling out the same people who have to date proven themselves incapable of learning from the past . You can’t teach an old dog new tricks and learning empathy, humility, compassion and understanding are particularly difficult traits to learn.
As someone once said to me, yours in sport.

Anonymous said...

Both clubs been ran badly for years, but merging together with the same people in charge will fix all their problems.
Yeah what can go wrong with that

Anonymous said...

Your arrogance is appalling you don’t throw away history !

Anonymous said...

RIP Tasmania Football

Anonymous said...

I for one can’t wait for the Clarence Warriors to be knocking at the doors of South East & Nelson in a few years time, chasing a third merger in a decade.

Anonymous said...

Leopards don't change their spots

Anonymous said...

Enjoy being a social club for the next 30 years.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean if true? How could he possibly say that if it were not true?
Get a grip. It can only be true. So both clubs are a disgrace unless of course it was a just in case the merger gets passed conversation.

Anonymous said...

" The Youth would gravitate directly to us as we would make it clear that we are the ‘go-to’ club for football on the Eastern Shore. " ERJSA had about 1500 players in 2024; apart from a very very small smattering of players + parents that were with Olympia FC playing in ERJSA rosters; the rest (99.5%) of those 1500 players ( & more importantly their parents/carers ) will have basically no clue what options are available to them post Year 6 to continue in football with either of the "superclub" proponents

Anonymous said...

@Chris Schofield:

Anonymous said...

Anon 11.15pm.
“ respected “ business people you say ? I don’t know who you are referring to in that comment.

Anonymous said...

Preservation of history and culture is important regardless of your comments. Migrants to this country provided Australia with a great sport to follow and give migrants something in common in a new country to follow and grow into the future. FA made a poor decision years ago to do away with ethnic names. That was a major reason for drop off of support from those with ethnic backgrounds for the sport and clubs. It would take a lot less effort to resurrect that rather than try and merge two different cultures and combine them. It will take time but it is possible. Look at Knights as an example. Hard work is successful unlike quick fixes and expecting quick results.

Anonymous said...

You are spot on badly ran clubs merging ,doesn't all of the sudden make for a turn around in performance on or off the field

Anonymous said...

They only want the good ones they will make them trial and split friendship groups ,that Is a reason the drop off happens ,then next the parents and kids realise how badly these clubs are run and they leave the sport.

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest, that essentially would have been Metro being subsumed by Glenorchy.

What we are talking about is a Frankenstein's monster of 3 proud clubs.

Pulling in all different directions and alienating the support base is a recipe for the future downfall of the club (and sadly 3 clubs who all had the potential to be strong in their own right).

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest Clarence don't want this. George even said himself it's Nick.D and George

This is a merger of a champ club and a former club. I hope the Clarence people stick to their guns. Time for Ronnie Bolton and co to stand up!!!

Anonymous said...

There are 3 reasons to vote no.
1. You are an Olympia person and do not want the club to die through merger
2. You are a Clarence Zebras person and do not want the club to die through merger
3. You are from another club and do not want the merger to happen.
I know for a fact you can turn up to the warrane ground at 1 30 on Sunday 27 of October pay a membership fee of $50 and vote in the meeting. If you sit in any of the above categories do it and vote no. I am an Olympia no voter person.

Anonymous said...

they havent

Anonymous said...

with the support of who? those that say a lot and do nothing

Anonymous said...

It says a lot this exact interview never mentions the representative from the clarence side of the current amalgamation. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck then it's probably a duck mate. This is a blind side

Anonymous said...

Olympia don't deserve to merge with Clarence. They will bring the club down if they bring other ANY people (committee members) to Clarence.
They are in this situation because nobody cares about the results and no one is in charge at this club. It's a boy club we like you we know you you can play even if you are the worst player in the world. Olympia should stay where they are they truly deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6.01. What if supporters from Clarence come and pay new
membership and vote “yes “ ? What then ?

Anonymous said...

Zebras are the ones driving the merger not Olympia

Anonymous said...

The elephant in the room with all this is Wentworth. Not a secret that Clarence Council charge an extortionate amount for our clubs to use it. It sunk United and now it looks like it’ll sink Zebras too. And for what? By far the worst ground in the NPL. I think rather than pointing the blame at the clubs and the committee’s we need to put more pressure on the council, it’s a joke that we allow this. As a community we need to do more to get the council to play ball