Thursday, January 28, 2010

South Hobart to film and record recollections of past members

Most people would know by now that the South Hobart club is celebrating its centenary this year.

The club is inviting past members to attend the South Hobart ground on Friday, 5 February, from 10am until noon, to share memories on film and/or audio tape.

You don’t have to be filmed or recorded, but if you would like to recount stories and memories, this is the time.

The club is producing a book and video of its history, so if you are a past member of South Hobart and think you have something to say, be there.

If you have any questions, please phone Brian Roberts on (03) 6223 3081.


Anonymous said...

I'm sick and tired of hearing about bloody South Hobart! How about some exposure to a few of the other premier teams.

Anonymous said...


Your blog is about association football, maybe you shoud change the name to South Hobart fan Club, we are all tired of hearing about them.

Anonymous said...

yeah they play with each other enough as it is

Anonymous said...

Anomymous one, two and three assuming you're not the same person?? I am an ex Caledonian and White Eagles player and would love to read about my old teams but believe Brian Roberts and South Hobart are to be congratulated for the professional way they are marketing themselves and building their club for the future.
So instead of bitching try generating some positive news etc for your clubs and post something meaningful. Please give Walter his fair due.

Anonymous said...

It's a fair point to some degree, South are getting all of the coverage because they are having a very active pre-season which is only a good thing for them. I don't know if it's Walter seeking South or the other way around, personally I don't care. It would be nice to see all the clubs get the same exposure but that's not just up to Walter. People involved with the clubs have to provide the information to be published. Works both ways!

Keep up the good work Walter.

the priest said...

ok so what is happening at any of the other clubs?.......I'd be interested in each of the SPL coaches previewing the season or at least their summer cup prospects

Anonymous said...

@ the priest...Walter has already done this to an extent here:

In terms of the coverage of South, it is true that they seem to have a very active pre-season in comparison to other clubs. I would probably call South's trips to Melbourne and Wollongong as more newsworthy than what most other clubs are currently doing. But again it could be a case of Walter not being informed by the other club's pre-season activities...

Unknown said...

Instead of the constant knocking. I would suggest other clubs provide Walter with more information so that he can write about it.

Personally I dont like South Hobart, thats because i like the underdogs. But you must admit they do promote themselves well.

Keep up the good work Walter.

Anonymous said...

copy chalkies post why don't you adrian

Anonymous said...

Man - talk about the tall poppy syndrome,Who won the last two premierships????? talk about self opiniated crocks. GO SOUTH

Dalles Hayes said...

Thanks Walter for keeping us in touch with what is happening around the clubs. No one else is, certainly not the Mercury. I haven't seen much local football in there lately.
If Woodbridge can get a post up here then so can these other BIG clubs. Good on you South Hobart, we all play the same game folks.

roundball said...

And that is how easy it is. If a regional club like Woodbridge (and no disrespect at all to the club or people) can get a fairly comprehensive article on this site, then surely any club (and yes the clubs that all of you support, or play for, or have allegiance to, or follow, or whatever) can get coverage on here to.
But no, all the "club haters" (that have a job to see past the end of their own nose) come out and shit can what appears to be one of the few clubs that is not only wanting to support their anniversary, push football up a level in Hobart, but also set themselves up for the next hundred also.

roundball said...

Oh, and by the way Walter, Melbourne Victory have had quite a bit of coverage too. Could you please drop them also ;-)

Anonymous said...

south hobart were shite for ages, but I suppose they have a long history and deserve recognition

Anonymous said...

Good Grief - all that was asked was that if you had contribution for the video or book can you come forward. What a bunch of back stabbing whingers. Happy 100th Birthday South - when it is our turn to have a huge birthday lets hope the spirit of goodwill has returned. For goodness sake we are all playing the same game - any vistor to this site would thinksomething different...

Anonymous said...

FFT are also 100 years old and we haven't heard a peep... funny that. At least South are having a go at marking a fairly significant occasion.

Anonymous said...

Hobart Zebras have a practice game against Hobart United this Sunday kick of 2pm at Sandown Park, Sandy Bay. Then bring on the Summer Cup to let the feet do the talking

smithers ol man said...

Holy hell guys listen to yourselves -- a bunch of never were,s and maliscious idiots dogging a guy that has the guts and the precious time to give us a blog to write on and he cops crap of you all cause you cant get to hear about your bloody selves all the time ..
south hobart is news , melb aleague is news , overseas is news it doesnt have to be earth shattering to be worthy of a mention...

well done walter for having the balls to run the blog its yours and its your right to post or comment on what you like not what the whingers want.
anonymous its easy if you dont want to read about south or any other team start your own blog and stop bagging this one mate ...

Brian Roberts said...

I beleive FFT's centenary was in 09

I'll have top check out the Hobarton Mercury.

Keith found a number of references to English Association Rules many years earlier .

Games were played at the rear of Cooley's Hotel .