Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tactical changes at half time by Culina give the Jets victory over the Roar

Newcastle Jets scored an important 2-0 away win over Brisbane Roar before a crowd of 6,680 at Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane last night.

After a goalless opening half, the tide turned in favour of the visitors as Matt Thompson was pushed forward by Jets coach Branko Culina.

Thompson gave Newcastle the lead in the 50th minute from a clever and well-timed pass by Michael Bridges.

Bridges made it 2-0 five minutes later from a penalty, awarded for a handball offence by Matt Mundy.

Tempers flared on several occasions, with several players shown the yellow card, but there were no send-offs.

The result puts Newcastle fourth and leaves Brisbane in eighth place.


Anonymous said...

Walter, apologies for my last rant. The blog isn't the right place for ad hominem attacks.

Brian Young said...

Ego sum certus ut Walter mos indulgeo vos.

Greg Ludford said...

Ahhh, a glimmer of light! Scholars, is there a Latin term for offside, or philosophically being in an offside position?
Seriously the Mercury debacle wrt Mr Calcium etc (more Latin!) is a worry. Have lost the little remaining respect I had for the local rag with their response. Next they'll advocate burning books in the street.
Long may you blog Walter.

Anonymous said...

what was the mercury's response?

Walter said...

I was sacked.

Anonymous said...

Sacked? are they joking? That's terrible Walter, There must be some
latitude for unfair dismissal here. Maybe us bloggers should petition. whay say you?

Coxy said...

im in

The Phoenix said...

thats it , not only can you count me in but i will never buy the paper again .

What was their reasoning Walter ?

eightball said...

walter, i don't know how many papers you would sell if all your teachings from this blog were put to paper- maybe a small business for you would be in the works, like a goal weekly in victoria. i like how your about giving the small guys on this blog a chance to say the piece or vent their spleen- long live the plessonator

Richard Bennett said...

craig green at page seager is your man walter.......that's disgraceful treatment.

Anonymous said...

dont get me wrong here, I love walter's contribution just as much as the next football devotee, but technically Walter did slag the paper off big time.

not sure too many employers would keep an employee on after what he wrote about them on a public blog, righly or wrongly.

Anonymous said...

Anon, I don't know why you are trying to get Walter's ire? He has just lost a job he has given passionate attention for many years. Where is your compassioin?

Anonymous said...

maglone, read before you retort.

he ripped them big time, I have no problem with that, given that they are a bunch of wankers anyway. But if you are going to sit on your pc and try and tell me that if you publicly brough disrepute on your employer, that you would still have your job with them, then you need to send me the drugs you are on because they sound great!

Richard Bennett said...

there is legal precedent and laws to protect people whom choose to state facts concerning even employers. it is designed to protect whistleblowers and put issues into the public domain that would otherwise be hidden by the use of personal intimidation.

if it needs to be said and comes from the inside the organisation would do well to listen.

Anonymous said...

Without having the exact copy in front of me, I'm not sure Walter did it in a completely kosher manner.

by the sounds of it, he had had enough of dealing with them anyway.

Interested said...

Anonymous 4.57 , I dont know who the hell you are ,but you seem to have quite a bit to say, mostly negative comments at that. Going by some of your comments, you must be a young kid that doesnt know any better .If you aren't then you need to take a good look at yourself.
Dont make comments regarding people's jobs, lives etc in an open forum like this one ,unless you have the guts to put your name at the bottom.Use a tag or whatever for general comments etc , but not when it relates to specific events and individuals.If you are not going to put your name on the bottom then dont comment.

Anonymous said...

I\m not disputing your argument yet anon. Just the timing of it