Photos: The Caledonian match program from 1979 for the Calies and Tasmanian games against the visiting Newcastle KB United [Courtesy of the Rodney Tattam Collection]
Forgive me for saying I’ve seen it all before.
But, it’s true.
Others who have had a long involvement in Tasmanian football are probably saying the same thing.
After the recent matches involving local clubs against South Melbourne and Melbourne Knights, there has been some discussion about the sort of teams that should have been selected to play these Victorian Premier League sides.
The representative team that played against Melbourne Knights on the Sunday, for example, came up for some criticism in regard to team selection and playing style.
Some said a Tasmanian side should have been selected, as was the case for the game against Central Coast Mariners in July last year.
Well, such visits by interstate sides are not new.
Shown above are pages from a program produced by the Caledonian club in February 1979.
Calies, as they were commonly known, absorbed Hobart Rangers a decade earlier, before themselves merging with Kingborough to form Kingborough Lions United.
Ken Morton was Calies coach at the time, so he is also probably saying he’s seen it all before.
Morton has retained the fire and the drive to still be organising such matches today - as coach of South Hobart.
Morton didn’t stay with Calies for long. In fact he didn’t see the season out and took over the player-coach role at Rapid shortly after arriving in Tasmania from Western Australia.
Calies played Newcastle KB United on the Saturday and a State squad - actually a southern Tasmanian selection - played Newcastle KB United again on the Sunday.
Two games in two days. No problem in those days.
The Calies side and the State squad listed are interesting.
Which players are still involved in some capacity nowadays?
Chris Hey is one who has seen it all, so all those who criticise Chris, even on this blog, should think again. Just like Morton, Hey has seen it all and has been involved as a player and a coach and I reckon he knows what he’s talking about and is trying to improve the local game.
Alister Hales still has some involvement with Beachside, while Paul Jones was refereeing not so long ago.
Eamonn Kelly was, until relatively recently, coaching Glenorchy Knights and the Tasmanian side.
David Smith is, of course, the Northern NSW coaching director, while Rodney Tattam coaches women’s football these days.
Neil Thomas played with Kingston Cannons until recently, while Willie Peters catches the occasional local game.
So, there you have it. Nothing new under the sun, but I wish we’d learn something from the past. We’d be better prepared for today - and tomorrow.
"Chris Hey is one who has seen it all ...and I reckon he knows what he’s talking about and is trying to improve the local game."
Walter - well said. Anyone who knows Chris well is aware of his integrity as well as his passion and knowledge of the game. He has the games'interest at heart. He has so much to offer and as long as people keep the faith Olympia will prosper under his guidance. Of greatest note for me is how he has maintained his standards despite hard times in his early years at the Club. George Mamacas and his Committee deserve tremendous credit for the support they have shown Chris when lesser individuals may have baulked. Athens was not built in a day.
Walter, 4 Olympia lads trained with Sth Melb Hellas senior squad tonight, including participation in an 11 v 11 match to help prepare the senior team for their Hellenic Cup match tomorrow night vs Kingston City. Tomorrow they train with U21s before going to watch the Cup match and Wednesday they're back training with the seniors. Chris is with the boys who are staying in St Kilda.
i cant believe people are still going on about Chris Hey and his dedication to the game and his vision for the future. all well and good to look at future and dedication but you need a past to back it up..... what has he achieved as a coach of state, clubs etc get a grip on reality people same with a number of coaches mentioned on these web sites, just because they are nice guys off the park good players in their day does not mean they are quality coaches no matter what courses they have done! I for one know know played with him and was coached by him be it only for a very short period! time to pass the batton Chris go back to under 9s and start again.........
I personally wasn't that impressed with hey as a player.pretty workmanlike dour defender easy to go around, steady run of the mill..maybe he was past his best...the best coaches are rarely the best coaches so he might be good
Nothing changes for you eh, always looking back to the past, and "we did it this way we did it that way", but we all know things in football have developed and moved forward, and unfortunately several of the coaches you mentioned have not.
When was the last time any of those Coaches or you for that matter attended a up dating coaching course?
We all like to reminisce but surely it s time to accept changes, including the attitude of young players coming through have changed, and they have other things to occupy their time and money.
Are there any rosters available for the summer cup yet, does anyone know?
Walter, I understand Neil Thomas may be making a comeback to the game in 2011 with the mighty Uni Bombers.
Anonymous 8.07am, I do wish you would use your real name so that I could address you properly and not just as 'Anonymous'. It would make debate much more interesting.
Things do change for me. I am not stuck in the past but occasionally like to refer to it. I am merely making the point that lessons can be learned from the past, so that mistakes aren't repeated. In this case, the point I was making was that a representative side could have been selected to play Melbourne Knights in the second game. All it would have taken was a little forward thinking and planning, as was the case for the Central Coast Mariners game.
I don't see the need to upgrade my coaching qualifications as I don't intend coaching. Reading up to date literature about coaching will suffice for me. I can't comment on your accusations about other coaches not having upgraded as I don't know whether they have or haven't.
Of course the game has moved on, but not always for the better. Many things are better in the modern game. I have no argument with that. Some things, however, are not.
You have put your finger on the problem with the local game when you say: "...it s (sic) time to accept changes, including the attitude of young players coming through have changed, and they have other things to occupy their time and money."
It is exactly such attitudes that make the game merely a pastime for such players and something not to be taken seriously. Well, such players should play in the social leagues and not in the top flight.
I do look forward and I do have a vision for the future. It is that football here is taken seriously by the majority of participants. That’s the only way to raise the standard of play and increase attendances. I am glad to say that many, many players do take it seriously. Will Abbott, Amadu Koroma and Jeremy Walker are just some examples of players who take it seriously. I am confident that most players who train hard and strive to make their senior teams do take it seriously. I am sure that the coaches who work with their players each week and test their sides on weekends in matches take the game seriously. Those who don’t are welcome to regard it as just a kick around, but they won’t find success.
I believe in striving for excellence, and so do many others in our local game.
I would love to have a coffee with you, Anonymous, and have a genuine and interesting debate. As long as you hide behind a pseudonym, this is impossible. Please reveal your identity.
Hi Walter...i have gone through my old soccer papers and managed to track down a Rapid v Wacker 04 programme from 1980..next time i see you i will pass it on, cant remember much about the game itself...although did have it signed by Ken Morton at the time..it must be worth a fortune..lol....
Cheers Dallas
Geez Walter,
I don't feel so bad now. Some of these clowns suck me in. Now I understand it get's to the best of us.
Anon 8.07am said:
"We all like to reminisce but surely it s time to accept changes, including the attitude of young players coming through have changed, and they have other things to occupy their time and money."
Not all young players are like this. There are many in the state who are dedicated to going as far as they can in soccer but don't get the opportunity. Back in the days of Southern Rep teams and State you had to be invited to the state trials, often that was after you paid a significant amount of money for southern. FFT has to look at its youth development. Not just ask people to try for TIS that have previously been in (and could afford) the State program(s). FFT need to get their employee's out and looking at the Under nineteen divisions, reserves and young and promising senior players that are trying their best to be spotted.
Anon 8:07am
"we all know things in football have developed and moved forward,"
Do you mean football in the wider context or local football? Because I would argue local football has done anything but move forward in the last 2 decades.
"unfortunately several of the coaches you mentioned have not."
Probably don't disagree that the general level of local coaches is poor.
However you then contradict yourself (from the your entire argument) and say;
"We all like to reminisce but surely it s time to accept changes, including the attitude of young players coming through have changed, and they have other things to occupy their time and money."
Essentially what your saying is the standard of coaching is poor and should be improved, the game has moved forward however players now have more priorities and we should accept that.
Your logic is confusing and completely floored.
How hard is it for FFT to put out the summer cup roster before it starts?
Settle down Walter, no need to get your nickers in a knot over a blog comment lol. Lets be serious....who takes soccer or this blog seriously. It's all a hobby and something to pass time with. Ay cobba
Ian Parker was 1 of the best I played with if not the best. He has hardly set the world on fire with his coaching......I personally don't think being a coach is enough you have to be able to read individuals as well as the collective. Know when to rest people, know when to bring them in. Be able to deliver the right message at half time from reading the previous 45 mins. Most of all have the respect of the players, you don't have to be liked. I don't know Chris Hey that well but he came across as level headed, even when he was younger when the rest of us wear misbehaving on bus trips up north with alcohol poisoning. In short he could probably tick all the boxes of my humble opinion of what it takes to be a coach.
There are many aspects to being a good coach and it is rare for coaches to have them all. Education, interpersonal, tactical knowledge, organisation, communication, commitment ...
Give me someone who has knowledge through experience and qualifications, integrity and a confidence to bring in external ideas, assistance. Someone I respect if not like. Someone who will be loyal and dependable with the best interests of the broader group and not just themselves.
Anon January 31, 2011 11:18 PM - you sound like you need to move on - probably past it anyway ;0)
Just talking about the state of the game down there. I watched a youtube clip of a zebras v kingborough game, Alistair hales was a guest (he did a fantastic job as well, bit of a natural) I was surprised how good the game looked especially the zebras. It looked way better than a social game of football. I had expected a more social level. I don't know how old the game was, but I would take heart in the fact there is some talent down there........I don't know if your thinking is coloured through nostalgia by making comparisons of the 80's, but then again there wouldn't be many in a better position to give a true evaluation. I think the standard was good between 88-95 when I played down there and there weren't that many imports, meaning that you are capable of sustaining a good standard under your own steam.....Do you think the demise of the state league has retarded the game down there? Or is it poor administration and a lack of coaching ability across the board? The A league started with 8 teams and gradually grew, do you think a similar model may help the game down there? If someone wanted to join the state league then certain criteria would have to be met i.e good fiscal infrastructure.junior development and decent sponsorship?
Anonymous with a selection criteria like that you need a labrador
Hi Walter
Had a great laugh showing the Calies match program to a few of the guys in the KB squad who are still very much involved in the game here in Newcastle.
I remember the KB games in fact this was how Pete Willis ended up at Rapid that year .
Thanks for providing opportunity through your blog for old players and coaches reminiss .
As part of the sacked coaches group , as they say you have to join this group to become a real coach!to all Premier League coaches have faith in your football philosophy and principles, enjoy the season.
all the best
Dave Smith
I can't help it,
I have said before That Chris Hey had a major influence on my playing career so I have to say something.
I think everyone agrees Chris is a nice guy but, from experience, He makes tough decisions that might not be popular. He cut me and one other from an underage state team after the final team had been announced . I was cut due to an injury even though I may have been ok by the time the tournament started. I understand now that it was the right thing to do but at the time I was devastated. The other boy who got cut, i cant remember his name, but he was cut because, from memory, Janko Begovic had made himself available to go after previously saying he wasn't.
Chris is certainly tougher than most give him credit for and his experience in the game has got to be respected by the vast majority of people involved in tasmanian soccer.
I guess people don't put a name to their posts when, if they did, they would be compared to who they're criticising.
I'm guessing if we compared Chris Hey to Anon Jan 31st 11.18pm we would find that Chris probably has the edge.
Good luck for the season Chris, but not for this Sunday!
Nick Owen
joel, brayden and jason beware ben is coming :0)
Brayden and Joel will be there. Unfortunately Jason (I assume you mean Singleton) has moved to Townsville. Mother Nature is clearly an Ulvie supporter judging by what she put Singo through up there!
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