Monday, June 10, 2024

Lakoseljac Cup and Statewide Cup results - Monday, 10 June 2024

Lakoseljac Cup Final (Lightwood Park)

Kingborough Lions United 2 (Alexander Brown 46', Kobe Kemp 83') lost to Glenorchy Knights 3 (Stefan Cordwell 72', 109', Joshua Redfearn 90'+1)

(After Extra-Time.)

Under-21 Statewide Cup Final (Lightwood Park)

Devonport City 0-1 Clarence Zebras

Women's Statewide Cup Final

Kingborough Lions United 1 (Hannah Walsh 31') lost to Devonport City 2 (Abbie White 19', Annabelle Wyllie 110')


Anonymous said...

referring in this state has gone to shame

Anonymous said...

65th min in the U21s was the worst bit of referring ever. Challenge on the keeper was a straight red any day. Then gives the wrong player a yellow card for the push after and who it was meant to go to was already booked.

Anonymous said...

Teams watching the Tas entry will be happy to get the bye vs Knights in round 1.

Anonymous said...

Plenty of bad refereeing, but Kopra is top notch. What about the vuvuzelas though. They should be banned.

The Kitten Den said...

Knights slayed kittens and little ultras all tucked up in bed by 7

Anonymous said...

Sadly those bloody children with the trumpets horns and drums destroyed any hope of enjoying a decent game of football. What is the purpose of making that sort of noise for as long as they did. I understand it is sanctioned by Kingborough F C but it is bloody awful. No enjoyment at all. Please reconsider.

Anonymous said...

Horns and drums are football culture. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

NULTRAS today where are the ultras

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tell me you haven't watched a game outside of Tasmania, without telling me you haven't watched a game outside Tasmania...

Anonymous said...

They sure are. They have been a mainstay in Football Tas culture since someone from the Lions thought it matches their club culture. They bang/horn on but get no result still

Anonymous said...

The group need a leader who orchestrates both chants and the music. The random blowing of horns and incoherent beating of the drum adds nothing. But if they get organised it would add to the games.

Anonymous said...

kingborough changing the game as you saw yesterday

Anonymous said...

Would love to see more chat about Cordwells 2nd yellow, replay appears to show him winning the ball with 0 contact to Luttmer, rather Luttmer kicking Cordwells calf

Anonymous said...

Give it up with the anti-Kingborough, Knights supporters brought their own horns and it made for a good atmosphere

Anonymous said...

The noise at Lightwood Park last night was what made the game exciting by providing an atmosphere, the comments on here about noise being something that stops them from 'enjoying a game of football' is nuts, atmosphere is what makes football football. Go and watch any game from any European league or even a mainland game in the npl and you'll soon see how far behind we are in the crowd area of the game. Props to the Kingborough and the Knights fans who showed up and showed off what good support can do to elevate a game of football.

Anonymous said...

refereeing throughout the 21s game was poor, some moments where the referee looked lost and not sure on what to do, pleased to see that the referee crew on the Laka Cup performed well and was probably the best refereeing we've seen all year. Congrats all

Anonymous said...

Dreadful defending from both teams in the NPL final.

And the standard of senior goalkeeping leaves a lot to be desired too.

Knights recruiting this year has been solid though.

Anonymous said...

Seems to matter what anyone does you won’t ever be happy. Give it a rest these young men both kingborough and Glenorchy created the best atmosphere at a game in the states history. Just because they aren’t all in sink doesn’t mean it isn’t good.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me what happens now with a red card? Does this mean the young lad will miss the first round of the Australia cup? Or next NPL round?

Anonymous said...

Vuvuzelas are banned everywhere. It doesn't add to the atmosphere. They detract. Everyone wants a better atmosphere at games, it doesn't mean we have to drop our standards. No one is criticising fans for being loud. But that particular noise is unpleasant.

Anonymous said...

Lions are massive the era is just beginning

Anonymous said...

Looks to be a pretty good decision. Clearly comes late and collects Luttmer.
Yellow Card.
The silly thing we should be talking about is taking his shirt off, knowing he gets a card for it, for what reason? Vanity?
So gets a red. Learning curve one would hope

Anonymous said...

Are you thick?

Anonymous said...

One of the most entertaining Cup Final days we have had in many years and yet the comments are almost exclusively whining about refs and some instruments being played. Truly a miserable lot most of you.

Anonymous said...

Suggest taking a look at the replay again and telling who actually got to the ball first ?

Anonymous said...

Let us know when it does.
Rhodesy won silverware there, live in the past 😉

Anonymous said...

I agree. What do you mean is beginning! It has been since the start of the NPL. Biggest club in the state

Dan said...

Not a supporter of either team but thoroughly enjoyed the stream and commentary. The game was a great spectacle and the venue looked good too.Only winge would be that I’d prefer the filming from a high location.

Anonymous said...

Imagine watching a 3-2 extra time thriller, a 2-1 extra time thriller, and a massive cupset and then coming in here to complain, fans here are joyless and live absolutely miserable lives.

Anonymous said...

Kopra is average at best. Josh Berry should be referring those games he is top notch.

Anonymous said...

Why is all the talk about Kingborough. Knights fans had their own horns and drums and chanted “wanker” repeatedly. But all the talk is about Kingborough, clear agenda and jealousy against a team on their way to the top

Anonymous said...

Pleased that the Laka Cup didn’t go to penalties and that there was no dramatic controversy. Just a good game of football between two teams who busted their guts on the night. Fair result at the end of the day. I’m sure the rivalry between these two clubs will grow over the years to come, the Lions will have their day I have no doubt. Not sure who was responsible for the all the food available, if it was Borough, FFT or a combination, congratulations to those responsible, decent food at reasonable prices.

Anonymous said...

Vuvuzelas aren’t banned everywhere. You’ve made that up

Anonymous said...

Please put your names to comments.

Anonymous said...

That goalkeeping by Lions keeper was up there with the best. Denis Hardman Joe Udovicic Bruno Cengia Paul Jones all would have applauded his bravery and tenacity. Well done. Craig Turner.

Anonymous said...

The football, culture and togetherness presented on Monday night by the Kingborough players and fans was absolutely brilliant. Unseen in Tasmanian football. Kingborough fought till the very end and through absolute war like football from them for 88 minutes they really deserved to win the cup but football is football and anything can happen knights proved this. But kingborough have shown they are certainly the most dominant and threatening side in Tasmanian football, if they can find more consistency they will win the league.

Also a slight shame they didn’t win the laka because with that culture and spirit that club and team have they were a real chance to win their Australia Cup game.

Anonymous said...

Credit to Kingborough for putting in a good effort and over achieving in the final but cold hard facts are they are yet to beat any of the top 3 teams above them in the NPL … and sorry but Summer Cup results count for little when the real games start and teams play their full squads … unless they start beating the top 3 it’s a long rest of the season for the Lions … 4th in the NPL reflects where they are at and could of been champions count for nil

Anonymous said...

Bees don’t waste their time explaining to flies that honey is better than crap.

Anonymous said...

The fact is that they are not going to finish 4th. The lions will win the league, just wait till the play the top three next they are getting battered.

Anonymous said...

"Please put your names to comments" - Anononymous, 2024.



Anonymous said...

Best cup final ever. Knights played some great footy

Anonymous said...

Please put your name to comments from ANONYMOUS hilarious.

Anonymous said...

To be fair you could say the same for Devonport and Knights (inside 90 mins). Since SH beat Kingborough in Rd1 there has been 8 straight draws (at 90 mins) in all comps between the NPL top 4. Fine margins

Anonymous said...

10:29, Could anyone enlighten me on what this person means.

Anonymous said...

FFT need to upgrade their cameras- video footage looked like it was off a flip phone. Think it was the 2019 Laka finals between South and Port where they had multiple camera angles that would change mid game like a pro game

Anonymous said...

In reply to what

Anonymous said...

Not as good as the lions, didn’t deserve to win but they were clutch in the death

Anonymous said...

K,borough are years away from any sort of success.

They had their chance on Monday and blew it.

Rolled by Riverside the week before - it’ll be a fruitless season again.

Anonymous said...

Kingborough years away from any success? They’ve made 2/2 potential cup finals this season. Anyone can see they are on the rise and if you can’t then maybe football isn’t for you. Kingborough may end the season trophyless but none the less they are becoming a great side.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5.18 is on the troll
That was probably the most one sided final in years

Anonymous said...

Really? Watch the replay: made some good saves by was totally to blame for two of the goals.

Anonymous said...

I’ve looked buddy: you see what you want to see.
Fact is he comes flying in recklessly, catches Luttmer’s foot/ankle gets a Red card.
That’s the facts you’ll just see what you want to see

Anonymous said...

Great day of football and great hosts at the ground, would’ve been even better if you get all around the sides that were open rather than being stuck at one end and why do we continue to put the cameras that show no one in the background, like most things up there they have worked it out in Devonport and you always get to see the half fizzed crowd getting stuck into the players, it is wonderful. Kind Regards, Anonymous

Anonymous said...

If they look like they ate improving ,it is only because the standard is dropping across the State.
Cuo games are the luck of the draw the top team doesn't always make it ,or a bad call costs the better team the game.Tell Kingbourgh they are dreaming

Anonymous said...

Enjoy that …. Everyone always remembers who came second lol

Anonymous said...

3:29 sorry spelling mistake. I meant the fact is that the lions will win the league and when they play devonport and south next the lions will win. They play much better football than both of them. Say I’m wrong but my prediction is by round 18 the title race will be between the knights and lions only. I think south and the strikers are well behind the pace this year.

Terry said...

This is fun to read

Anonymous said...

6:37 You’re clearly thick mate, can’t accept another club other than yours is improving.

David Webb said...

If nothing else, it’s great to see so much passion and excitement around this game. 60+ plus comments and all Walter did was post the scores.

Anonymous said...

Classic comment aye? Never hide behind a keyboard cause those are the ones who won’t step up when you’re 2.0 down with 5 to go. CT.

Anonymous said...

Ever played senior football as a keeper? Craig Turner

Anonymous said...

BOROUGH against the world

Anonymous said...

Walter what did you think of the men's final?

Anonymous said...

Great teams generally win competitions. That’s how great clubs are measured.

K’boro are mediocre at best.

Anonymous said...

The Zebras will beat Kingborough this weekend mark my words you heard it first

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Their culture, fans and success in the NPL to date would surely makes them odds on to win the Australian Cup

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are thinking they are better than they actually are.
They haven't done a thing all year or for the last few.
WSL team is a joke

Dirk Gadd said...

Hi Walter

Sorry ...

Very much off topic

But disappointing to read recently:


No mention of the likes of :

Kim Barker
Ken Barker
Basil Masters (RIP)
Brett McKay

......and so many more

POOR FORM from the boys club

Anonymous said...

Mark who’s words???