Monday, November 16, 2009

Hobart United have new office bearers

Photo: Akuel Guot

Hobart United held their AGM at Pontville on the weekend and elected new office bearers, which indicates the club is far from folding.

Fawaz Ateem is the new president, while Awak Mario-Ring is the new secretary.

Prominent player Akwai Guot is the players’ representative on the committee.


Rage against the machine said...

This is good news. A lot of people have put a lot of effort into this club (and not just within either) to just see it go belly up. Hopefully they can continue to improve and one day soon, earn a place in the top tier of competition in Southern Tasmania.

Pixel 40 said...

well said Bradfor

jerrie kruijver said...

agreed bradford

eightball said...

i'm sure i'm saying this on behalf of the greater community of tasmanian football, when i say that yes hobart united have been one of the feel good stories of the last few years. however, maybe for them to take the next step to the top level consistently, they could also scout elsewere for their more prestigous roles- probably out of their cultural circle. its all well and good to keep some things close knit, but to succeed, some hard stance changes are sometimes whats required. with broadbent, jackson marsh on board in dual roles, and michael morley stepping in as fit. coach, things are on the up