Saturday, December 5, 2009

Socceroos face early exit from World Cup

Photos (Top to Bottom): Germany midfielder Michael Ballack will captain the side against the Socceroos; Oliver Bierhof (right), the team manager of Germany, fancies his side's chances against Australia [Photos by Walter Pless ]

Australia have drawn a tough group for next year’s World Cup finals in South Africa.

The Socceroos are in Group D, together with Germany, Serbia and Ghana.

If we qualify for the second round, we will have done extremely well.

New Zealand probably have an easier group as they face Italy, Paraguay and Slovakia in Group F.

The Brazilians may be tested in Group G, where they have to negotiate North Korea, Ivory Coast and Portugal.

The host nation, South Africa, may well exit after the first round as they face Mexico, Uruguay and France.

The groups are:

Group A: South Africa, Mexico, Uruguay, France

Group B: Argentina, Nigeria, Greece, South Korea

Group C: England, USA, Algeria, Slovenia

Group D: Germany, Australia, Serbia, Ghana

Group E: Netherlands, Denmark, Japan, Cameroon

Group F: Italy Paraguay, New Zealand, Slovakia

Group G: Brazil, North Korea, Ivory Coast, Portugal

Group H: Spain, Switzerland, Honduras, Chile


nugget said...

i dont see why people are saying we can not advance through the group stage for, i beleive it will obviously be hard but is not as hard of a group than 2006 when you had brazil japan and croatia who were allranked higher than the 3 for this world cup, germany very hard game, ghana who knows with them and serbia we should beat them

Brian Young said...

I have to agree with walter, Australia will be fortunate to get through the group phase. All their opponents are most formidable in their own way. I suspect that a free-flowing fast team such as Ghana will expose our ageing defenders. germany are, well, just Germany, they always have the skill & ability to grind it out when it matters. Serbia are a little more unpredictable so we may get a point off them

the sheppard said...

thanks for stating the obvious nugget- your wisdom goes beyond belief. yes it will be hard seeing it is the single most challenging event in sporting history. the 32 top clubs from around the world participating in a sporting spectacle so great it makes grown men cry to their mother. have faith in the green and gold and watch the doubters come to the fore. C'MON AUSTRALIA

Brian Young said...

Unfortunately, this may be a good draw for the AFL; an early exit for the Socceroos is decidedly on the cards.

Anonymous said...

i think ghana will be easier to beat than serbia, serbia have vidic and ivanovic of chelsea in defence, stankovic of inter in mid and a monster striker.

jerrie kruijver said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Serbia much harder to beat than Ghana -

Australia will surprise in this group and go through comfortably

Bruno said...

You cant call it the top 32 teams in the world when NZ are competing, but thats the beauty of the event.

Germany are in great form and a draw would be a great result, Essien on Holman is making me physically ill thinking of it.

Serbia game is going to be a cracker if we are still in the hunt, I'm excited already

nugget said...

brian would you would liked to have brazil,portugal and ivory coast in our group instead,NO you wouldnt so look at the positives mate and get on with it

Chuq said...

Wow, what a positive headline. People were saying the exact same thing about us this time four years ago, and what happened then?

Anonymous said...

Brett Hollmann should be press ganged on to a slave ship for the entire world cup

Anonymous said...

England in the second round, that would be something!

Bruno said...

lol madmcglone, I swear the only reason Holman gets a game is because Arnie is still on the coaching staff.

Walter said...

Nugget and Chuq, football is unpredicatable (except when it's fixed, which seems to be the case sometimes) and anything can happen at the World Cup.

But, the Socceroos aren't the team that competed in 2006. They are older and there's a different coach. I'd love to see them progress, but I don't think they will.

I'm not into spin doctoring and so, while the headline appears negative to you, I think it's cautious and realistic. Cynics are made, not born. The longer one follows this game, the more cynical one becomes. The more money that comes into the game, the more cynical one becomes. Thierry Henry could have learnt a lot from John Charles, who once played for Juventus and whom the Italians still revere. But then again, you've probably never heard of John Charles.

simo said...

Can't see Australia really getting a result off those three, Germany just are too good, Ghana are a exciting team who have been tipped and backed to go all the way with players such as Essien, Muntari and their under 20 team which won the competition earlier this year, combine that with African support it is a very daunting task. Serbia are an impressive side who will be underestimated by many Australians as they are physically better than us.

MHUSB said...

May be if Melbourne Heart were there instead of New Zealand, you could argue the best 32 teams in the world are competing!

Richard Bennett said...

yes all the groups are difficult but some teams may be over rated because of their history not current pedigree.

I think surprising Germany may be vulnerable especially in their opening game, Serbia unpredictable and could implode if out by game 3 and Ghana I suspect may well win the group. Have Germany ever gone out at the group stage?

all hyperthetical I guess but we will know a bit more when the squads are ready to travel hopefully injury free in June.

I just hope we make a good account of ourselves even if we do not get out of the group we need the country behind the team and the game. Go socceroos!

Bruno said...

Interesting to see that the winner of Englands grp will play the 2nd place of our grp for the next round.

Rage against the machine said...

Oh come on Walter, EVERY team faces an early exit if they don't prepare and then play well, and that's a fact.

We are there for only the third time. On paper we may not look as strong as in 2006 but anything is possible. It's the World Cup.

Walter said...

Oh come on Bradford, you obviously didn't read my comment closely. I said: "...and anything can happen at the World Cup."

jerrie kruijver said...

lol walter and bradford


I personally dont think its a bad draw for Australia. Germany are good but hardly the powerhouse of the past (should still top the group). The African nations always self destruct, ill disciplined and Australia have a good record agaisnt them.

Serbia will be tough but as like all East European countries are vulnerable temperamentally.

I would expect Australia to get out of the group stage.

Fanstastic for my second team England.

Rage against the machine said...

Oh sorry Walt, must have missed that in the gloom!!! hehe

Corey Smith said...

we have a nice finals draw......
in the group!! Ghana will top it..... it's in africa for starters... how many germans play in 40 degree heat weekly at high altitude? atleast Australia has our asian cup experience!

Remember the 2002 world cup?? European teams failed miserably in the conditions.....

Ghana 1st and then us 2nd.....

england in the quarter.... if we won that....... argentina would await!! not a very nice draw we have been given!!!

other side looks a bit more straight forward!!

Anonymous said...

it will be cold (southern winter). i read somewhere temperatures will get down to about 7 degrees and rarely top 20. good conditions for the europeans. i can see us getting through, its 50/50. on our day we can beat ghana and serbia

Anonymous said...

Anyone see that goal by Milijas against Bolton on the weekend. He was Serbian player of the year last year and the very first game he gets for Wolves in the midfield (his natural spot) he puts a trade-mark 30 yard strike into the back of the net. He did it heaps for Sebia last year. Hope Shwartzer is ready next year.

JD said...

Corey, interesting comment about Euro teams failing in 2002 WC? - Germany runners up (even if they were the worst team to ever qualify for, and play in a WC final, IMHO) and Turkey third place. Not too shabby, I reckon! Local conditions will no doubt favour the African nations in 2010 but don't write off the Euro heavyweights - Italy, Germany, Spain and er....England with an Italian in charge!

Corey Smith said...

i didn't realise the temperatures at that time of year in sth africa......

re: 2002 world cup...... i was more trying to state that there were a lot of upsets and it was due to the humidity etc..... african teams did well (senegal for example) because of this...... maybe it could be the same in sth africa were my thoughts...... germany limped to final and got smashed by sth americans who liked the conditions, france out early, portugal stuggled when much fancied, italy struggled.....

Captain said...

I like the odds of England v Australia.

JD - if a few more italians played in EPL they might have had a chance of doubling up but its "our" turn now!!! (or maybe Spain ...)

All decent English defenders should be ordered to kick the shite out of Torres every weekend. He's a bit soft anyway.