Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A-League Taskforce to test public sentiment

Photo: Steve Darby (right), assistant coach of Thailand, with former Thai head coach, Peter Reid. Darby, a former Tasmanian director of coaching, would be an ideal choice as coach of a Tasmanian A-League team. Thailand play Jordan this week.

The Tasmania United Football Club Taskforce popped up its head today with a media release.

The release stated that, following the completion of last year’s feasibility study, assisted by State Government funding, a ‘full business study’ was also prepared.

It now seems that the business study has indicated a need for a ‘public sentiment survey’ to ascertain the support base for a Tasmanian-based A-League team.

The Taskforce will this month commission a ‘well-respected’ market research company to conduct this public sentiment survey.

The results should be known in February.


Anonymous said...

Oh are we still trying are we ?

Chuq said...

To 'Anonymous' Considering (a) the feasibility study came back saying a club would be successful (b) the government funded the rest of the business case (c) it was pretty obvious spots #11 and #12 were going to 2nd Melbourne and Sydney clubs and (d) Archie Fraser said, in an article in the Herald Sun in November, that Canberra and Tasmania were the next two spots they were looking to expand - why wouldn't we be "still trying"?

I don't understand why a Tasmanian football fan (assuming you are both, since you are reading Walter's site) would be so derisive to a Tasmanian team in the national football league.

Roberto said...

A ‘public sentiment survey’ is all very good. I suspect the respondents will be mostly in favour. Its hard not to be when people don't have to put there hand in their pocket, at a time when the team doesn't exist.

Why wasn't this done earlier?

Anonymous said...

Chuq , at what point did I say I didnt support the bid ? I didnt . Yes I am a passionate supporter of the game, have been for life.My comment was tounge in cheek .How did Walter put it "taskforce popped up its head".
I like many am very much in the dark as to our progress , I check their site regularly. That was all , sorry you misread it for what it was.

Chuq said...

Ah sorry Anon, I did read it the wrong way, my apologies. Sarcastic/cynical comments are so common in replies to Walter's TUFC-related articles that I guess I've come to expect it :P

Anonymous said...

We have at least two chances of getting an A league side here in Tasmania. Buckleys and none. Those of you who think otherwise please let me know who you are so that I can share whatever drugs you are on and go to another planet with you for a few hours.

Chuq said...

See what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chug not sarcastic or cynical just the plain truth. Zero chance of an A league team here. All clubs struggling. No money in the game. That is reality.

The Phoenix said...

hey Chuq , I see what you mean, thought I had better create a login . So I was the first two anons .

We have to get away from this idea that the local game will dirrectly affect the A-league side . They will be two seperate organizations .The local comp on the other hand would make gains from having a side based here.

Like most I just wish the taskforce would give out more info than the occasional titbit . What happened to the finance shiek ?

I for one would love to buy a membership to a tassie side , would be happy to travel to watch if I had to .Time will tell If others feel the same .

Chuq said...

See my reply to the last "anonymous".

Yes some clubs are struggling. Importantly, some are not. Financially, Melb and Central Coast are in the black. Crowd wise, some are down, but Adelaide, Perth, Sydney and Wellington are up.

Also see the feasibility study - http://www.development.tas.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/12042/Elite_Feasibility_Study.pdf

Including financial info and preliminary public interest survey. Also states that TUFC will be able to break even with crowds as low as 8000 due to the favourable stadium arrangements in place.

Also be aware that FFA is about to sign a new deal with Fox Sports for $60m/yr (current deal is $17m/yr).

Buckley, Lowy and Fraser have all recently stated Canberra and Tasmania are their intentions for future expansion.

I don't understand the mentality of not supporting a team for your state for your sport. Do people think they are going to get punished for supporting an unsuccessful bid? The general public don't need to worry about the funding or sponsors or business cases or anything like that - if the bid doesn't have them, they won't be accepted. The only question most of us have to answer is "If we get a team, will you support them?" You would expect Tasmanians, being a parochial bunch, to do so!

Anonymous said...

Tassie would be first pick for a 2nd div A league team. This is a more likely scenario. I think It's only a matter of time. You have shot yourselves in the foot by allowing the northern clubs to secede from the state league. There are now 2 social leagues with huge differentials in standards btw the top and bottom teams of each respective league. I would get a state league happening and go from there.

Anonymous said...

Discussion was not about the support for the team but rather the likely hood of it getting up. In my opinion all the notional support in the world will not get this thing over the line. I would like to make a sizable wager at odds on prices regarding the outcome of this. Any takers? I am willing to lay 2 to your 1. Also happy to agree that the loser pays it to an agreed charity.

The Phoenix said...

There is no doubt that a state league is needed here again , but , with out the sponsorship of one or two large corporations it probably wont happen . Thanks to Walters walk down memory lane and conversations had with ex players it is very obvious that the standered of the comp has declinded , yet the young kids seem far more skilled now than they did back then.

Chuq said...

Support makes a huge amount of difference. Look at Gold Coast United. Ignoring the crowds they had everything that makes a hugely successful club. A Socceroo returning in his prime, a strong squad, lots of money behind them, good results, a nice new venue to play out of, the only major sport on the Gold Coast over summer (not even cricket to contend with). But they have not connected with the community, and as a result they have the smallest crowds of any club, and that alone has caused all sorts of problems, on and off the field.

Chuq said...

Anonymous: If you're taking cash wagers that's a different story. Of course someone taking a gamble (whether as a bet, investing in the club or becoming a sponsor) would need to know more details, of which this public sentiment survey will provide. But those investors will be taking the result of this survey into account if the "word on the street" is a negative vibe it's going to make them less likely to invest.

Personally I've spent a bit of my own money in supporting the bid - made banners, attended fundraisers, even advertising on facebook - and I'm happy to do so, I'd even pay my first years membership in advance if it helped!