Photos (Top to Bottom): Hobart United scorer Akuel Guot; South HObart marksman Liam Scott; Jim Pennicott scored for South Hobart; Michael McKenna...new face at FFT; Kenneth Hansen...heading back to Denmark; Tom Roach made a brief appearance for South Hobart against Hobart United
South Hobart beat Hobart United 5-1 in a pre-season friendly at Wellesley Park this afternoon.
Akuel Guot gave United the lead, but South gradually gained the ascendancy and ran out winners.
Liam Scott, Jim Pennicott, Colin Wain, Elliott Lovell and Andy Brennan were South’s marksmen.
“It was a very difficult game for us because Hobart United play with lots of enthusiasm,” said South Hobart coach, Ken Morton.
“They’re big and strong, they get in your face, and they leave the legs in.
“They fight for the fifty-fifty balls, so it was a difficult game for us.
“But, overall, when we had our passages of play, we did well and scored a couple of good goals, which were important for us, from wide areas.
“We had ten first-team players not playing - ten genuine first-team players."
Tom Roach made a brief appearance for South Hobart but damaged an ankle and had to go off.
“Colin Wain played for us and we’re hoping he’ll stay, and we’re hoping Matthew Brown will be back as well.
“That’s nothing definite, but it’s just a possibility.
“Next week I’ve got to put two teams out to play White Eagles and I’ll have 18 players in Wollongong with me [at the same time].
“And yet, we can do that.
“We have another lad coming from Pohang Steelers - a 25-year-old.
“We’re just trying to make ourselves as strong as we possibly can in all areas to develop the game and to develop our own youngsters.
“I mean, you see some of the youngsters now, such as Andy Brennan, who’s raw at the edges but he may have that gift of getting into penalty areas.”
Michael McKenna is the replacement at Football Federation Tasmania for Kenneth Hansen, who is returning to Denmark.
McKenna will, amongst other things, be in charge of rostering and he also has an interest in ramping up the FFT website.
it's sad that in a league as small as the southern tasmanian that south hobart would bother to import all these players. It's ruining the chance of tassie youngsters to play at a higher level.
Walter love to hear your thoughts on this topic?
Anonymous, perhaps the youngsters will see watch and learn from these good players, pick up some skills and endeavour to improve their own game.
This will improve tas football in the near future. methinks.
South Hobart are wisely thinking ahead. More clubs should try it.
Banksie - don't you mean Ken Morton is thinking ahead...
i see no problem with morton importing players in an attempt to raise the standard.
and doesnt he run an academy. props to the man as far as im concerned.
How many players will Sth sign up before others start leaving?
Anonymous ,you are very negative arent you ?You do not appear to say anything positive about anything.Presuming you are the same Anonymous posting these comments above.
Regardless of what people may think of Ken Morton , he is very professional in the way he does things and does promote the game very well.Many of us cannot see the forest for the trees.Lets give credit where it is due. I am sure that many of us ,regardless of which club we support, would like someone like Ken in charge of our players.Having said that, we must also remember that soccer(or football)is what Ken knows. It has been his life and living for many years.He doesnt have,or ever had a normal job, so to speak.He should be good at what he does. He has much more time to devote to the game than all other coaches have, as most do have other full time jobs and families, which does take up a hell of alot of one's private time.
No matter how dedicated other coaches may be to the game/club etc, not one of them,unfortunately, is going to be able to seriously compete with Ken in many aspects of the game locally.How many coaches locally, could give up their full time job and obtain higher coaching qualifications , dedicate much more time to development of players ,club etc , in order to raise the standard in this state? Not many I wouldnt think . Unfortunately clubs here cannot afford to pay coaches sufficient money that they would not need to work elsewhere.Whilst the situation remains ,then unbfortunately the standard in Tasmania will remain. It may improve slightly ,but will not reach any great heights,ever, unless the above situation changes.If everyone is honest with themselves, then we would all agree that this is the case.Unfortunate , but true.
unfortunately resources are a problem in an amatuer game, interested. South have been one of the few clubs that have had a dedicated long term junior development program going back long before Kens arrival. Ken has taken it to a higher level no doubt.
it has been said on this site before other clubs need to concentrate on having long term player/coach/junior development to succeed for more than a year or two.
It is no coincidence that the clubs that have been investing in young players in an ongoing development program are havig success now. South, Zebras and Clarence are the examples that others should follow not complain about having strong squads.
Interested- spoken like a true south hobart fan that looks up to ken like some kind of god. Of course he contributes to developing youngsters but the 2000 odd dollars to be part of his 'academy' i assume most of which goes straight to his bank account. And i remember there being no keeper in this academy squad.
Ken is however an excellent coach with his own football philosophy, unlike most other coaches
PS interested- these comments aren't the one anonymous, but i see where you went wrong ;)
Anonymous 3.12pm , You are incorrect .I am actually not a South Hobart fan and never will be . Just stating facts about the current situation of the sport in this state. That's all.And Richard Bennett , you state that South have had a a good development program for juniors going back years.
I wont comment on that issue , as people who have been involved in this sport for many years , know how that process worked , and if you are honest with yourself ,you will admit that it was not a true and transparent system.
Interested - are you referring to john barker actively recruiting kids from the regional squads he's been a part of?
Anonymous, I directed that comment at Richard ,and I am not going to elaborate. Those concerned,involved etc , know what I am referring to.
yeah so that's what you are referring to, Interested.
don't get all upity about who turns back and comments to you. You make a statement on a blog champ, well be prepared to be called on it.
it's not as though you have put your name to it...
break it up lads, not worth the bickering. After all, it doesnt matter how SH got so strong - at least on paper. The issue is what are the other clubs going to do about improving their squads.
nuts and bolts - you're on the money there. clubs and individuals at or from clubs, much like 'Interested' need to get off their backsides and be active.
kudos to john for recruiting the way he has.
and for what it's worth, he's still down at wellesly on sunday mornings training the juniors, while certain others happy to whinge about him on blogs are lying on their backs in bed, no doubt complaining about him.
anon 9.04pm yikes!! surely no-one should have thoughts of John B in the bedroom - except Mrs B maybe!
nuts and bolts - amen to that!
Anonymous ,no-one is getting "upity" (whatever that means)about anything.All I did was make a general statement about a situation .I did not mention any names or insinuate any individual. You were the one that mentioned an individual's name, again.
One other thing ,Anonymous 9.04 pm ,you dont know whether I am active, as you put it, in the sport here anyway , so another stupid thoughtless comment by you again. Maybe I am.I may even be at the club you support ,you will never know.
I think that the clubs who have been active and supportive of juniors are those that benefit. It's simple players play where they have a supportive environment. You get out of it what you put in and people like JB have been more dedicated to investing his time in juniors at many levels and many roles than most.
I certainly have more respect for that than those who criticise and suggest clubs are entitled to expect junior players just to turn up and play for them.
The glass is half full.
Richard , I do not disagree with your comments.Clubs certainly should not expect players to just turn up and play for them.However in the past clubs have had some input into development of juniors ,who end up being selected for rep teams ,only to be enticed or encouraged to join other clubs .
The original club where many of these juniors learn to play , are the ones missing out.
i know nomintaions close for summer cup on 31st jan (dont get me started why this date is so close to the start of the comp....) but does anyone know when the draw and actual rosters will be released for the summer cup???
Ginger, why dont you ring FFT and ask them?
interested, you are definitely of the kingborough ilk.
get over yourself.
Go South!
Anonymous 1.35 pm.You have no idea do you !Give it up.
Interested, I hear what your saying but I think there is a role for those clubs who are losing those juniors to offer an option to stay.
My understanding is that clubs, and not just South, that have a program in place where they have qualified and exerienced coaches with an active supportive committee plus a pathway to the elite level, players will be attracted. It is a fact of life that players want to play in the best environment they can.
If it means those clubs with those set ups reap the rewards for their work then I am not surprised however I take your point about some clubs missing out on future senior players and that is not good for those clubs. But that situation can only be addressed by the club itself working towards having the people in place to change that.
It is not an easy thing to address but rebuilding is a long term thing and thejuniors have to make a hard choice of which is the best club for me.
Hopefully that happens more in the future as clubs that haven't already done so build player development for juniors.
Oh and whoever you are involved with (obviously not kingborough) good luck for the coming season and enjoy the football.
Interested - your point that promising juniors involved in development/state programs are enticed not to return to their original clubs doesnt happen as often as you think (esp. not by Sth Hobart). For example, here's a break down of the 2008 State
U15's who finished 5th at Nationals that year:
5 came from Sth Hobart - 3 returned, 2 went to TIS (1 of these has since gone to Clarence);
4 came from Clarence - 5 went to Clarence (one has since gone to Olympia);
2 came from Ulv - 1 went to TIS, 1 returned to Ulv;
3 came from Zebras - 1 returned to Zebras
2 came from Somerset - 2 returned to Somerset
Life at Jolly Roger Motel.This topic is closed as far as I am concerned.Just for your information though, I was referring to much younger players in previous posts.As I stated in previous posts , people involved , affected etc know exactly what I was referring to.Finished.
How can you declare a topic closed and then go on and on .... finished???
BTW wth was that rant of 24/1 all about ... nah, just joking we really have heard enough
interested does not respect the ability to have a difference of opinion.
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