Photos (Top to Bottom): Metro keeper Simon Land blocks shot from Joe Vanderslink; Nelson's Joe Vanderslink on the attack against Metro's Grant Malcolm; Zebras' reserves' Tommy Fotak directing operations at the back; Brett Pullen and Tommy Fotak clear up at the back against Hobart Olympic reserves; Action from the reserves game between Tilford Zebras and Hobart Olympic
Forestry Tasmania Southern Premier League
Tilford Zebras 11 (Crosswell 9 pen, Cairns 15, Welch 21, Crosswell 30 pen, Welch 43, Walsh 47, Fagg 51, Brazendale 62, Crosswell 68, Fagg 77, Welch 92) b Hobart Olympic 0
Tilford Zebras 6 (Pullen, Viney, Fotak, Thorpe 2, Young) b Hobart Olympic 0
Division One
Metro 11 (Orr 4, Sweeney 4, Cowen 2, Malcolm) b Nelson Eastern Suburbs 2 (Stockdale 2)
Christian United 2 (Page, Sly) b Hobart United 1 (Woodward)
Taroona 5 (Atkinson, Horgan, Luttmer, D Carey, own-goal) b Beachside 3 (Atkin, Shepherd, Robinson)
Division One Reserves
Christian United 3-1 Hobart United
Division One Under-19s
Christian United 6 (Isaac Golo 3, Francis Kenyi 2, Allan Ladiong) b Hobart United 5 (Adam Woodward 2, Kyle Balmer 2, Lucas Brouwer)
Forestry Tasmania Northern Premier League
Somerset 3 (Hamilton 2, Nettleton) b Prospect Knights 2 (Own goal, Harris)
Launceston City 0 lt Devonport City 4 (Howe 2, Mulraney, S Wilson)
Burnie United 0 lt Riverside Olympic 2
here is another cricketscore for brian to ponder
Dear Brian or Keith
when was the last time Olympic lost by 11 in the seniors??
Thats unreal, 11 nil,look forward to Walters match report.
Metro big winners as well, its a 2 horse race for the Div 1 title now,. No major surprise.
Looking forward to watching tomorrows game at Clare Street.
olympic went down too 9 men half way threw the 1st half having to players sent off at the same tym
marty its time for the better div2 sides to get back inti div1
our team lost a summer cup final to Metro 7 nil, which is cricket score like.
I think our squad from last year would get results against other sides in Div 1, but our 2 Div 2 sides this year are not on the same page as last years lot.
Our side havent played the top 3 sides, Knights, Kingbrough and Huon Valley yet so I cant comment on the quality of them, but I could imagine these sides getting some results against Div 1 sides.
Its no ones fault in Div 1 about standards, it is evident that they all try to get the best possible team on the park, the old Premier league teams will be better off in the near future, but I will be very interested to see how the new structure goes over time.
In recent memory, Div 1 has lost South Hobart, Eagles, Kingbrough and Huon Valley, the latter through, I assume a lack of being able to fill FFT criteria.
It will be interesting to see if any other Div 1 club drop off in the next few years.
Beachside outclassed at Kelvedon. Not the best conditions...
marty if you judge the leagues on standard then the premier league reserves should be div 1.the top 2 div 1 sides should be playing at that level.the rest of div1 get more then they can handle from the better div2 sides
Absolutely shocking call by Kim Barker to send off Peter Tsakiris. Peter said something in greek and Kim sent him off for it even though he had no idea what Peter said. When I asked Kim if he made an assumption on what Peter said Kim said "yes".
For the record Peter did not say anything insulting or threatening which Kim assumed he did.
Shame on you Kim, last time I checked making assumptions on decisions was not in the rules.
Jerry, not sure if that would be compltely correct about Premier reserves being better.
We have never had both leagues in the past play in any formal comp. I can only base an assessment on my club, 2008 Eagles reserves and 2008 Eagles Div 1 and it would be a very closely contested match.
Being an optimist, Id like to think Div 1 would get up, although the younger legs would run all over us at stages.
To whom did Tsakiris say the words? If it was Kim then why not speak in English? If it wasn't Kim then who.
The subject was raised in Blacjack's era - why only a red card for 'audible foul language' if the language used is English?
Peter was saying to the team lets start playing soccer. He was frustrated with the way things were going at that stage with good reason. In no way was this threatening to Kim which is what he assumed it was. No foul language either, even in greek.
Perhaps the more disappointing thing is that when Peter came to shake Kim's hand at the end of the match he refused, even when one of the linesman suggested he should.
Not the kind of behaviour the referee of the year last year should be displaying.
I think he is the one that should be suspended.
Nester, What was Peter doing on the ground if he had been sent off? Maybe that's why kim didn't shake his hand...
Apologies with earlier comment.
Missed Kingston Cannons, last year they were a formidable outfit who took points off most Div 1 sides. Another side that didnt fit the 'criteria'.
Have played against peter on several occasions he can speak english, why (considering half your team probably cant speak greek) would he have said it in greek and not english, and why would he have (as i saw it) directed this up the referee. Im sorry if i offend but if the rule is good enough for one langauge its good enough for all...
Sub, I find your comments offensive. Last time I checked Australia was a country where we had the freedom to speak in whatever language we choose. It is verging on racism to deny a person to speak their cultural language. There should be a full investigation into the matter and if it turns out that Peter did not use foul or abusive language (either Greek or English) in addressing his team mates then the referee should be the one who is fined and suspended.
#8 I have passed on your message.
The best Div 1 league I participated in was when the State League was in vogue . The Division 1 which we were part of comprised 5 State reserve sides , 5 stand alone clubs . The standard was good and the desire to beat "a State Club " intense. No cricket scores .
I can not remember the year .
Can any one assist.
Age catching up I suppose .
Kim is a very expereinced referee and has seen it all.
It is not just the spoken word it is the intent, the gesture, the expression etc.
If a comment was directed toward the referee as Sub has suggested - if the ref found that to be threatening or insulting - then off he goes.
Earlier threads have complained and blamed FFT for not enough refs.
It was only 2 weeks ago that Kim had to hold up a game for 5 minutes due to a tirade of abuse coming from the Olympic supporters and bench toward opposition players and the officials. One player was sent from the bench.
Refs have to put up with all sorts of shit from players and fans so don't play the racism card when players get sent off for throwing some "language" in their direction.
good point boof
I think peter spoke greek because there are other greek players on the field other than himself.....for all the non greek readers on this blog, i think you should go and get this translated......'ase mus na pexu me'.......obviously you wont, so i will give you the translation..'let us play'.No matter how peter said it you can not send someone off for assuming, this is not because i am his brother it is just a bit of common sense. hopefully there is some in the end.
does anyone no when the clarence uni game will be played ????????
might have to wait til FFT get to work mate. It is only Sunday.
"patience is a virtue"
Great points you raise Boof. Kim has been around long enough to know what was said to him and calls from some on here to suspend the ref show a complete ignorance for the due process that will now take place .
Kim is by far the best ref that we have in the state and he would'nt have assumed anything he would be damn sure before he pulled out a red.
olimpic should be more worried by the fact they let in 11 as I am sure they will appeal the send off.
Andys god , it will be interesting to see how FFT find a time and place to replay the game . There appears to be no provision in the roster for make up games,so we could see a game played after the season has ended that COULD have a significant bearing on the minor premiership.
there are gaps for SWC. Ironically Uni and Clarence play in the next round so 1 of them will play in a semi final leaving no free weekend for this match to be played b4 season ends.
FFT could look at Wed 1st or Friday 3rd July under lights at WWP2.
Clarence play Uni on Sunday 5th July so a game earlier in that week would be treating both sides equally in terms of the break between games and also ensure this game is played before season's end.
c'mon blokes referees will always be referees. whether pete said anything bad or not, the fact is he probably said something to kim ten years ago so kim's prob just paying him back now.
When Kim allowed me to speak with him after the incident I asked him directly "did you assume Peter said something offensive to you" in which Kim replied "YES".
So by Kim's own admission it was an assumption.
Peter only said the words, it was not followed by any form of gesture or direction specifically towards Kim so this is purely a case of Kim making an assumption.
The fact that Kim also refused to shake hands after the match shows that Kim holds a personal grudge.
ok guys who cares what language people swear in its the most stupid rule in the world that if you swear you get sent off so lets look at fft to change the rule and use some common sense
would be willing to bet that Peter Tsakiris only came back onto the field to remonstrate with the referees. In most cases referees should ignore these situations [and especially with Olympic who are repeat offenders] and simply move on.
I gather our Mr. Nester is only telling his club's side of the story.
As for the score, well, honestly? I'd like nothing more than for Olympic to drop to Div 1 next year. would make my day/year/decade!! To see the reaction from such a proud club would be interesting.
Best comment - Boof. says it all, fairly and evenly.
To those pulling the racism card - grow up and move on. Typical of Tasmanian football sometimes.
Yellow i think you would find you would have to go to FIFA not FFT to get that law changed
Boof, 1. the comment was not directed at the referree and 2. the language was not foul or abusive. If Peter had made the exact same comment in English would he have been sent off? No. So what would you call that?
ust looking at the records..Olympic's previous biggest defeat was 0-8 to Hob Juventus in 1994, that would have been in the State Lg ..Keith
I'm sure if you talked to Kim he would admit it was an assumption as he admitted to me after the incident so really i am just stating the facts.
Also you could ask the assistant if Peter was there to remonstrate or simply to shake his hand. The fact that the assistant tried to get Kim to shake Peter's hand shows it was the latter.
I'm sure there would be many people from other clubs that would be willing to agree that Peter is one of the most decent people in the game and would not come over to Kim after the game simply to remonstrate.
simple just speak english
4 things.
Pete Tsikiris in my experience is a fantastic player and has never gone outside "acceptable" behaviour on the park.
Kim Barker is by far and away the best Ref in the south. He like myself is prone to making errors, I could argue that over the years he "may have" swayed results against teams I have participated for, with mistakes. I can safely say that my own errors have probably contributed to more points lost compared. All said he, and anyone that plays or refs does make mistakes.
Had the privelige of bench warming for the Premier reserves today, and can safely now say, earlier comment by myself was incorrect. Our reserves would easily account for Div 2 sides this year.
Fourthly Ive forgotten what it was, but probably something about Tommy Fotak picture and what point he was trying to get across.
did you have a pillow and a blanket over your knees marty?????????lol
Jerry, I am experienced enough to be prepared. I had a pillow, blanket, and wind shield(Rodney Bones and Brian Zelinski). Good comeback from our youngsters, 2 -1 down at half time, fought back for a 4-2 win.
Glad we equalised with 30 minutes left, I was about to come on, I barely lasted the 20 minutes I was on!!!
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