Photos (Top to Bottom): Jonathon Lo equalises for South Hobart against Taroona; South Hobart's Shae Hickey (No.7) tackles Taroona's Toby Dove as South's Liam Scott awaits the outcome; Clarence and Eagles observe a minute's silence for the late Alistair Rattray, one of only nine Tasmanians to have represented Australia at senior level; Eagles striker Adam McKeown is upended by Clarence keeper Cameron Sweeney amid penalty appeals; A handball by Clarence's Ben Parker leads to penalty appeals even from spectators [PlessPix]
Forestry Tasmania Southern Premier League
Taroona 1 (H Luttmer 19) lost to South Hobart 3 (J Lo 35, G Downes 43, A King 90)
Clarence United 5 (L Cripps 3, 30, B Hamlett 34, 64, 91) beat New Town Eagles 2 (J Clamp 43, A Leszczynski 73)
Taroona 3 (B Horgan, T Ritchie, S Ryan) lost to South Hobart 4 (N Cuthbertson, K Choi, W Ross, H Bladel)
Clarence United 6-1 New Town Eagles
Taroona 2-4 South Hobart
Clarence United 7-0 New Town Eagles
Southern Division One
DOSA 0-14 Beachside (B Klasen 5, B Pullen 2, Pennicott 3, A Grzinic, P Dunne, L Atkin, N Robinson)
University 8 (J Proud 4, H Peacock, A Lynch, N Blundell, A Hindmarsh) beat FFT Under-15s 1
Forestry Tasmania Northern Premier League
Launceston United 1-3 Burnie United
Ulverstone 2-3 Somerset
Launceston City 1-5 Riverside Olympic
Northern Rangers 1-0 Prospect Knights
zebras slowly hittin the bottom i say
Thought the South defence looked less without D Brown, but young Pennicott had an outstanding game and held ship at times.
Well done to Taroona for taking a good fight to the team to beat, but TFC just seem to run out of puff. Andy King made a big impact on entry to the last half. Ground bit of a mess but end of day.
Great entertaining football to watch.
Highlight of the DOSA v Beachside game was early in the second half when Beachside was leading 8-0, the Beachside keeper, Soszynski was seen casually speaking to someone on his mobile phone!
As a DOSA attack developed, the mobile was thrown behind him into the goal. Once the ball was cleared, the mobile was lovingly propped up against his right hand goal post.
I could kick myself for not taking a photo of it!!
14-0? Division 1?
third scorer for South hObart's Reserves was actually Will Ross, I believe.
14-0?? Div1 is becoming a joke really..teams like DOSA should just be a social team
Lets be honest Div one has 6 teams - Beach, Uni, Taroona, Nelson, Hbt Untd & Mets - Sthn FC, Dosa just make up the numbers.. So really it's not that far off the SPL.. Olympic & Taroona, and Eagles would struggle vs At least Uni, Nelson & Beach.. Leagues always have strugglers, how do we fix it ??? the 12 team SPL with no div 1 might work we will see.. Great game next week.. Beach vs Uni in Div 1..
Shows how 'the DOSA team is developing' if a goalkeeper can use his mobile phone
Pretty sure Taroona aren't in div 1 right now stick...
stick.the problem is not div1.the problem is that div1 is not made up out of the strongest teams that could be in there to make div1 very competetive.there must be promotion and relegation all the way down every league.there are good teams in div 3 and 2 that could give alot of teams in div1 a good run for their money.
Another potentially greater highlight of the action at Showgrounds could well have taken place during the Reserves game, with the Beachside goalkeeper managing to score from a kick out of his hands. Quite an effort.
Re the recently established Competition Working Group
Apart from my personal submission the 1st item on their agenda is who should be playing in which league .
It is better to play at a lower level and win games than face inevitable defeat each and every weekend.
I speak from personal experience
Anon 1:10 - that wouldnt really be too diffucult, given the entire pitch at Showgrounds is as long as a half at KGV or Clare St...
only way to make the div 1 teams stronger is to get rid of the premier reserves so that a spread of players is more even around the league, use the 19s as reserves with 3 overage players, this will strengthen all levels right down and there is not enough players down here to have reserve leagues
Re: Brian Roberts
June 6, 2010 9:22 AM
Is that a picture of you Brian?
Ano 10.31 .
A similar verion of your suggestion was tried "some " years ago by Soccer Tas . Here is an extract from my paper
"The plan further misfired when the displaced older player did not seek a position with a Division 1 Club but remained with his Premier League Club and became part of their Social League structure. "
S/T then found out you can not compel people to play where S/T wanted them to play .
Any more that you can compel clubs to merge .
That scenario is O K as long as it doesn't happen to me .
All FFT can do is decline entry into a competition .
re Brian R 3:07
not quite sure from your comment why the player was "scrapped". But when a club can not have PL and D1 teams what other option is there for a player who wants to stay with their club? Drop down to a Div2/3 team full of recently ex-PL players that are probably going to be much better than most Div 1 teams.
Seems to me that the replacement of PLR and PL19s for a single team with some kind of age quota, combined with promotion across the board is a reasonable solution that has not yet been trialled.
Brian Young
Yes taken on the beach at Barmouth , North Wales about 1939.
Anon 10.31am.
Close. A better idea is lose the U19's (most club struggle to find and field enough kids with sufficeint quality). Next turn Reserves comp into an U23 'youth' league with max 3 over age players and the third tier for SPL clubs becomes Div 1.
Clubs outside the SPL can field senior men Div 2 to Div 5 teams with no age restriction. Div 2 clubs can compete for promotion.
All clubs can have youth teams up to U17 - after that each kid needs to find their own level in senior structure.
Youth development should also be supplemented by FFT programs which should provide State programs but also include 'free' development sessions for any player under 21 who's interested/committed. The TIS squad program should be scrapped and replaced by individual male and female athlete scholarships (max. 12 mixed gender per year - 1 TIS coach)
everyone is bagging dosa, but considering that they are pretty much a new team with pretty much the whole team under 18. With bringing all these unexperienced players in to one club together, you are bound to run in to some hurdles. Only a few have played together at a senior level. It will take them a year or more to fully join as a team and learn how each other plays. considering they were almost dead at the beginning of this year, I think they are doing rather well. And when they play against beachside for a example who are all over the age of 20, and some of them having premier league experience, you can't expect them to pull off victories just yet.
Dosa belong in div 2
Anon 8:28 pm, Dosa would be lucky to win a couple of games in div 2, let alone be competitive.
Ok, so DOSA are the whipping Boys. There will always be someone who is coming last. DOSA appear to be rebuilding with a bunch of U18's and they are giving young players an opportunity to play and develop and in time they will improve and become more competitive. From listening to players the standard of DIV 1 has definitely improved since the inception of Promotion/relegation and I would suggest that it will continue to get stronger as the system becomes entrenched over the coming years. DOSA's main problem is that they have not been able to keep pace with the increased standard, but they are working on it. Keep your heads up DOSA and keep working towards your goals
WOW WALTER, your comments are very biased. Cam Sweeney did not "up-end" the eagles player, he stood dead still and put his head over the ball to pick it up, the eagles bloke, who was at speed, made contact with the keeper and went up and over him. this knocked both players over with the ball STILL sitting at the keepers feet. SECONDLY. Parker did not play at the ball therefore it was not handball. he fell forward with the ball striking his hand on the way down, therefore it was ball-hand which is NOT a penalty, the referee got it right on both counts. You were standing right behind the goal. Clarence are sorry we won again mate.
lojek, dosa should be in div 8... and for all of you talking about re-structure... you must be from clubs who haven't got off their backside and done anything... if you look across the board, the clubs who have a good structure have had no prob getting prem, prem res and 19s and when it changes to something else... these clubs will fall in line again only to have you clubs that do nothing sit back and complain when you struggle for numbers (your own development fault) and you will want nother league re-structure within a year!
Anon 9:32AM - You are in fact wrong, Sweeney would have actually needed to touch the ball for it not to have been a penalty, he jumped straight over it and cleaned up McKeowns legs in the process.
As for the penalty the hand was not in a natural position against the body, therefore it is handball = penalty.
Get your facts straight!
Further to that the photo is even more evidence, as sweeney is nowhere near the ball still!
Anon 9 32. Do us a favour and shut up. Sorry Clarence won? Im sorry you cannot win more. Your statement is garbage and wrong
Anon 11:32 copy and paste from FIFA Laws of the game, page 34. Suggest you study up mate!
A direct free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any
of the following three offences:
• holds an opponent
• spits at an opponent
• handles the ball deliberately (except for the goalkeeper within his own penalty area)
OMG. The keeper DID in fact have his hands on the ball when the eagles player hit him. and the ball is about 12 inches from the keepers feet in that photo so, yeah, he is nowhere near it. and to all you people who dont understand handball here goes.... ITS ONLY HANDBALL IF THE PLAYER DELIBERATELY PLAYS AT THE BALL!! Check the FIFA laws of the game. and anon 12:56. Nothing about my statement was garbage OR wrong.
Dosa have plenty of talented players, they just need more experience. On that note, 2 years experience won't give them the edge over a team like Beachside. When DOSA get a bit of chemistry happening they'll start being proper competetive. Keep up the hard work DOSA
DOSA is a social club. Always has been and always will be. Its a shame when people come along and highjack the club for their own personal benefit. These same people I doubt very much will be there next year. Its all too hard now for the DOSA players as they dont train and are poorly managed. With no depth expect some further big losses.
Who cares about bloody Dosa
if you dont care about dosa,why care about the sport at all?if you love the sport you want to see every club do well and prosper regardles of what league they are in.we certainly dont want to see any clubs goingdown the drain.we have lost too many over the last 20 years,clubs like caledonians,rapid,dnipro etcetera and more recently cannons and christian united
the keeper isnt even looking at the ball/ has no idea where it is....he's just admiring his handywork and it is handball if your hand impedes the balls movement in any way...the eagles striker would have had a one on one if it didnt hit his hand so therefore it should have been a penalty!!
agreed Jerrie. it is easy to say you survive as a club on your own merits but the football community needs to be more supportive of smaller clubs or the game diminishes and it's place in the sporting market fades.
today Cannons tomorrow ....who knows!
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