Photos (Top to Bottom): 17-year-old Andy Brennan scored five goals; WIN TV films the South Hobart line-up; Rebecca Downes sings the national anthem before the kick-off; Glenorchy Knights line-up; The two teams face the crowd; Food stalls behind the goal at the Mt Wellington end of the ground; The centenary match in progress at the picturesque Washington Street ground; A section of the crowd in the main stand [Quiz: Find George]; There was an excellent attendance at the match; The winning South Hobart squad in front of the score-board; The vanquished leave the pitch [PlessPix]
Forestry Tasmania Southern Premier League
South Hobart 7 (A Brennan 32, 61, 64, 68, 83, J Lo 73 86) beat Glenorchy Knights 1 (J Hope 80)
South Hobart 4-0 Glenorchy Knights
how many goals were offside today???
haha offside? dont know what game you were at buddy.. knights tried an offside trap, but with the one brain ceel between the back 4, makes it hard!
none of the goals were offside -- when one defender fails to step up and the other defenders stand and call for offside the young quick forward scores easily !
none according to the linesman. But, if we are gonna play the offside trap, cummon boys we all gotta be readin off the same plan!
R U SERIOUS............The National Anthem.......ummm WHY?
South Hobart where the better team, but talk about Offside goals.
Who cares about the offsides -
What a marvellous spectacle for Tassie soccer. With all the negative comments around about the state of our game it was a great afternoon with a fantastic, noisy crowd, lots of kids and lots of entertainment before, during and after the game.
A pity about the PA blowing up but the national anthem was still well delivered and was well received.
All credit should go to South Hobart for a great event and lets just hope this the first step forward to bringing this sport back to having some dignity in the state.
from my point of view, which was on the hill to the right of the grandstand, there was only 1 questionable offside. the other goals were pure and simply because the south forwards were too fast for the lumbering GK defenders. googsy was ok, holmes was terrible and dzalija was diabolical.
I wasn't at the game, unfortunately, but give me a break, "off side", basically I believe FIFA have given a clear instruction to referees, if in doubt, attackers throw, if in doubt corner, and if in doubt, no offside.
So if you are going to try and play the off side trap, you better get it right, because close enough is not good enough!
knights depth found out
well done to young Brennan as he took all his chances well but he really did benefit from some inept (clueless) defending in the second half.
Worrying signs for the league as the gap between 1 and 2 turns into a gulf.
South too good on the day, South dominated the middle of the park all day.
Good to see a young striker stepping up in an important game.
knights doesn't play an off side trap, they just all appealed when they saw a guy 3 metres behind them when the ball was kicked assuming that anyone with normal vision would pick that up?
no complaints from knights about losing as south were far the better, but even the most hardened south supporter would agree that a few of the goals were questionnable
Anon 11.45am All goals were legit. I was well placed on the hill unlike Nick Harrison who was seventy metres away.
Desparing fans like yrself are obviously hoping that the refs had pulled their team's pants down, not their own defensive ineptitude.
Be gracious enough to admit that the refs had a much better game than the Knights
knights played poorly, that was acknowledged by the coach. get off your high horse, hero!
Sorry lads check the footage on youtube... Definitely two goals offside and another close call but benefit of the doubt. Can't argue with video!
the hips dont lie
take another look - footage is inconclusive on one goal but confirms all others as NOT offside.
Given the number of offside possibilities in this match I would say the assistant referees did an excellent job!
The 1st goal after half time stung the Knights and that was offside clearly.
Having watched the footage South looked like the controlled all the play.
Knights tried the offside trap in the second half because the defenders were slow, tired and lazy and lacked the fitness that South had. Not much Harrison could do, this was the same in the games that South pumped Knights under Kelly previously.
The midfielders played their part also for Knights not putting any pressure on the likes of Roach and Hickey who were supplying to Brennan and Lo.
I don't buy this offside crap, people who make excuses get nowhere.
South could have had 5 or 6 in the first half, although Knights pressured them a bit more.
I hope the Knights can learn from this because they haven't learnt much from the three thumpings South have given them this year.
Time to get back to basics.
To - Hips don't lie.
I am a South supporter who was glad that Mr Video was at the game as I thought it would prove that all the goals were legit. At very least, by having the match recorded we can have informed debate after it.
Having watched the footage I think one goal(Brennan no 4 maybe?) was debateable but all the others were on.
I guess the difference of opinions shows that two rival supporters will always watch two different games!
Show's one cleary offside, and the other Ben went off for was off as well. line's bloke was a joke, shouldn't have a job. South deserve to win clearly but these jokers turned the game to a rout...
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