Photos (Top to Bottom): The Korean starting XI for the first half of the match against Central Region; The two Korean squads warmed up together; Kids are kids all over the world and there was time to horse around a bit, too; The Central Region team and the first Koreans quad before kick-off; The first Korean squad and their coaches; The second Korean squad and their coaches; Two opponents prepare to head the ball; A midfield tussle between Central Regions Rafael Frediani (left) and a Korean opponent; A midfield battle results in Central Region clearing the ball [PlessPix]
The two visiting South Korean under-13 sides had a hit-out at KGV Park this afternoon against the Central Region Under-12s who leave for Korea tomorrow [Saturday].
The Tasmanians played one half against each of the Korean sides and won comfortably against their smaller but very skilful opponents.
It was interesting to watch the Korean warm-ups, supervised by their two coaches.
Just before the game, the coach would physically line his team up in a small area on the side-line in the formation they were going to play.
This is an excellent idea for young players as they then know exactly the shape their team should maintain and they can see the players who will be around them.
It’s an idea well worth pursuing for junior teams here as it may help in preventing a horde of players all chasing the ball, much like a hive of bees going for a honey pot.
The Korean visitors are being billeted by host families during their stay in Hobart.
They will play more matches next week, both the outfield variety and the Futsal variety.
Walter Can you look into the drams created by such a wonderfully organised club in Sth or Central, with parents from other clubs being "pressured" into billeting Korean kids on the day they arrive in the state on an overseas trip?? then they are asked to transport them around as well.. It is great to see such a professional outfit, if I was sending my kids overseas I would hope that maybe my hosts would have gone through police checks etc etc.. Gee I hope nothing happens and Sth or Central are looked at for the sham they are.. Who ever organised this should be brought to task..
why the does the central regional team wear south hobart strips? if thats not trying to poach all the good young players i dont know what is
agree should never have worn sth strips. typical.... knowing photo opportunities were garanteed...as this was second time they had been here central should have know they would wear red..........or maybe they did? i am sure FFT would have had a spare strip or ten in the cupboard who was the little kid that come on towards the end? he is not even part of the team travelling as i have been informed...but he is part of Morton Academy..sad
Typical pessimistic outlook by people who have nothing better to do than whinge.
It was myself who requested Central Region to play in another strip as the Koreans only had a full red strip and as Im sure you are aware Central Region are red.
Take a step back and have a look at the enjoyment both sides got at the opportunity to play a side from another country.
Remember we are talking about under 12's football.
Mike McKenna
some U12s anyway ...
Well said McKenna.
At the end of the day the trip was organized at the last minute.
There was nobody pressured into doing anything and there were several parents from ouside sth hobart who volunteered to help out which was superb.
What a great opportunity for kids in tasmania to be exposed to, lets just hope all the chest beating ego trips don't stop the kids enjoying themselves while they are here
As a hosting family I can assure you BP that no one was "pressured" in to hosting these children.
We have two Korean boys staying in our police checked home and I can say it has been nothing but a positive and wonderful experience.
Yes, we have had some extra transporting and organising to do but isn't that called being a good host? I am sure if your child was being home hosted you would want them to experience our type of hospitality.
As for the comment "who organised this should be brought to task" I assume you are not a hosting family and so therefore are in no position to make comment on second or third hand information.
Take it from this first hand source that it has been a wonderful week and maybe next time you should put your hand up to help BP.
Oh and as for what strip the central team wears, move on people, move on.
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