Photos (Top to Bottom): The Central Region Under-12s are off to South Korea soon; Coach Rob Clarke [PlessPix]
The Central Region Under-12 boys’ team is off to South Korea this week to play in an international junior tournament.
The South Hobart club received the invitation and the Central Region side will represent Tasmania on behalf of the club.
“It’s a good opportunity for the boys,” said Central Region Under-12 coach, Rob Clarke, who will travel with the team.
“They’ll be playing against teams from Spain, England, Japan, Korea and China.
“It’ll be a good experience for the guys, not just in terms of football, but also in experiencing other cultures.”
Clarke said the boys had travelled as a team before, but only to Bega, in New South Wales.
“They know about travelling, but this will be different because it involves a 20-hour plane journey,” he said.
“We’re taking 16 boys and another unfortunately hurt himself at school and is on crutches and he’s maybe 50/50 at the moment in terms of going.”
An Under-13 Korean team arrives in Hobart on Thursday to play local youth sides.
“We’re hoping we can build on this trip and get a lot more communication and games with Korean teams in the future,” said Clarke.
“My aim for this trip is to get to know the players because I’ve only slipped in at the last moment and we haven’t had a lot of preparation.
“I’d just like to see the boys acquit themselves well and, by that I mean, try and play to their best.
“We don’t really know what the standard is going to be like. I expect it to be very high.
“We can’t really lose as far as I’m concerned. They’re going to get something out of it.
“As long as they can prepare well, I think it’ll give them an idea of the professional attitude they’ll need later on.
“We’re representing Central Region, Tasmania and Australia.”
Makes me laugh...a few years ago I wanted to take a team to The Kanga Cup in Canberra and you would have sworn I was requesting to permanently remove these lads from their parents. Now look at the opportunities. I was obviously just too far ahead of the game.
Good luck to these boys.
What a surprise. Once again a squad littered with futsal talent. 9 players who have been part of the islanders futsal academy program through vikings.
Anon 10:24...isn't that one of the goals of futsal, to improve the individual skills and therefore improve the game as a whole. You want exclusivity or maybe an ego boost to say Vikings is the only people doing anything positive for the outdoor game.
Go away corey...
It is more the fact that the governing body should recognise the contribution of vikings futsal, morton soccer schools and programns such as these to the development of kids and incorporate them rather than sticking to the politics and dampening the opportunities of young tasmanian players
a bit strange that the 2 shortest players are both keepers
So another South Hobart team going away as a central team again!!!!!
why dont they admit it regionals are a breeding ground for them.
since when does size matter re earlier 'short goalie comments'!!! You are talking about children...11 year olds who HAVEN'T had their growth spurts yet...SUCH a ridiculous comment!!!
although the goalies appear short one of them is the high jump and long jump state champion the other has conceded only 3 goals this year dont judge a book by its cover.
re short goalie comment one boy is the high jump and long jump state champ the other has conceded only three goals this year quite an effort by both. dont judge a book by its cover.
8 of the players are Hobart Zebra players NOT all South Hobart players!
Hey call a spade a spade...it's a South Hobart development squad aka Central Region team. It's been like that for years. First it was the Bega trip now it's a lot more illustrious with obviously more attraction to lure players in.
FFT and/or FFA needs to look very closely at the way this programme is conducted.
This is obviosuly why our kids in Tasmania don't get offered much as far as opportunities go in the sporting arena. There are so many closed minded individuals here that those who present the opportunities run away and take it to other states who are more welcoming. Opportunities are out there, it is about getting off your behind and working at developing relationships with other states/countries for this to happen. This is what Ken Morton did, he worked on the Korean relationship for opportunities for our boys. Take this for what it is; a fabulous experience for our boys and the boys that are going are more than deserving of it!!
Walter, Walter, Walter, some of the information that has been published is not correct. I wonder where it came from?
What really needs to happen is that people need to have the balls to put names to their comments otherwise they have no credibility.
I am proud to have had an involvment in the Central region program this year. I am associated with Beachside ...does that mena this is a breeding ground for my club, my son also played vikings futsal does that make it a vikings breeding ground ...actually no ...what it is is an opportunity for any player who plays in the region to put their hand up for further development.
At the U11 and 12 age groups they trial for positions in the regional team and development team. Does it make a difference what school or club they play for ...no, do they have to be selected ...yes and is the program open and transparent for anyone to scutinise ....it sure is.
So instead of hiding behind anonymous tags put your name up and your hand up and join the people from Tarrona, Kingborough, Uni, Houn Valley, Albuera Street, and all the other schools and clubs who are tryng to offer opportunities for our young players to grow, develop and continue as the future of our sport.
Best of luck to all that are going away, with luck this opportunity will allow Rob to build further ties so next year we will have the region boys and girls heading off on this trip.
Chris Eickhoff
and Beachside HSC
Good luck to all those going away,play your best & enjoy the experience.
What a surprise - any opportunity to have a crack at Central Region, Mortons Soccer School and South Hobart- you can't help yourselves.
Maybe instead of your egos you should focus on the actual issue.
The wonderful football, social and cultural experience these boys are going to have. I can not believe adults are commenting on the size of goalies - these are 12 year old boys! Who by the way may read you comments in the blog.
If the trouble making stirrers (you know who you are!) put thier energies into seeing positives rather than negatives and working towards player development imagine how much better football in Tasmania would be.
Grow up - the children behave better than you do.
who cares where to boys come from or who they play for. what a great chance to get away see a bit of the world and play football against no doubt very teams. do yourself proud lads and the state good luck to you
the article states that an invitation went to South Hobart to provide a team to represent Tasmania and the invite was handed onto Central Region. Why weren't the equally deserving 11 and 12 year olds from other Regions given a look in - aren't they children too?
I am a very proud mother of one of the boys travelling to Korea. I am very proud of his dedication, I am very proud of his peristance, and I am very proud of him being selected for this team. Kobe has worked hard to get where he is and I love his determination to go further. Yes, us adults can learn so much from our children.
Walter I suggest you moderate your website. It has been brought to my attention that my name has been quoted on your website. I have not contributed to your website and feel offended that someone has indicated that I have done so. I do not know what the contributor is getting at as I did take a team to the Kanga Cup and it was a sucessful trip. I fully support young players being given the opportunity to travel. I suggest you do not allow anonymous contributions.
Russell Foley
Russell, the website is moderated. Occasionally something slips through and is usually removed quickly, as it has been on this occasion. There is no way to check the authenticity of names so insisting on names rather than 'anonymous' is futile.
Gee - how bad was that comment? I'd suggest it doesn't rate against the negative comments against a heap of young players going about their business. Why aren't all those comments removed?
Russell - this is the internet, not a town hall meeting.
The korean kids in town at the minute are being organised by a number of people from different clubs and not just sth hobart. well done sth hobart for making the initial contact and well done brian downes and corey smith for co-ordinating the billet programs as it is a great experience for our kids.
As a host family I would like to thank South Hobart Football Club for this opportunity for our Aussie family and for our Korean visitors. Corey Smith and Brian Downes congratulations for all your hard work.
I hope we show the boys some Tassie hospitality and some good football and futsal competition. Tasmania can build relationships throughout the world in the world game.
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