Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hey and Frediani take top jobs

Photos (Top to Bottom): Chris Hey (fifth from left) in the 1971 Chigwell primary School soccer team; Chris Hey (third from right, front row) as an Olympia player in about 1980; Chris Hey (No. 5, on left) as captain of Tasmania Youth against the Australian Institute of Sport team at KGV Park [Jack Johnston, Tasmania's only FIFA referee, is the official introducing Hey to the AIS captain, while John Howlin is holding the ball and flag and Basil Masters is partly obscured behind Hey. Johnston and Hey both became police officers, Johnston, of course, rising to the top position of Police Commissioner.]; Chris Hey (back row, fourth from left) starting out with the 1971 Chigwell Primary School soccer team

Chris Hey is the new coach of Premier League club, Olympia.

The club have changed back to their previous and original name after being forced to adopt the name Hobart Olympic about 12 years ago when a ban on ethnic names was brought into force.

Hey played for Olympia for more than a decade and won a couple of league titles with the club.

He was Tasmanian under-15 coach at the national titles this season.

Hey has also coached Glenorchy Knights at senior level.

Olympia president George Mamacas said he was delighted to announce the appointment of Hey, a former player, especially given that Olympia would be celebrating their 50th anniversary in 2010.

Hey, who also played for Caledonians, has a 3-year contract with Olympia.

He replaces Farrell Shaw, who stood down at the end of the season.

Meanwhile, Tilford Zebras have appointed former player Romeo Frediani as their new coach for 2010.

Frediani replaces Nick Lapolla.

Frediani was one of Tasmania's most exciting young players but his playing career ended tragically in the early 1990s when he suffered a serious leg injury when he crashed into a goalpost in a State League match in Launceston.

After many operations, he was able to resume playing, but he never reached the same heights as prior to the accident.

Frediani has been involved in junior coaching and last season was in charge of the Zebras' reserve side.


Brian Young said...

Walter, I was just thinking last month about what happened to John Howlin? He seemed to just disappear when at the height of his refereeing career.

Walter said...

Brian, John Howlin moved interstate and that's why he disappeared off the radar.

During his playing career, he was a goalkeeper for Metro and Juventus.

Anonymous said...

both very good players. Along with 'brendan lakoseljac best young talent I played against. good luck with the coaching.

Anonymous said...

frediani that is

ginger said...

with the danger of being set upon i think this point needs raising.

How have Hobart olympic been allowed to revert back to an ethnic name? has FFA's edict changed??

Is this only for their anniversary year or a permenant thing?

perhaps white eagles, pheonix, juventus, calies and croatia might reappear too???

makes one wonder....

Anonymous said...

What a great idea Ginger!! I think it would be fantastic to bring back ethnic names.

It appears the only thing that was achieved in Tas was reducing crowd numbers at premier league level.

observer said...

Agreed anonymous.Tassie did not have the issues with ethnic groups that they had on the mainland.
I do not think that going back to the original names will be an issue in Tasmania.Maybe FFT could investigate the matter with FFA ,on behalf of all clubs wishing to return to the original names, rather than each club having to go through the process.All that is required is a Yes or No which would apply to everyone.Be pro-active FFT. Now that Olympia are doing it, you will be inundated with requests from all other clubs.

Unknown said...

Hello Walter.

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate channel but I have started a NEW BLOG.

Third time lucky ??

I will be uploading lots of things over the summer ......would you mind putting up a little snippet for me?

Thanks heaps!
Address for NEW blog is: