Monday, October 5, 2009

Tassie sides start to collect points

Tasmania's Under-14 side beat Country Victoria 3-1 in the national championships in Coffs Harbour today.

Daniel McGinn netted twice and Max Clarke added the third with a penalty.

The Under-15s drew 2-2 with Country Victoria, Tasmania's marksmen being Eli Luttmer and Alex Nandan.


Richard Bennett said...

these are truly very encouraging results walter. the teams should be proud and continue to raise the bar as the tournament progresses.

I suspect a lot of preperation has made some difference but there must be a real pool of talent.

well done guys.

Walter said...

And isn't it appalling that The Mercury won't even publish the results! I submit them each day and nothing appears, even in the sports briefs. But, pigeon racing, croquet and bridge are there, and there are even stories and colour photos in the general section of the women's over-35, over-45 and over-50 hockey!
And we as soccer supporters accept this. Come on you guys and gals out there, get on those phones and keyboards and let them know what you think. Or don't you care either?

Anonymous said...

Have a look at Comments Section of Mercury Website under the Hockey story.

Chris McKenna said...

That is a disgrace!! I wrote an email to the editor earlier this year when one of Walter's articles was left out & within half an hour the sports editor rang me to basically ask why I cared because I wasn't from Hobart!!! I told him how I buy the paper pretty much for these articles & nothing else & I was disgusted with the lack of space & how heavily they're edited.

I would suggest others have a crack at them too!!

R U Serious Ref said...

I called the Sports editor just before the Finals series started and asked why there was not a write up in Friday's paper. I told him that the Finals start on the Saturday & people would like a bit of notice. He told me he had been away & the person that was doing his job was also away so he did not know why it hadn't appeared in Fridays. He said it may have been that there was not enough space left. I said to him that this is a Statewide Finals series & that the local AFL finals had been covered. He then told me that soccer gets a lot more coverage than the majority of sports in Tasmania. I just laughed and he said well that is his opinion anyway. Maybe everyone needs to start writing letters. Don't just send them in one by one but get them all together and send them in at once. Just my thoughts

Richard Bladel said...

Good on ya Walter, will do. The Troglodytes at the Mockery need to wake up. Really encouraging results for both teams, it seems they take a game or so to find their feet and perhaps the pace of the games over there. A tribute to Chris & Ken, support staff and the teams. Hope they both make & win the final... oh! No, they cant! Well the U14's can't anyway, as I've heard from three reliable sources that FFT have booked them weeks ago to come back on the plane at a time before the final is played! They'd have to forfeit! This despite a deputation of parents (who have all paid thousands of dollars) appealing directly to them to change the flight time so the kids could see the best 2 teams play, (or be one of 'em) surely a vital part of the experience & the education. If this is true, then it's an utter and total disgrace. Can anyone verify this state of affairs to be the case?

Anonymous said...

How did the hockey teams go? I'm shivering with anticipation for those results. And is there anything on the orienteering front? the public need to know these things

Corey Smith said...

Unfortunately we can't get a thing written in the mercury but we have to read Paul Malarski's personal top 10 on the English Premier League at the start of the year!!! Why would he be writing it if he doesn't like Football? Why would Walter not do that article? Does anyone remember it? It was a full page spread of Paul Malarski's top 10 EPL players as a preview to the mockery

Also only last week our Futsal teams came back from National School Titles where we collected only our 2nd National Title in either indoor or outdoor in our history and not even one sentence in the mercury or any other media outlet...... unfortunately for Football and Futsal we are seen as a secondary sport to the others even when our numbers are twice as high!!!