Photos (Top to Bottom): Josh Fielding won the Vic Tuting Silver Medal as southern Tasmania's best-and-fairest Premier League player for the second year running...this photo shows him holding last season's medal; South Hobart's Ken Morton won the Premier League Coach-of-the-Year Award; Clarence United's Ronnie Bolton won the Women's Coach-of-the-Year Award [PlessPix]
Josh Fielding, the Glenorchy Knights midfielder and captain, made it back-to-back wins in the Vic Tuting Silver Medal when he won the 2010 award presented at Hellenic Hall this evening.
Fielding polled 24 votes, three ahead of second-placed Adam McKeown of New Town Eagles.
Marcello Marchioli of Kingborough Lions United was third with 19 votes.
Declan Foley of the Tasmanian Institute of Sport won the Reserves best-and-fairest award with 24 votes, 4 ahead of team-mate Will Abbott.
In the Under-19s, the best-and-fairest award went to Ethan Engels of Tilford Zebras with 26 votes, while Dylan Postma of South Hobart was second with 16 votes.
Ken Morton was named the Premier League coach of the year.
He coached South Hobart to five trophies this season in an unbeaten run of 34 games to set a new Tasmanian record in what was the club’s 100th anniversary year.
Ronnie Bolton, of Clarence United, won the Women’s Coach-of-the-Year Award.
Kim Barker took out the Referee-of-the-Year award for the 10th year in a row.
Bliss Cantrell of Olympia won the Women's Best-and-Fairest Award in the Premier League.
Sarah Nellis of Clarence was the Women's Division One best-and-fairest player.
Julian Proud of University took out the best-and-fairest award in the men's Division One competition.
just goes to show how little referee's know about the game of football WHAT A TRAVESTY!
You've got to be kidding.
what a load of rubbish,, Mckeown got robbed
anon 11:38 you must be a south hobart fan
The system is less than perfect as perhaps this year's Brownlow showed. However, Refs/umpires giving votes has a greater element of independence and integrity.
Probably two alternatives are votes by peers (which would likely be biased) or by coaches (who probably have a greater appreciation of the player's value but again may be biased.
Well done josh great bloke and player well deserved ! A great role model for any young soccer player well done !
Hang on a minute.
Kim Barker is Referee of the Year in Tasmania.
BUT Patrick Galloway is referee of the year in AUSTRALIA!!
Can someone please explain.
Well done Josh. Congratulations.
Brad Hughes
What a shambles last night was. FFT I hope you were embarrassed. $65?, $6 for a stubbie?. who is ripping us off? FFT or the Greeks? The power point? hahahaha all I can do is laugh.
Still laughing at the power point presentation.
sounds like the night was of the same quality and expense as the northern george dale medal. FFT = SHAMBLES
how is he a great role model for kids rhodesy?
Never have I seen such a terrible result in a count. FFT take the responsibility away from the refs as this award has become a farce. Vic Tuting (Refs choice award) is no longer something worth winning. When you don't poll any votes in your club best and fairest and don't get a single award or vote in players player, how do you then win vic tuting?
Well done Fishy, great team mate,player and inspiration.
Anonymous said...
What a shambles last night was. FFT I hope you were embarrassed. $65?, $6 for a stubbie?. who is ripping us off? FFT or the Greeks? The power point? hahahaha all I can do is laugh.
October 9, 2010 9:35 AM
Well our table had a good time. Thought the show was run well food was very good drink pricing was about where it should be. Power point presentation was a little carelessly done but over all very far removed from a rip off. Kudos to the Olympia Warriors for a job well done.
if the number of teams on the park were to increase at the same rate as the sour grapes the sport would be booming.
Must have been the same powerpoint expert they had in the north. We knew the winner half way through due to one of many "technical errors'. We did warn the CEO that they'd want to do better at the southern one or there'd be trouble!
Most clubs can organise a much more professional event themselves. What is going on FFT???
im sure fishy is the most surprised out of all, he knows he has a very average season. he's not completely stupid.
anon 3.51 its still a joke and does not make our league look inviting for anyone to play in
how can it be so far wrong? knights weakness all year was centre of midfield and fielding was one of the main targets for us as opposition players as he never tracks back and is never in position
mckeown was robbed as was roach from sth hobart not getting invited? wtf?
fish is a handsome 28 year old i wonder what anti-ageing cream he uses?
I don't understand all you sooks on here, he is one of the best players in the state and is the knights only player who can play the game. I no my club alway say if we can stop fielding then we can win the game because he is there only player. Now that he has left the knight they will be fighting relagation next season
What a bunch of jealous tosser you all are how about a congratulations.
well done mate you are great player and a great guy
Jerry, if you could play the same way to you talk about the game. YOU WOULD BE BRILIANT. But your not, so that is why we dont care of your comments.
Fielding has class, definitely. He's not a centre midfielder which is where he has been playing the last 2 or 3 years. Clearly at his best when he is isolated one on one with an opponent. Very good at keeping his body between the ball and an opponent. Lacks positional sense and sometimes this impacts on the team - can run around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Has touch and can be relied on to score vital goals.
There are upsides to every player. Fielding is clearly one of Tasmania's most talented. I have coached him in the past and he was a bit lazy, but when he was out on the park playing he always gave 100% and performed many match winning performances.
Very surprised to see him win it this year, though.
There is no way Knights will be fighting for relegation. I predict they will finish mid table.
re anon 8:48.
It's obvious that the referees award are different. If it was the best referee in Australia you would expect that it be won by an A league referee and be voted on by the A League coaches, not FFA.
Patrick would be in the top 10 in Tasmania, but not number 1 by a long shot. This award is about the quality of your refereeing as judged by the clubs, not whether you attend referee training.
As a referee that has voted on the Vic Tuting it is difficult to always get it right. You normally know who has had an impact, but sometimes its unselfsh work off the ball that you don't see that isn't rewarded. Anyway, it isn't a perfect system, but I wouldn't change it. as highlighted above no other system is perfect either.
Come one guys.
I'm sure we all have an opinion on this, but Fish won so lets congratulate him and move on.
Not my first choice either, but certainly best at Knights, and lets be honest they did need a bit of leadership at Knights this year. Didn't see it coming from anyone else
I don't understand some of the comments on here at all, how can you say fish isn't a center midfielder, he has just won the last 2 medals playing that position??? What should he be a defender or keeper??? He is a great c mid has or attributes you need ie leadership,skill,class,strength,pig and hes one of the only guys that love to have a beer after the game with the opposition
well done mate
fielding has no leadership qualities and will not be missed by knights at all as they will probably be a better side without him as they have been in games he has missed over the last two years. if other coaches focus on fielding they are not good coaches.
anon 8.04 is obviously fish
he was not in knights top 6 players this year
benny p
jade c
all much more influential and you bloggers really have noooooooo idea
I both agree and disagree with the comments on this blog.
I think firstly you can do nothing but to congratulate fielding on this award. Everyone views the game differently and for those that voted fielding obviously seems to have recieved those votes.
On the other hand i would have thought there were other players that would have been more deserving than Fielding, such as Holmes, Isoli, or McKeown who would have been my pick for the night. Players who are a threat or neusense to opposition teams, which i do not believe Fielding is.
Fielding is one of the biggest threats in the league you moron. Alex Holmes was good for the first half of the year, terrible for the rest. Get back to center back where you belong, mate.
Fish isnt in the top 6 players at knights, thats a joke. Fish is there captian and by far the best player.
See Amadu and Holmes in centre mid, they would have struggled against Dosa. Knights will miss fish fullstop. Loosing eamon hurt knights but loosing fish will hurt more. Amadu, Googsy and jade clay in the top 6 over fish, give me some of the drugs your on!
Wow, these comments are all pathetic. I can tell you whoever posted that 'fish didnt get any votes in players player' you are wrong, because i voted for him! Haha. So how is your theory going?
Fish winning is a suprise, but why post saying its crap and so on? Leave it be... I think the person who said he isnt a CM is right, he was at his best as a RIGHT WING. However, he won two vic tuts at CM, so thats why some have reacted like they have.
Knights relegation? Every season people think the Knights will somehow just collapse. As much as you people out there wish it to happen, it simply wont, so stop talking so much crap.
Another note, only leader at Knights?? There are plenty of leaders at Knights, as a player, i know this, and it really doesnt matter what outsiders think in the long run does it?
Get over yourselves, as Jerrie said, Sour Grapes. Move on.
Congrats Fish.
Typical fft stuff up what should be an easy night to run.
FFT need to get rid of some staff. There are people working there that havent contributed at all to the game.
The refereeing situation is a joke. The youth comps arent much better, pay $180 rego and only get 13 games... terrible return
The senior comp needs a restructure which will lead to a state league.
i hear fft are opening up the summer cup to div 1 clubs and also making 90 min matches.
if this is the case at last common sense
well done fishy, one of the best players in the league for sure, as someone said earlier even fish would be surprised to win the award, i just hope i get a chance to have a kick with him again like we did in the juniors....
well done again
Can't some of you guys who follow football in Tasmania so closely, respond to Walter's good articles about the A League and any matches beyond this island? Or do you all love AFL, the game played by nobody anywhere in the world outside southern Australia?
It simply smacks of parochial heliocentricism and disinterest in the football macro issues and matches beyond Tasmania.
Anon 1.49 pm.
Maybe if it was on free to air television many more may be tempted to watch it.Not every one can afford pay tv.I for one wont get pay tv just so I can watch the A league.There is too much other rubbish that you pay for that I would not watch.How about FFA making their own top league available to the vast majority fo the population ?
Its a bit difficult to comment on something you have not watched , or maybe people just are not interested in the A League. After all how much interest does FFA show in the sport in Tassie ?
Just a thought!
fish leaving will be the best thing for knights, they may actually play to a system
Fish has been the bes tthing at nights for many a year. not entirely sure who all these knockers are...
Anon 1.49pm.
This attitude is disturbing. This replicates the manifest complacency that Tasmanians exude about having an AFL team here. That we only deserve four games in Launceston per year.
The A League and Socceroo matches are vastly more significant than the local league. The men's competition is lower in standard than some of the mainland suburban and regional competitions.
Comparatively the women's competition is much closer in standard to Victorian and NSW state leagues. If you don't believe me have a look at the NSR recruiting videos for the American college system.
I agree about access of Pay TV, but one can still follow Walter's match reports.
Congratulations to Fish for winning the men's competition.
Was the women's award presented on the same night? If it was, who won it?
its a local blog. if you want to talk about socceroos or a league than you go to forums where people actually understand the game. clearly not many do that come on here.
Anon 1.49 ,yes one can follow the league by reading Walter's report but how can you comment on the game if you have not seen it ?
Congrats Fish on Vic Tut. Big loss for Knights if it's true you are going.
Anonymous 10.49 pm.
I disagree. The posters who post on this forum often know more about football and footballers than The World Game Forum, Big Soccer, Four Four Two, etc. The difference being that there are many more players, former players and coaches on this forum.
Conversely, those aforementioned forums sometimes feature opiniated people whose football experience is more confined to Play Station and other computer football games . Hence, they have unrealistic expectations about the game.
Some football journalists and pundits in the Australian media rate this blog very highly in other parts of Australia. Walter is also admired by other writers in the Australian football milieu who have had luckier breaks.
I'd go as far to say there is more knowledge about football on the pitch on this blog than any other blog/forum I've seen in Australia. There is a degree of envy elsewhere.
If it comes to issues of football politics in a global and national sense, I agree a few participants on here who possess knowledge about playing and coaching, don't have the same level of insight into big picture issues.
Casual Observer
where can we find who got votes for each game?
Hi Walter,
Thanks for all your coverage you are a true legend of the game.
I have had acouple of text messages over the weekened saying i should check out all the comments on this site, I have just read all the comments over the last 15 min and have had agreat laugh to myself that so many people care!! I would like to thank everyone for their comments good or bad everyone is entitiled to their oppinion. I must laugh at a few comments who are anon if you are such a better player than me how about putting your name next to the comment????I doubt you are!!
But the most stupid comment is the one saying the knights are better off with out me, I have missed 4games in the last 2 season and the knights have wom 1 lost 2 and drew 1 in that time the win over eagles.
But what does hurt me the most is that most of the negetive comments about me are from KNIGHTs players it stands out amile away!! I know exactley which jealous players you are but thats life.
Anyway thanks again to everyone
i'll see all you superstars next season on a pitch somewhere in Hobart
Josh Fielding
Hats off to you Fish well said
Well said, Josh. You can show them on the field, mate!
Hahaha, well said Fish...
I personally didn't think it would have been you to win the award this year but the refs could have chosen a lot worse..
Congrats mate and see u on the pitch somewhere next year
Hilarious thread. 2 in a row Fish, not many people can say they've done that. Well done dude!
well done fishy, all to do now is improve your cricket mate then get drunk at the talbot
Congratulations Josh
be nice to know who got votes not just top 25.
fft probably lost the votes and just used last year as a rough guide
congrats josh, always a demanding opponent. at 28 you'll no doubt keep a presence in the PL for years to come if you want to, possibly a third VTM wouldn't be out of the question.
Well done Fishy..a great guy modest, and your speech mentioning that you were honoured and suprised to win the medal and would change it for what South Hobart achieved this year shows what a real team player you are...Cheers DJ
I visit this blog so many time,because every time something new,and I read all articale your blog, very interesting.
lets be honest i havn't seen a game in hobart all year but if thats the "best" player in the south of the state, God help soccer tasmania what a complete joke !!!! No wonder the game is heading backwards if he's honest with himself he will give the award back.....
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