Photos (Top to Bottom): A Korean defender halts a Tasmanian attack; A Korean defender builds up from the back; Korea go forward; Tasmanian midfielder wins the ball against two Korean opponents; (L-R) Mr Solomon Choi with Korean coaches Jun Hee Choi, Hyo Suk Jin and Sang Bum Lee; The Koream bench
The honours were even after today’s junior international football matches for the Taskor Cup played at South Hobart.
The Korean under-12 youngsters won the first match 5-0 against a combined South Hobart and Morton Soccer School under-12 team, while the local under-13s won the second game against another Korean under-12 side 10-1.
Korean head coach, Hyo Suk Jin, said it was pleasing to bring his players to Tasmania and he hoped it would be the first in a series of exchanges.
A Tasmanian side would visit Korea at the end of September and in early October to participate in an international youth tournament.
Other Korean teams would then visit Tasmania later in October.
Jin said he hoped to establish a Korean international soccer school in Tasmania which would foster sporting, educational and cultural links between Korea and Australia.
The squad currently on tour in Tasmania represents the Korean Youth Football Association and a regional association, Kyung Ki.
The Koreans arrived in Sydney on Wednesday afternoon and after a sightseeing tour flew to Launceston in the evening.
They travelled to Hobart for two games this afternoon and two games tomorrow afternoon.
This evening, they played Futsal against some Tasmanian sides and they will play matches in Launceston and Somerset before returning to Korea on Tuesday.
its good to see that fft could supplie a referee for the korean games. NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol.. they didn't provide the koreans anything else so why would they provide a referee?
Futsal Results Thursday Night -
11 Boys Academy vs 10/11 year old Koreans finished 9-4 to Tasmania (Star performers were Matthew Pace and Josh Hope)
12 Boys Academy vs 11/12 year old Koreans finished 4-3 to Korea (Star player for Tasmania was Dean Watkins)
13 Boys Academy vs 12/13 Year Old Koreans finished 11-3 to Tasmania (Star performer was Cameron Rogers)
Fantastic event with over 200 people packing the seats at Clarence Sports Centre. Great quality shown with technical ability of all teams very high. DVD's of the games are available for anyone interested.
Congratulations to Sth Hobart for bringing the teams down and Thanks for the opportunity for Futsal Games.
The visiting Korean team's Friday match results against a combined u12/u13 MSS team and the TIS Girls team from the u14 division were 12-0 and 8-0 respectively to the locals. Does anyone have the results from Saturday's matches in Launceston and the North-West matches on Sunday? More photos of the visiting team can be found at http://mortonssoccerschool.com/photos/index.php.
Testing that as a link:
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