Photos (Top to Bottom): Chiara Sianski is presented with her award; Aaron Marney took out Metro's senior best-and-fairest award and is shown with coach Matthew Rhodes (left) and president Craig Bidgood (right); Amber Johnstone receives her award; Debra Deegan is presented with the coach's award; Frank and Jan Robins were back from Europe to present their award; Jeremy Morris receives his award after a fine season; Liam Binning was the most consistent for the Under-19s; Lochie Herring was the coach's pick in the Under-19s and is shown with president Craig Bidgood (left), Simon Land and Neil Biggar; Shane Leek was best and fairest in the reserves; Wade Hawkins was the most consistent player in the seniors and is photographed with coach Matthew Rhodes (left) and president Craig Bidgood; Adrian Pickin (right) coached the women's Division One side; 100 gamers for Metro (left to right) Matthew Gasparin, Sharon Ellis, Neil Biggar, Darrin Chaffey, Aaron Marney, Simon Land, Wayne Jackson, Jason Dawes, Kye Mcqueen [Photos courtesy of Metro Football Club]
Metro Football Club celebrated their 2010 season with an awards night on Saturday night at Tattersall’s Park.
There were 75 players, supporters, members and friends that attended the evening.
The 2010 Award Winners were:
Best and Fairest – Paul Hunt
Most Consistent – Liam Binning
Coach’s Award – Lochie Herring
Division 4 Men
Players’ Player – David Morrison
Coach’s Award – Stuart Wiggins
Division 1 Reserves
Best and Fairest – Shane Leek
Most Consistent – Terry Kent
Coach’s Award – Anthony Van Den Houvel
Women’s Division 1
Best and Fairest – Chiara Sianski
Most Consistent – Amber Johnstone
Coach’s Award – Debra Deegan
Division 1 Men
Best and Fairest – Aaron Marney
Most Consistent – Wade Hawkins
Coach’s Award – Jeremy Morris
Players’ Player – Jason Dawes
Leading Goal Scorer – Jason Dawes
Best Clubman – David Lipscombe
Steve Robins Award (Best Clubman/Player) – Debra Deegan
Metro 100 + Game players 2004 onwards – Matthew Gasparin, Sharon Ellis, Neil Biggar, Darrin Chaffey, Aaron Marney, Simon Land, Wayne Jackson, Jason Dawes, Kye Mcqueen
Metro would also like to advise all players members and supporters that their AGM will be held at the clubrooms on Thursday 4th November at 6:30pm
Paul Hunt might need to relocate to Ulverstone to be coached by his older cousin. Family members go straight into seniors!
Well done Paul on the U/19s B&F!
I hear Paul Hunt is taking up a modelling career.
i heard paul hunt, invented a time machine, and is actually a member from the beatles.
Paul = Lars Ulrich.
Cheers cousin :)
If you want to drive me there and back every weekend i'll consider it!
oh and thanks for that boys ;)
Paul = tim radar franklin
Walter have you seen the latest from the TIS situation with people being able to apply for certain players? Is this the biggestt joke you have heard when we have already heard of deals being made under the table for players, without anyone else applying I can tell you now that Will Abbott will end up at beachside if this process goes through and I think you will see several clubs pull out of the league if this happens.
Well done to azza great leader and top player well deserved.
Hi Walter I have heard Will Abbott is staying in TIS even though he will be to old to play in TIS challenge etc
All premier league clubs can apply to FFT to obtain the services of eithe Will Abbott or Jeremy walker for next season. Both will still be part of TIS but would train once a week and also play for the club.
if rhodes stays at metro they will get relegated to div 2 they are that bad
Word doing the rounds is that beachside are already telling perspective players that the TIS boys are confirmed signings. Have told some knights and zebras boys already so that the club playing list looks stronger than it is. End result being that these players also feel inclined to sign on. FFT have only just sent out the letters to clubs asking for expressions of interest in signing them so If it's already a done deal then it's just another case of the program being a joke. If the TIS program is so good then why are these players going to premier league clubs? Also how does it work that the players play for TIS midweek against a club for premiership points and then play for that club on the weekend. If this program is to be introduced then the players should just go back to their club of origin as appose to another club that "impartially bids" for them like beachside.
apparently the Clubs have to play them in designated positions and have to play a certain system and they have to get a full game regardless of their form.
Can anyone confirm the structure of the leagues for 2011 yet?
Will there be a Div 1?
Will there be an u/19's Competition?
Or will FFT leave it until February to decide as usual???
Anonymous said...
Walter have you seen the latest from the TIS situation with people being able to apply for certain players? Is this the biggestt joke you have heard when we have already heard of deals being made under the table for players, without anyone else applying I can tell you now that Will Abbott will end up at beachside if this process goes through and I think you will see several clubs pull out of the league if this happens.
October 19, 2010 4:34 PM
Anonymous said...
Word doing the rounds is that beachside are already telling perspective players that the TIS boys are confirmed signings. Have told some knights and zebras boys already so that the club playing list looks stronger than it is. End result being that these players also feel inclined to sign on. FFT have only just sent out the letters to clubs asking for expressions of interest in signing them so If it's already a done deal then it's just another case of the program being a joke. If the TIS program is so good then why are these players going to premier league clubs? Also how does it work that the players play for TIS midweek against a club for premiership points and then play for that club on the weekend. If this program is to be introduced then the players should just go back to their club of origin as appose to another club that "impartially bids" for them like beachside.
October 19, 2010 9:33 PM
walter, if you're going to put posts like these up, could you please at the very least request that corey put his name to them.
The question is why are these 2 still at TIS surely it would be better to open there spots to other young talent and what is the selection and age criteria it seems that goal posts are constantly moving
How old is Abbott? Close to 18? why would you still wanna play with 15 year olds?
anon 10.45, although i read with amusement at these posts.
I would put my name to them if they were my posts.
Corey Smith said...
anon 10.45, although i read with amusement at these posts.
I would put my name to them if they were my posts.
October 20, 2010 11:39 AM
no corey, no you wouldn't.
if all 8 spl clubs want the boys and agree to terms i wonder how the decision will be made. if it was afl then beachside would get first pick and sth last.
What is the purpose of the 2 U18 boys remaining in the TIS? Why don't they go to a club of choice and fit in there and then have access to the TIS coaches and facilites at other times.
Why does Dean May need to keep the boys training with kiddies now who would be 4 years younger than them - is SPL training demmed that bad?
And why is the 433 system mandated, it's not required at A league level and Socceroos don't play it.
Walter, how about an interview with Dean May about what is going on. I'm sure lots would be interested especially as this may well impact on a relegation battle in 10 months time.
Anonymous 5.17pm, Dean May's employers won't allow him to speak to me for this blog.
Anon 5.17.
Ignore the stupid comments on here about TIS , players moving ,leaving etc etc.
I understand that W Abbott in particular may play for a PL club but still train with the TIS.He needs this additional training to keep him at the level he needs to be fi he progresses further. I really can only see one club he would go to. Thats if he is still here that is.
Is it not true then that FFT has written to all the Clubs asking for EOIs in the boys - Will and Jez - whilst they remain in the TIS??
if all 8 spl clubs want the boys and agree to terms i wonder how the decision will be made. if it was afl then beachside would get first pick and sth last.
October 20, 2010 5:09 PM
it's not a draft process. clubs put their proposal forward and if they are accepted then the players would have some say in where they go.
You would doubt that many clubs would be able to support the requirements, if any.
really poor decisions being made
Apparently a condition is that the TIS coach will be working with the Club senior coach to ensure the system and coaching methods for THE TEAM are to his linking.
Does this mean Dean May will become a de facto director of coaching?
Is this the thin end of the wedge?
There will be more boys going through this process over the next 3 or 4 years.
We may find that in order to survive in the Premier League Clubs will need to take on so called TIS players AND in doing so accept as a condition that Dean May will be directing how that Club is coached.
Seriously if these guys are 18 and have ambitions of playing at a higher level they need to get out of the state go try out for an aleague youth team or a premier team in the mainland state leagues
Apparently a condition is that the TIS coach will be working with the Club senior coach to ensure the system and coaching methods for THE TEAM are to his linking.
Does this mean Dean May will become a de facto director of coaching?
Is this the thin end of the wedge?
There will be more boys going through this process over the next 3 or 4 years.
We may find that in order to survive in the Premier League Clubs will need to take on so called TIS players AND in doing so accept as a condition that Dean May will be directing how that Club is coached.
October 21, 2010 10:47 PM
given the standard of coaching in tasmania, this would actually be a good thing.
This is not a fair and just process and is detrimental to those clubs that actually do the hard work to get to the top. It is no different to the situation at University with TIS a couple of seasons ago. Bollocks!
This is not a fair and just process and is detrimental to those clubs that actually do the hard work to get to the top. It is no different to the situation at University with TIS a couple of seasons ago. Bollocks!
October 22, 2010 12:48 PM
how is it not fair or just? it's elitist for sure, but all clubs have been offered the two players in question. If your club is up to date with current Australian football standards, then you have a chance.
The players from TIS are not much chop anyway so who cares.
thanks for putting my comment up Walter, after all this is a public forum.
its not a stupid comment. i wouldnt take any player that would come with so many regulations with them. success at ANY cost is not worth it. alot of sacrifices are to be made in order to win silverware but not that many for that quality of player. come on people, success is one thing but selling your soul to the devil is another.
Sound like someone who didnt get in tis or has been released from tis getting way to personal these are ffts top young players why be nasty about them
A crabby parent is my guess
perhaps the tis boys are being used by some as pawns in a bigger agenda. surely this isn't just about where two boys play their football next year!
fft are going into dangerous territory interfering so much in how a club/team is managed and then continuing with the relegation system.
tis parents shouldn't see this as a simple debate about their kids.
FFT aren't. The option is there. The club that gets closest to ticking the boxes is the club that will more than likely get the boys.
2 spots taken up out of 10 starting positions. Would Sth be able to accommodate that?
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