Photo: John Boulous, CEO of FFT, has sent a proposed league structure for 2011 to all club presidents [PlessPix]
Football Federation Tasmania has sent a league structure proposal for the 2011 season to all southern club presidents.
The presidents will meet with FFT tonight to discuss the proposal. FFT have allowed me to publish the letter in advance of tonight's meeting.
The proposed structure is outlined below in the FFT letter to all presidents:
As you would be aware over the last few months a competition working group has come together on several occasions to discuss the structure of the Southern senior competitions. Based on the discussion within this group and subsequent recommendation, the Board has approved the following competition structure effective for the 2011 season.
Forestry Tasmania Men’s Southern Premier League – 2 tiers (8 Premier Clubs)
Premier League
Premier Reserve (open age)
Men’s Southern League 1 – 2 tiers (6 clubs minimum)
Southern League 1
Southern League 1 Reserves (open age)
Automatic promotion and relegation between Premier League and Southern League 1
Premier Under 19 – (Compulsory for the 8 Premier Clubs – to be fixtured in line with Premier League home matches)
Premier Under 19
Women’s Premier League – 2 tiers
Premier League
Premier Reserve
Social Football
Southern Women’s League 1 – Women’s
Southern Women’s League 2 – Women’s
Southern League 2 – Men’s
Southern League 3 – Men’s
Southern League 4 – Men’s
Southern League Over 35’s – Men’s
Under 19 (Open to all clubs)
Division 1
Division 2
Under 17 – as many divisions as required
Under 15 – as many divisions as required
Under 14 – as many divisions as required
Under 13 – as many divisions as required
Under 16 (girls) - as many divisions as required
Under 14 (girls) - as many divisions as required
Under 13 (girls) - as many divisions as required
In summary club team entry requirements are outlined below;
The minimum team entry requirements for a Forestry Tasmania Premier League Club;
Premier League
Premier League Reserves
Premier League Under 19’s
A minimum of three teams entered within the Youth Under 13 and 17 age groups. There can be multiple teams entered in the same age group. FFT development staff will work with any clubs that require assistance in establishing or increasing the number of youth teams.
The minimum team entry requirements for Southern League 1 clubs;
Southern League 1
Southern League Reserves
Southern League 1 clubs will produce and discuss with FFT their plan detailing youth development and team entry for 2011 and what assistance from FFT development staff is required. Southern League 1 clubs will need to meet the youth team entry requirements for the commencement of the 2012 season for promotion to the Premier League. It is vitally important that Southern League 1 clubs are proactive in the area of youth development.
The minimum team entry requirements for Womens Premier League Clubs;
Premier League
Premier League Reserves
A minimum of one team entered with the Girls Youth Under 13 – 15 age groups.
Under this structure, Premier League and Southern League 1 male and female clubs will be asked to demonstrate a strong commitment to youth development. Whilst in 2011 the demands on youth structure for Premier League clubs is much increased that that of Southern league 1 clubs, it is envisaged that FFT will be able to work with all clubs to grow their youth development and develop strong relationships to ensure a complete pathway.
These youth teams will underpin the club’s senior teams and clubs will be assisted and encouraged to form effective relationships with junior association schools and clubs to form a pathway from Under 6 to senior age groups. Many clubs are at different stages of development; however both Premier and Southern League Clubs through positive relationships with Junior association Under 12 schools and clubs, should be establishing Under 13 teams that with their progression will be the senior players of the future.
With the above structure in place we will now commence the upgrade of the Competition rules with your consultation, to reflect this structure.
If you have any questions or require clarification don’t hesitate to contact Mike McKenna, Competitions Manager or myself.
John Boulous
Chief Executive Officer
Football Federation Tasmania
find a good sponser and make it a 8 team state league then have the top side from north div1 play the top side from the south div1 to see who gets promoted, also walter maybe a transfer rumor section would be good with all the comments flying around in different sections
North dont want a state league mate sorry
Anonymous said...
I believe the story at Olympia is that Fish is offered $15k and Scotty $10K, both under formal contracts. If this is correct then one hopes that FFT do their job in making sure that all matters comply with FFA rules as they are then considered professional players.
I can say to you all as long I remain President of Olympia FC Warriors money will NOT be paid to players who offer there services to our club. We are a club which will in the next 2 months go into 350k debt to finance our new home ground facility. Our focus will be to create an environment which will help develop our players both on off the field to be responsible and accountable to themselves and others around them. All players are welcome and will be duly rewarded by the good people they meet and the the friendships they will make during their association with our club. We are passionate about the game and welcome those who wish to join us for this exciting ride into the 2011 season.
George Mamacas
PS: Thanks to all of you who turned up to work at our new ground working bee las Sunday!!
Like we believe that. There is no way in hell that Fielding would leave Knights unless there was a substantial amount of money involved. Anyone who knows Josh or has played with or against him knows he is a Knights boy.
Its nice to see FFT so concerned that clubs have a youth policy whjlst locking up 60 players in the u/14 15 to the state programes Add to this the players who drop out because they cannot play with there mates and thats up 80 players potentiolly lost to clubs This does not include TIS
George we don't believe a word of that
George put his name to his comment so I think that is the most credeible comment listed here.
What George has said rings true to everything I have seen and heard over the past 12 months.
The people playing for Olympia next year will be there for the right reasons.
No club can afford to pay players these days.Most clubs have not paid players for many years now.
It is difficult to obtain serious sponsorships that will allow a club the luxury of luring players with money.No club in their right mind would pay $10K for a player. To win $2000 as premier at the end of the year ? I doubt it. If Olympia have attracted players and or coaches, it is because they are a club that is doing things right. They are looking towards the future and investing in the game.Good luck to them.Due to these reasons they may attract good players to the club. They have stuck by their guns and it appears that the culture is beginning to change for the better. Time will tell as to how successful this will be and this will be measured by success on the field.I tip that they will finish top 4 ,if half the rumours are true about the players that are moving there.And if certain players that have been approached by their coaching staff go , then they will be very competitive.
I would believe the money would be coming from george's own pocket. He is not short of a few bob.
How on earth are Olympia planning to repay a $350k debt? Charging $700 ground entry fees?
paying money for players? can this state get anymore delusional
It doesnt matter where the money is coming from. That is no-one's business but their own's.
The fact is they have done it and good luck to them.George is a smart man.The club would not invest in a money losing venture.
I know it probly will never happen but paying players is the only way to make the league more professional and more committed,it would also help attract interstate players from other leagues, look at the mainland theres money flying around in lower divisions over there wishfull thinking I know but semi professional players would lift the game and standard alot
To pay players you need a few things to happen. Either tv money or sponsorship supports this or there are enough people coming through the gate to enable this to happen. At present none of these are realistic, so it will just not happen.
Any club that does pay for players here wants there heads read.
Rumor had it olympia have signed PROF, he will recieve a new bike with plastic bags, will also get 1st crack at the kgv bins
Launceston City are offering money to a load of players in the north. The one's they have recruited so far are very poor. They have neglected player development for years and misguidedly think this is the way to go. They are already paying a reportedly ridiculous sum for a poor English import who wouldn't get a game for any of the top 4.
With the disappointing standard of both leagues, all clubs should be focussing on improving coaching standards, thereby producing better quality juniors. If money is to be spent it should be on quality coaches.
Clubs need to look long term, rather than trying to buy short term success.
Mike Bassett
England Manager
The only way to make this competition better than it is now is to start with the supporters. We need more. Simple truths. This starts with every single one of us. Whether we are players, coaches, club people or simply fans. We need to encourage our friends and family to get down to a game. So what if FFT isn't advertising as well as they should? If we all start telling people about it, we've done their job for them.
If we can get more people going through the gates, the standard of the competition will be lifted as clubs know they must perform to keep crowds. If enough people get on board, the TV and Radio crews won't be far behind.
We need to push on and know that 200 shouldn't be considered a big crowd like it is today.
Launceston City have always relied on imports for many years.When they struggled to get imports , they struggled on the field. The recent years' performances prove that. They have rarely developed their own youth . Apart from one or two players who have come up via their own system , Launceston City obviously still believes that importing players increases the standard. It may do for a very short period, but once they disappear ,players who have not had the experience and have been sitting on benches or playing reserves have never developed and then they are expected to perform at levels above their potential . It just doesnt work.In the 80's when almost all clubs in the state had imports , the standard did improve because of the number of imports and all clubs had access to them.Back in those days players were also paid ,not that payment was the reason why players played, but it did provide some incentive knowing that if you did not commit or put in enough, you would not play. Often teams trained 3 and sometimes 4 time per week. You cannot expect players that are not paid to commit to those levels these days.
Players get paid already.
Anon 4.09 Bull shit.If any are getting paid I bet it is minimal and very few indeed.I also betthe tax man doesnt know, unlike past years when group certificates were issued for money earned for playing.
Perhaps a good starting point to release money into the market would be for FFT and the referees to reduce their fees.
eg FFT load the refs fees and I beleive ground hire fees by 10% when invoicing clubs ..
Well Brian , they should be made to explain and if that is so, reimburse the clubs accordingly.If what you say is correct , then it is stealing. Get the clubs together and approach FFT on the subject collectively. OR shut up and stop complaining , unless you are prepared to do something about it. ( not directed at you personally either Brian ?)
Anon 4.56pm.
Looks like someone isnt getting paid haha.
The ref fees have always been added to, as an admin fee, plus GST is added. But that has been known to all clubs - the fees are set and explained annually.
If that admin fee isnt charged to the clubs then FFT would simply have to add that amount to another item somwhere else to make up the shortfall.
I cannot believe you would resort to such mischief making.
It costs a PL player around $350 to play. That is a freakin' joke.
as I have stated in the past, I believe you flirt with danger allowing 'anonymous' comments on this blog.
2 examples;
Mr Brian Roberts on this thread has put his name to a comment, with all intentions to be commented 'against' his statement. As we know or dont know him, subsequent comments will be personal or to his issue raised. I believe most would react to the issue.
Mr Anonymous on another article states Joe Bloggs is going to play for Huonville for $15,000. Joe Bloggs replies that he has recieved a lot of phone calls from friends and club members whether Mr Anonymous is correct. As we dont know the messenger Joe Bloggs has to deal with the 'rumour'.
Imagine if 'Joe' has to deal with an angry supporter late at night at his family home on a comment from Mr Anonymous.
My point is, any comment should be backed up by a name (ie registered personally with you.) I am entering coaching next year with my mate and would HATE any unfounded comment made against us that you endorsed by publishing.
You have already changed from an open forum, to one moderated. I think this has not helped matters as Mr Anonymous is still prominent.
Perhaps give Mr Anonymous a designated 'live' hour one night a week to vent his spleen.
PS Articles are always looked forward too.
It's the same on any forum, It's not like people post under there real names.
What is Walter going to do? Have You send in your Drivers License and link it to your username? You don't see real names on the comments of newspaper sites all the time.
You don't have to read the comments if you don't want you can read the articles and that's it.
Welcome to the Information Age Marty.
Anon . Regrettably you misconstrue my commnent .
My suggestion refered to the future not the past nor present .
The game here despite posturing and mincing is still very much in missionary mode requiring considerable sacrifice by all .
Where better to start than with Administrators and officials.
It's the same on any forum, It's not like people post under there real names.
What is Walter going to do? Have You send in your Drivers License and link it to your username? You don't see real names on the comments of newspaper sites all the time.
You don't have to read the comments if you don't want you can read the articles and that's it.
October 27, 2010 11:37 PM
Agreed Marty.
The answer is simple, Walter can always close off the comments option and lock his articles.
Pretty simple no one is forcing you to view the comments of an article.
It's a fair point Marty but one fraught with errors. As anon 11:37 stated putting names down doesn't necessarily mean it's actually their name.
The amount of logistical effort Walter would have to go to ensure names are verified would quickly make him think "why I am bothering."
On another note, (i'm not a tech-head) this forum seems fairly popular, I'd be moving it to a different domain and slapping some advertising on it, each click you'd get 2c or something. Which may go someway to covering you're time Walter.
And Brian, loading is apart of any business. You build a house, the builder will charge 15% extra on the cost of materials and that's not 15% on the price they get it for but 15% on top of retail price.
If Tassie football is really to pick up then you're looking at a 10-15 year plan starting with licensing junior coaches from under 7's onwards and teaching the kids at an early age correct technique & work ethic etc.
THEN worry about paying players, THEN worry about media coverage (football is already the most played junior sport) THEN worry about paying players.
For me i'd only pay players i want to go watch ie Crossa, Self, Roach, Bart, Fish, Scott, Sanders, Gasprinatos & Braz. I definately wouldn't pay me to watch me when i was playing prem league.
Anon 9.43am
I think that the point that Brian is making is while a business can levy fees and load charges the FFT is or should not be an organisation that focuses on deriving it's income from the stakeholders but should have a responsibility to develop other income streams. Hence Brians comment we are as stakeholders sacraficing much to prop up the costs.
I do agree with your comments about coaching and the fundamental need for better coaches and therefore better players which will gradually raise the standards and hopefully generates better crowds better sponsorship and a better overall profile on the local sporting landscape. It takes time and effort as you have stated.
I also agree with Martys point about the comments from the quality perspective as an identity means the poster is accountable and is providing a reasoned arguement. I think this promotes proper discussion and is what Walter is wanting to encourage and what is concerning Marty.
I do however agree that it would be untenable for Walter to reduce access to the blog so readers will have to filter the drivel and tongue in cheek from the more serious threads.
Still reading Walter keep up the good work.
id pay to watch jackson marsh
Pretty simple no one is forcing you to view the comments of an article.
October 28, 2010 9:25 AM
It's actually called 'cyber bullying.'
Do some reading to understand the truer effects of what your 'harmless' comments are capable of leading to.
Haha Cyber Bullying
i would pay to watch corey smith play as theres always entertainment when he gets sent off and comes up into the stand abusing people, priceless
i beleive no one should be paid to play, we should just play for fun like i do, i love playing with my mates then having a drink after the game
brendan garth
get serious at the bottom and stop sooking and make it a state league and get fft to stop charging for referees when we usually don't get any
id pay to watch brendan garth
Than you Richard
Anon 9.43.
Disagree with your comments regarding licencing junior coaches from u7 upwards.Technique/work ethic is not appropriate for kids at that age. All they should be experiencing at that stage is enjoyment, being allowed to play ,fun , little restriction etc.
What you are suggesting will restrict and impose too many rules/guidelines for young kids to follow. This will not encourage continued participation. Once they reach 9 or 10 ,then they can be exposed to more of the technique and work ethic side of things.The other issue that will arise is finding sufficient licenced coaches at that early stage for the hundreds of U7 teams about the place. Remember U7 is only 5 or 6 a side I think .
In my opinion it is OK to post as "anon" providing it is constructive ,fair and does not attack individuals. The problem here Walter is that there are many people posting negative comments about about individuals ,players ,clubs etc .Many of these I bet are senseless individuals who have never played the game at any serious level , maybe try bur just donbt have it. They are not the real supporters of the sport locally. I compare them to the thugs in the English game , who by their own admission ,attend games to start fights etc. Not to support their team . No different on here. comments made in order to incite anger , hatred, jealouysy etc but not for the good of the game. I dont know how you can clean it up.
It is a public forum! If walter does not think a comment is suitable he will not let it go up on this site. People can say what they like, if you don't like this you should probably not bother to read this blog and/or proceed to comment.
It is a public forum! If walter does not think a comment is suitable he will not let it go up on this site. People can say what they like, if you don't like this you should probably not bother to read this blog and/or proceed to comment.
October 28, 2010 10:36 PM
you're actually wrong on this point. It's not a 'forum,' as you put it, rather it is a 'blog.'
The difference being that a blog is designed for the author of a post to interact with other readers, which Walter does not really do.
If Walter would prefer a 'forum' proper, then he really needs to outlay some cash to pay for an appropriate venue, rather than just put up random posts from random individuals.
It cuts into his credibility.
Anon 9.43.
"Disagree with your comments regarding licencing junior coaches from u7 upwards.Technique/work ethic is not appropriate for kids at that age. All they should be experiencing at that stage is enjoyment, being allowed to play ,fun , little restriction etc."
Studies would disagree with you there mate (I can't ref them but did a minor in sport science at uni.) The under 7 to under 10 bracket is crucial for development. I'm not sure why you think that means 'no fun.' I'm not talking about high level technical skills, I'm talking about foot skills, how to hold a player off, how to play out of a situation etc etc. This to me encourages fun (I mean who doesn't love beating someone 1 on 1). The problem is you've got a) mums n dads who have no idea about football coaching or b) a coach who ridicules a kid for taking on the whole team (probably a pom.) The kid with talent is screwed already.
"The other issue that will arise is finding sufficient licenced coaches at that early stage for the hundreds of U7 teams about the place. Remember U7 is only 5 or 6 a side I think ."
I agree here but if we can fly to the moon ......
You need the right equipment to fly to the moon.Remember that.
garthy your not old enough to have a drink mate.
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