Wednesday, August 5, 2009

South Hobart within reach of the Premier League title

South Hobart 2-1 Glenorchy Knights


South Hobart came back from a goal down to beat Glenorchy Knights 2-1 at KGV Park this evening and open up a 6-point lead over second-placed Tilford Zebras.

Both sides have two games to play, so South Hobart must now be the red hot favourites to retain their league title.

Knights opened the scoring in the 9th minute following a superb build-up which started wide on the right with Jade Clay and worked its way back through the back-four and then along the left flank.

The ball was then played into the middle where James Hope slipped it through to Amadu Koroma on the left of the box and he beat Moncur with a lightning-fast finish inside the far post.

Ricki Eaves squandered a great chance to equalise on the quarter-hour when a high ball into the box was allowed to bounce by Alex Holmes.

The bounce also beat keeper Alex Tatnell and Eaves gained possession but fired narrowly wide of the far post. It was an open goal, but a difficult angle.

Two minutes later, Kostas Kanakaris gained possession wide on the right and cut inside, leaving Holmes on his backside, and blasted a perfect shot past Tatnell from the edge of the box and dead in front to make it 1-1.

Knights substituted their Brazilian, Breno Dos Santos, who was wearing gloves and black tights, at half time and brought on Mynonge Kamba in midfield.

Dos Santos had not played for many weeks and was obviously lacking fitness.

In the 64th minute, Kanakaris scored his second of the match after receiving Josh Heerey’s pass and turning sharply inside the box on the right before firing past Tatnell to make it 2-1.


· South Hobart coach, Ken Morton, said:

“It was a tough match for us tonight. You, know, a bit of an aerial bombardment from them when they get the big lad, Holmes, up from the back.

“He’s obviously a threat at set plays.

“In the first half, I felt we gave away too many silly free-kicks in our defending half, but we coped with it.

“I thought Moncur was good tonight with his control back there.

“We had a lot of possession and I think we were worthy of three points.”

· Glenorchy Knights coach, Eamonn Kelly, said:

“I thought it was a good game of football.

“I thought both teams played some good football at times.

“We got a bit leg weary towards the end, but you know, it’s the same for them as it was for us.

“They’ve played two games and we’ve played two games.

“Now we’ve just got to regroup and front up again on Friday. It’s as simple as that.

“It was a much better effort tonight than the rubbish we turned out with on Saturday.

“Commitment wise it was good. We played some good football when we kept the ball on the ground.

“When we kept possession, we looked pretty good.

“But, yeah, they’re a class act, but you’re only as good as what you let your opposition play.

“We let them play for ten or fifteen minutes before half-time and they played some good football.

“In the second half, like I say, we got a bit leg tired and they started to run over us towards the end, but I thought we did well.

“I thought we did well at the back. We kept our structure, we kept our positional play and we kept to the game plan.

“We were unfortunate. You know, we most probably could have had a couple more shots on goal.

“We didn’t, but you know, if you don’t score goals you don’t win games and that’s been our story for the last couple of weeks.”


South Hobart: Moncur - Pennicott, Ludford, Cooper, Scott - Eaves (Eaves 73), Beecroft, Upton, Heerey, Hickey (Abbott 81) - Kanakaris (Substitutes not used: Di Falco)

Booked: Upton 87

Goals: Kanakaris 17, 64

Glenorchy Knights: Tatnell - Lawler, Grundy, Holmes, Green - Clay, Fielding, Dos Santos (Kamba 46), Millington (Nowicki 67) - Hope (Roberts 55), Koroma (Substitute not used: Robb)

Booked: Dos Santos 45

Goals: Koroma 9

Att: 90

Ref: I Jozeljic


Anonymous said...

Wow black tights, brazilians... exotic erotica at kgv what next morton in a tutu?

Richard Bladel said...

Though Knights were not far off this one, you gotta agree Kosta was fabulous last night. The Knights defence couldn't deal with his pace over 10 metres, and his well judged turns with the ball. Second week in a row he's given the opposition defence Hell. South defended well against Amadu, too. He was sharp and his strike was a ripper, aided by a little bit of shirt work on Hughie Ludford that seemed to elude Referee Ivan (the Terrible). South defended well as a unit (despite sloppiness in the first 10 minutes) and though he skun a few guys, like Coops, they worked together to shut him down really effectively when it counted. Good coaching, good team effort. Early in the season, Zebs were playing better football, but now it's turned around and South look the best by far. Well done South.

Richard Bladel said...

Sorry Ivan. You really are entertaining. I think you should write a book.

Clarence Young Gun (Y) said...

hmmm richard you wonder why people laugh at you, cause you talk some crap haha, well im backing ivan up, i think hes better then most refs and whats with knights not brining A.Robb, hes in wicked form lately and is a jet.

harden up maggots said...

young gun i agree with u 100% if ivan wasnt a gd ref he wouldnt of had the honours to run the line in the a league game id like 2 see u out the richard running around now that would be entertaining

Who cares said...

Nah, Richard likes to bag refs and coaches - however, with what I've heard from his own coaching exploits he ought to be a little less critical of others ...

Richard Bladel said...

Now THAT'S entertaining... The fishing's fabulous.

Clarence Young Gun (Y) said...

grow up richard and get your act together.

mad old man said...

Richard Bladel your washed up

Richard Bladel said...

Yeah, cool. I shouldn't bag Ivan, you're right. I'm not sure I could do better than him. I'd look bloody hilarious in those shorts. He is entertaining, though. Got a big personality, gets around the park and gets involved emotionally. Good on him. Makes mistakes. Yep. So do I. I can dish it out so I can take it. However, "gentlemen" all this self righteous toss about credibility coming from a bunch of wimps who hide behind question marks and fake names is pretty rich. Who are ya? I've never done or said anything I'm ashamed of as a coach or any other time. Come up and see me face to face if you want clarification. Happy to oblige.

Captain said...

Richard, so you're not ashamed of anything you've done as a coach but does that mean you're good to critise others for what many may consider less ...

if you're putting it on the blog then it's reasonable for people to respond to that in a similar manner and to this point I haven't seen anyone being quite as specific toward you as you have been with your accusations.

If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen

Jnr said...

ivan = shocking ref.

Richard Bladel said...

Captain your opinion's just that. This blog is about opinion and critical debate. Mine's as valid as yours. 9/10's of what I wrote was positive. I put my hand up to the Ivan thing. His mistakes have cost my team games in the past, but it's not fair to get personal. I turn up in the kitchen as me without a bag over my head (or is it a white sheet with holes cut for eyes?) I'd respect yours a lot more if you were accountable. So who can't stand the heat?

Anonymous said...

Eaves for Ross??

Anonymous said...

eaves for ross definitely, if i were ross i would feel very hard done by.

Captain said...

Richard, I don't respect your opinion and do not need you to respect mine.

Your earlier comment,

" I've seen so many shocking bits of coaching in there, it's not funny. State youth coaches who are downright abusive, ... Parents pull their kids out ..."

is a joke from someone with your recent disciplinary record as a youth representative coach.

I assume you are one of those parents you have referred to.

Just because you use your "real name" doesn't give you high moral ground when you bag people giving time to development of the game.

I wonder if you are as much a legend in "real life" as you are on this blog???

Richard Bladel said...

I'm glad you raised that Captain. My "disciplinary record" as you put it was obtained sticking up for the kids in my team who were getting kicked all over the park in a development tournament by a kid who was sent out there to kick us. The same kid was sent off in the South, but despite my best efforts, the referee let him kick people from behind, repeatedly stick his elbows in, threatened one of my players as he lay on the ground after this kid kicked him. My lads were not wimps. They had the blood and bruises to prove it. I was genuinely concerned that someone was going to get a broken leg. Richard Evans intervened in the matter and told the opposition coach that this behaviour was not to be condoned. The NTJSA did not listen to my concerns as far as I am aware. As I said, I am not ashamed of what I did, as I acted as a last resort to try to protect the kids, something all coaches must do.

Also, assume all you like, doesn't make it true.

Ivan said...

hello peopleI would just like to take this opportunity and say thank you richard for your comments they haven't helped me much in regards to my refereeing as they aren't constructive but they are attacking my capabilities as a referee i would like to extend you the warmest of offers to come and join the refereeing community next year by doing the coarse and then by work your way up to where i am now. I have been refereeing for 9 years and my greatest of achievements was 2 weeks ago when i was appointed to be an assitant on the A Leaguegame.I am not perfect but i don't think that you as a coach or as a player can say that you have a perfect game everytime you go out onto the field. When i am refereeing i go out onto the field of play and i enforce the laws of the game to the best of my abilities and if people aren't happy thats not my problem. I go out onto the field of play and try to have fun and have a smile on my face that why i smile a lot on the field because i am enjoying the game that i am refereeing or i enjoy the players comments (sometimes) :) each and every year i am trying different things to improve my game week in week out with the help of my coach and my fellow referees such as Kim Barker, Steve pitchford and also anyone that can give me a constructive comment to make my game better or how it can make me a better referee. This year i have tried to have my name not mention on the blog site for the wrong reason and i do find it hard when people get on the blog site and make comments which i find hard to deal with sometimes as i am not perfect. I have never ever held grudges against anyone never have and never will regardless of what happeneds on the field. My golden rule is WHAT HAPPENEDS ON THE FIELD SATYS ON THE FIELD. I will say Hi to anyone and i more than happy to have a conversation with anyone. i will always say hi to anyone i know. regardless if they like me or not. I am more than approachable to speak to at anytime. So please if you have any constructive feedback thts great but i don't like the personal attacks on me as a human being or as a referee.thank you that is all i have to say

Anonymous said...

Ivan, the best thing you mentioned there, is that you realise there is room for improvement in your game. Kudos for your honesty. I think a lot of the posts on here are meant to rile. It's a typical blog. The comments therefore should not be taken as ad hominem attacks Just join in and have fun

Richard Bladel said...

Yeah, what you say is fair enough, Ivan. My apologies for getting personal and having go at you in the first place.

Captain said...

Ivan, there are many aspects to a good referee. I observed the support you gave to your young assisant yesterday - giving him the thumbs up and encouragement when players were not happy. You are a young ref yourself but are showing maturity in the way you carry yourself through the game.

I hope you continue to enjoy your reffing for at least another 9 years ...