Photos (Top to Bottom): Andrew Leszczynski in the 1986 White Eagle side (he is extreme left, front row); Chris Wass...captain of New Town Eagles and 2009 best-and-fairest winner; Eagles coach George Krambousanos...is that the coach's award he is delivering, with a message to Michael Soszynski not to spill things? ; Matt Ball (Photo courtesy of Darren Frost); Craig Minty (Photo courtesy of Darren Frost); Adam Shackcloth (Photo courtesy of Darren Frost)
Central defender and captain Chris Wass won New Town Eagles’ best-and-fairest player award for the 2009 season.
Midfielder Andrew Clark was the senior side’s most consistent player, while coach George Krambousanos presented goalkeeper Michael Soszynski with the coach’s award.
In the reserves, Adam Shackcloth was the best-and-fairest player, Craig Minty and Rob Wilson shared the ‘most consistent’ award, and Josh Quan won the coach’s award.
Matthew Fennell was the leading scorer in the Premier Reserves competition this past season.
Matt Ball took out Eagles’ under-19 best-and-fairest award, while Jacob Clamp was the most consistent and Konrad Niekrasz was presented with the coach’s award.
In Division Two, the White side’s best-and-fairest player was Ben Michel, while in the Red side, it was Giovani Vasile who took the honours.
Andrew Leszynski, who played in seven title-winning Eagle sides at senior level, was the club’s Division Three team’s best-and-fairest player and he was also awarded Life Membership.
Riley Smith won the Women’s Division One best-and-fairest award.
* * * * * *
There are reports that the TIS will play in the Premier League next season, thus creating a bye.
The reports also suggest that the State under-15s will compete in the Premier Reserves competition and the State-under-14s in the Premier League Under-19 competition.
This would be a farce and make Tasmania’s top flight competition -seniors, reserves and under-19s - the laughing stock of Australian football, if, indeed, the rest of Australia knows that football is played here.
I also see that my suggestion that FFT approach FFA to hold at least one of Australia’s Asian Champions Cup qualifying games in Tasmania has come to naught.
We just don’t seem to rank as far as FFA are concerned.
How often do we think of Bruny Island? About as often as FFA thinks about Tasmania.
Congratulations Wassy, well deserved after a fantastic season!
Walter the TIS is a farce.
The concept is to develop athletes with potential for National representation. It has become Dean May's crusade to massage his ego - today U19s, tomorrow - the WORLD!
Tassie is not big enough to have 16* TIS + 16 * U15 State + 16 * U14 State and compete at any level let alone what is proposed.
TIS should be for potential Aus reps only and FFT should be left to run its program - hopefully along siimlar lines to what it did (SUCCESSFULLY) from 2006 - 2008.
fft should change to ffs
I think It is a travesty what you (soccer fraternity)have done to soccer down there.I would say your premier league is probably about the same standard as a sydney assosciation would be. I'm not talking about federation teams I'm talking about local amateur assosciations like st george or the manly assosciations. the level used to be close to the nsw and vic state leagues. What has gone wrong? You should at least be as good as ACT, which I suspect your not. It's a long way back to get up to speed with the rest of the the nation. You only have aeriel ping pong down there as competition and from memory, that isn't worth watching as a spectacle on any given day. No wonder walter is miserable watching the game dilapidate incrementally on a yearly basis.
madmcglone ,it doesnt sound like you have even watched a game down here lately.I am not saying that you are incorrect , but what right do you have to criticise from where you are.If you have seen a game then I agree ,you are correct.
Well, Ive wayched a lot of games on youtube, and your right, I can't say for sure. But
i bet
i'm not far off the mark.. And going by Walter's write ups and his continual references to the good old days.I get the feeling there is a general malaise and apathy down there. I also think that the lack of a state team would compound that there is a rapid decline happening in tassie that needs to be adressed very soon.
is it just me or is there a serious contadiction in all this?
on one hand everyone complains about the poor quality of tasmanian soccer.
on the other initiatives aimed at developing quality junior players are criticised.
is it a farce walter, or an accurate assessment of the level of tasmanian soccer? will this not be better for the game in the long run than minor adjustments such as the creation of the 8 team league, which only affects players aged 18/9-30ish who realistically have little chance of significant improvement?
if my memory serves me correctly the TIS won the 3rd place playoff match of the Steve Hudson Cup against Taroona, who will be playing premier league next year. is this also a farce?
The Doctor
There's no contradiction at all. Development is a different issue to showcasing your top flight game. That's why the Victorians got rid of the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) team from their top flight competition.
The TIS may be very good at developing players, but playing them in the top-flight competition as a unit is quite another matter. They may have dominated the under-19 competition (under the banner of University), but they would struggle in the Premier League senior competition.
As for the performances and results of the TIS in the northern pre-season competition, I think that says more about the quality of the tournament and the overall quality of the competing teams than it does about the ability of the TIS.
To play the TIS in the Premier League would be a farce. It would be an even greater indictment of the Tasmanian game if they were successful at that level, even if such a scenario is most unlikely.
Doctor, i reckon if they are good enough they should play. Do they have clubs?
One thing about rep matches is making a transition to a new squad. I reckon giving the chance for rep sides to enter leagues weakens what we can achieve as clubs.
I played in some junior rep sides in the 90's, and the best of the squads had made senior sides.
I think it is an unhealthy attitude to make a state squad a "club" in a league and disregard the club values. Where are the youngsters going to go after they realise they are only a small fish in a big pond?
At the moment, and not from observation but from what I read on this blog, it seems a 14 or 15 year old has more prestige of being in the state program, than striving for first team game time for their club.
For the record, Newtown Eagles Div 2 defeated Taroona in the Southern Div 1 summer cup on penalties. I have no illusions that this result makes us a better team than them. They are deserved winners, and good luck to them. AND all the kids in the state system when they start representing clubs. Good luck.
Correction at the end of last statement.
I have no illusions that this result makes us a better team than them.
Should read
I have no illusions that this result doesnt make us a better team than them.
"Development is a different issue to showcasing your top flight game."
why is this so walter? would including a TIS team in the premier league be detrimental to the development of either the boys or the league? i think not. additionally, if the are able to compete, does this not make them a part of the 'top flight' which we are trying to showcase?
Marty Nidorfer - do you really believe the club structure is the best way to develop national standard players, especially considering all the criticism that is placed on the quality of the league?
"Where are the youngsters going to go after they realise they are only a small fish in a big pond?"
you miss the point. development is about trying to create a tasmanian pond that is:
1. nice for people to have a picnic by
2. approaching similar water-quality levels as those ponds in mainland gardens
3. able to produce young fish that are of a legal size for the fisherman of the national squad, as well as those of interstate and even international clubs.
I think you had it right the first time? but would you not also argue that the eagles div 2 squad would have been competitive in div 1 this year? or would they have turned the league into a farce?
The Doctor
Individuals may develop in a top-flight team, with experienced players around them, but a team of youngsters still developing would, I fear, be overwhelmed in a top-flight competition. That would do them no good, and it would do nothing for the credibility of the top-flight competition.
Were this team of developing youngsters to be overwhelmed week in and week out, their development would be crushed.
Perhaps Dean May would play, as he did in the northern pre-season competition. I doubt that this would swing things in the team's favour at Premier League level.
I am not against the TIS and a development program, but I feel that playing the TIS in the Premier League does neither the TIS team nor the Premier League any favours.
I would have fewer reservations about them playing in the second-tier competition, namely Division One, as they would probably hold their own there given their results in the northern pre-season competition. They were clearly too good for the Premier Under-19s.
This is an absolute joke the TIS squad will not have a chance against any of their opponents when you look at some premier league lineups just some individual players would cause enough of a problem for the TIS, how can the TIS players compete against players like Clarences BP Zebras Walsh, Self, Crosswell, Brazendale Souths Gary Upton and thats only the tip of iceberg.. these players have too much experience, knowledge, class and most of all strength. these kids are just too small and dont have enough experience to play at the top flight.. it would be an embarrassment for Souths Premier league and tasmanian soccer in general.
premier league and division 1 teams should only consist of teams that have earned the right on the park to be in there.let tis play div2 and win that,then go div 1 and win that and then go premier league.it would be a slap in the face for all eight premier league sides to fight all season to avoid relegation only to see a team being promoted that has not earned it.
And will the TIS be relegated to Div 1 if they finish last in the Premier League? What is FFT's long term plan?
Why was Wass not in the Southern side??? Thought he would be a regular by now. Do people not rate him. All the games Iv'e seen him play he has done well & has the measure off the opposition strikers. Just a question
Seems like FFT are just making things up as they go. I thougth a local bloke becoming the new CEO that had been through the good times of Tassie Football & now seeing the bad would know which way we need to go and get things set in concrete to run for a few years @ least
TIS issue is another example of the tail wagging the dog with the FFT administration.
the minority interests are being catered for to the detriment of the games majority stakeholders. there is no benefit for the game which should be the FFT's focus.
junior development and serious competition are two different things. As walter points out it's an indictment on the competition it is considered an option. this happened in the early 90's in the state league with the development squad playing in the reserves comp because Devonport didn't field a reserves team for some reason. I don't recall any members of that development squad going on to have any real senior careers after it folded after 1 or 2 seasons.
also the competition structures should be set with clubs finding their level and those who get their act together are promoted those who don't are not. this may mean a transition where some clubs drop a division to rebuild but that should be their responsibility not changing rules again or not applying them.
the TIS players play in the club system around experienced players and compliment their elite program while gaining practical competitive experience, hopefully at the best level here.
playing standard improvement will only start from the ground up if the FFT put in place appropriate support and structures for the clubs and the clubs commit to improving their administration, coaching personnel, facilities and junior development programs. in other words take responsibility for their long term stability and growth.
TIS is a means to an end not the end itself. Maybe this is the only way May can get himself a Premier League start.
Hi Walter,
How does inclusion of the TIS in the Premier League in 2010 fit into FFT's Strategic Plan?
Why not raise the age of the TIS team. Play them in the prem league and have a reserve TIS team in the u19s. Pay them expenses, so you get the cream of the crop. Liase with the A league and try and send the best of the best for extended trials. Byron bay fc played the Gold coast A league team in a pre season match. They had a gala day were guys like Culina held sessions for the kids. There is already a bond held btw both clubs because of good communications took place by the heads of both clubs. There is a new Melbourne team happening,what a great opportunity for something to happen here. The tassie A league effort doesn't look like it will happen. Kids need goals to improve, and it is the FFT's responsibility to format something so there is an avenue for kids with ability to strive for
The TIS need to play against really technically sharp players their own age rather than bigger, faster & stronger Premier League players who often aren't as good as they are. Then it becomes about the TIS players' technical & strategic ability. They need to learn to play one touch flat out against top opposition in that age range. That doesn't exist In Tasmania, does it?
We need to develop closer links with Victorian junior Champions League (zone) teams and get to play them in as many matches as possible. Lots of positives there. Pathway for really good players etc. The other solution is cloning technology.
for the 1st time ever richard has made a good point!!!!!!
Maggot - Agreed. Hence the TIS challenge ... and Nationals ...
although on this matter as some have sAID before Tassie can't really sustain 16 tis players across even a 2-3 year age group without compromising quality (some of the tis boys are just not that good and they've added a lot of younger 1s last week).
maybe we should contribute players to vis or act/tas-is or nthnswis something ...
but yes Richard, well done for 1ce.
if the tis struggled to beat clarence u19s twice how would they fare vs the senior team (l&lolol).
I am involved with South Hobart but watched a few TIS games for interest. Contrary to comments from REDS the TIS completely outplayed Clarence under 19s when I saw them beat them 4 to 0 and if the squad was the same they could play Premier League and be competitive. From what I have heard the TIS has dropped 4 or 5 players from this years squad and replaced them with some smaller younger players so would get hammered if they are playing PL next year so this option should be shelved. Not sure what the solution is but the TIS should be supported even if Dean May is involved. The state under 14 and under 15 team without the TIS members would not gain from playing PL u19 and PL reserves – too small too slow. Let hope FFT for once make a positive contribution to the sport and come up with a plan that helps develop talented youngsters.
Oh shit! Sth Hobart - you really must know what you're talking about.
I was referring to the two times the TIS struggled to beat Clarence U19s (2-2 and 2-1). Did you watch those two games?
Well from my understand TIS played under the banner of University this season so by default they were also relegated!
To suggest that a state TIS youth squad take a spot in the top league is nothing but a joke. This will not help the sport develop nor develop the kids effectively.
Far better for these young kids to play with clubs if they wish, train extra with the state program and play extra games.
Where are all the u19's squad players for Uni/TIS now? how many games did they play against interstate and or overseas opponents. Did any achieve try outs with clubs????
Bottom line training etc and playing etc games works well around the world so why must Tasmania continue to try to redevelop the wheel and come out each time falling further behind.
REDS I did not intend to upset you. I was just trying to make the point that the TIS was too good to have been playing in PL u19s. The table below show they were undefeated (they forfeited last game so lost 3 to 0) and they scored 40 more goals then the 2nd placed team and conceded 12 less goals. Even if the squad has been weakened due to their policy of bringing in younger players they would still give most senior teams a run for their money. I think that most people are anti TIS due to the coach – remember the TIS players will eventually go to clubs if they do not make it interstate or overseas – it is in our interest to support them.
University 21 18 2 1 124 16 56
Clarence United 21 17 1 3 84 25 52
South Hobart 21 12 1 8 58 50 37
Glenorchy Knights 21 9 3 9 64 64 30
New Town Eagles 21 8 1 12 48 71 25
Tilford Zebras 21 5 2 14 44 74 17
Hobart Olympic 21 5 0 16 46 106 15
Kingborough Lions 21 4 2 15 38 100 14
2 or 3 17 year olds in TIS in 2010. I wonder at what age these players will go to a Club or whether the TIS coach will keep older players longer now that the team is playing Premier League Seniors - to help the younger ones.
Are these 17 year olds really still considered to be of sufficient potential to play for Australia?
I guess what I'm really struggling with is the purpose of the TIS as opposed to the FFT program and how that supports having 16 players aged 14 - 17 playing in the SPL.
AND these players won't be allowed to represent Tassie at Nationals.
I have been playing and coaching for over 45 years. I am one of the first coaches to hold a level 2 science of sport/senior/youth and junior license as well as coaching premier league one in Victoria (the days when national league and premier league one were the highest in Australia). All these licenses were obtained in Melbourne and Sydney. I have been involved with juniors/youths and seniors in women and men’s leagues, as far as Darwin.
I am sick of hearing/reading about people arriving in Hobart and trying to dictate what is good for our youths. First of all the players that do represent Tasmania are only a handful of our good players. We have so many young talented players that don't have a chance to represent their state due to financial reasons.
Many years ago we had a under 21 competition that allowed a number of over aged players to play in each team to guide the team. At the moment we have so many under 21 players that are playing in our premier/reserve/Div 1 leagues. Why can't we go back to having premier league, under 21 league, Under 17's and so on? To allow our TIS team to play in our under 21 league. This will still allow div 1 to fight for rights to promote themselves in to premier league. Plus there will still be a 2,3 and 4 league.
The areas that we all should be looking at to better ourselves here in Hobart are:
1.Financial support for all our youth state sides.
2.Better coaches/coaching.
3.To allow TIS teams to play midweek against any premier league as a practice/training game.
Although I don’t have children involved in football. I do understand that all parents want the best for their child. I myself, as a coach have spent some of my best years with juniors and youths in both men’s and women’s leagues and understand the importance of having coaches, people, parents and all other back up, especially those who understand the priorities in the team.
Mr Steve Payne, still unknown to Hobart/Tasmania, should have presented himself to all clubs to announce his arrival and the position that he will be filling with FFT. I myself, have never met Steve, but from the feedback I received from others, the comments have been negative. For example the way that he presented himself at the meeting on Thursday night, the language that he used and the way he dictated terms is not the way to attract people to follow.
I would like to finish off by saying that there are only a few of us left from the old and new school. That have seen the good and the bad and at this moment the bad seems to be coming back. We here in Hobart/Tassie don’t need strangers to think that they can push buttons and make things happen. We need people that have a good knowledge of the game, the love of the game and respect for the people involved. Yes I agree, we need to do more for our juniors and youths but we also need these young players to have an aim. At the moment the highest that they will play in Hobart is premier league. I would love to see a small percentage to go further. Unfortunately that will probably only happen if they are living on the mainland.
if your not good enough to play seniors by the time your 15 you wont make it anywhere outside tasmania plain and simple
Someone who cares
You make some good points, but you also sound very xenophobic. Some outside help and wisdom should be accepted with open arms, not dismissed with suspicion
good to hear from you someone who cares"" we will talk no doubt shortly. you gave away too much info on your background mate.
a lot to be said for the people who love the game and take on high level qualification because they love the game and want to learn and teach. too many short term well meaning enthusiasts who don't stay in the game and there are lots of reasons for that not all because they choose to walk away. unfortunately we all step away from the coal face because we have other priorities. hopefully we keep our passion and respect for the game.
I would like to hear more about the FFT/steve payne coaching meeting from an experienced coaches viewpoint. I have spoken to steve about some football issues and also enfield london lifestyle. I didn't make the meeting because of work but was interested in the vision despite a little scepticism about the text book propoganda.
also good to hear that south hobart are upsetting the one club wonders because they are successfull, long may it last!!!!!!! pity it comes from a club that should have some affinity it is tasmania.
is it the success or how incredibly arrogant sth has become ?
richard benet is it reely true that peepl who luv the game luv the game. i did not no that.
if steve pain can put back wot dave abela started thats ok just dont go ovabored coz taze is difrent - smallr difrent dinamix.
sum1 wot cares makes good sensi
the point being made by myself and someone who cares is that love for the game is a great motivator for the too few who get high level coaching qualifications. they do exist here but are underutilised. as chris hey has pointed out high level licences are achieved at great expense to the individuals and little reward here financially unlike interstate. these individuals do have something to contribute to the debate about coaching systems and should be.
that point was probably not explained in my previous post. I do wish steve the best in his efforts to improve the general level of coaching and development in tasmania.
there are 2 separate issues in developing the game.the most important one is to see club administrators put their sole effort into seeing their clubs grow.we should not judge a clubs succes by the number of trophies it wins but by the number of teams from every age group it can can put on the park every week.the more people we can get on the park the more talent the coaches will discover.there is enough coaching talent around to do that.with a small population like wehave we cant support that many clubs but we can certainly make far better use of the players we now have to even out the leagues and avoid cricketscores.the standard of the game will only improve by only allowing those teams that have actually proved on the park that they belong in a certain league to be in there.with a small population we have to do things different than if we had millions of players on the books.clubs in the end are only the means to put people on the park,the trophies are won by the players and coaches of that particular team.make more use of the premier league reserves and use them to bloster the strength of division one.dont waste that talent.
rangers president,how do i get in touch with you?
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