Monday, January 17, 2011

South Melbourne too classy for South Hobart

Photos (Top to Bottom): The South Hobart starting XI; The South Melbourne Hellas starting XI; The match officials are (L-R) Patrick Galloway, Brenton Kopra, Kim Barker and Jason Priest; South Melbourne's Kyle Joryeff clashes with South Hobart's Wook Bum Heo (right); South Hobart's Hugh Ludford (left) outfoxes South Melbourne's Nick Jacobs; South Melbourne's Steven Topalovic clashes with South Hobart's Jonathon Lo (right); South Hobart midfielder Tom Roach initiates an attack; South Hobart's substitute goalkeeper Michael McKenna foils South Melbourne's Jesse Krncevic; South Hobart goalkeeper Sam Kruijver receives treatment from the South Melbourne physio and South Hobart's trainer Noel Clarke; Kruijver receives more treatment off the pitch; Noel Clark and Mark Moncur help the concussed Kruijver from the pitch; South Hobart hit the woodwork after a free-kick; Wook Bum Heo (left) is challenged by South Melbourne's Sebastian Petrovic; Kyle Joryeff completes his hat-trick with a penalty; South Melbourne's Daniel Vasilevski attacking down the left flank; South Melbourne striker Jesse Krncevic was kept goalless; South Hobart's Cameron Williams gets a pass away despite the onrushing Nick Jacobs; South Hobart captain Daniel Brown (left) bears down on South Melbourne's Carlo Recchia; South Hobart's Tom Roach in pursuit of South Melbourne's Daniel Vasilevski [PlessPix]

South Hobart 0-5 South Melbourne Hellas


South Melbourne Hellas won the Hill Street/Thrifty Cup with a convincing 5-0 win over Tasmanian champions South Hobart, at South Hobart, on Sunday afternoon.

The Victorians were a class above South Hobart in all departments and, although the home side might have scored at least two goals, the visitors were always going to win.

They were faster to the ball, anticipated situations cleverly, and were more skilful.

South Melbourne were also stronger physically and often won the ball in situations where the odds were stacked against them. They always managed to get that toe to the ball in the nick of time to disrupt a South Hobart move and, when necessary, those desperate, last-ditch, full-blooded tackles were timed to perfection and snuffed out any danger.

South Hobart lacked cohesion and pace and, when they were in possession, there were few options available.

Having said that, Kostas Kanakaris should have scored when Shae Hickey’s delightful chip into the box put him clean through, but he fired over the bar. The chance came after a rare error at the back by Steven Topalovic. Kanakaris may have still been feeling the effects of a heavy knock he received in the opening minutes from an accidental collision with goalkeeper Stefaan Sardelic.

Kanakaris also hit the post in the first half, but Mr Barker blew for a foul on the striker and gave South a double chance, which they squandered from the free-kick.

An indirect free-kick for obstruction late in the game saw South Hobart again strike the woodwork, but they were well beaten at that stage.

Kyle Joryeff netted a hat-trick for the visitors, who had impressive players in every position. Sardelic was an imposing presence in the penalty area, while Sebastian Petrovic, Steven Topalovic, Steven O’Dor and Rhodri Payne took no prisoners at the back.

Midfielders Daniel Vasilevski, Carlo Recchia, Marinos Gasparis and Fernando De Moraes showed vision, imagination and excellent technique in building up attacks and outfoxing their opponents.

Jesse Krncevic was fast and mobile, but was put off his stride sufficiently by Daniel Brown and Hugh Ludford to prevent him scoring. He had netted five goals on Friday night in the 9-0 demolition of Olympia warriors.

Joryeff rattled the crossbar in the 8th minute with an outstanding effort. Seconds later, he made it 1-0 with a powerful strike into the roof of the net from the edge of the penalty area.

Joryeff almost had a second in the 20th minute when he was put through by Vasilevski, but he placed his shot harmlessly across the face of goal.

It was 2-0 in the 25th minute when Recchia fed Gasparis through the middle and he scored a marvellous goal. With goalkeeper Sam Kruijver expecting a pile-driver, Gaparis sent an intelligent, accurate and deft shot low inside the advancing keeper’s right-hand post.

Recchia might have added a third just before the break, but his header from Vasilevski’s corner cleared the bar.

Three minutes after the resumption, Joryeff made it 3-0 with a powerful drive from the right of the box.

Joryeff set up the fourth with a low cross from the byeline on the right that was smashed home by De Moraes.

Kruijver was hurt shortly after and received treatment from South Melbourne’s first-aid man as well as from South Hobart’s own Noel Clarke. He was later taken to hospital with suspected concussion.

Kruijver was replaced by Michael McKenna, who has not played for three years, but his talking, positioning and clearances were certainly up to scratch. He was generally well-protected by his back-four, often due to McKenna’s yelled instructions to his team-mates.

The fifth goal came from a 69th-minute penalty, conceded when Cameron Williams brought down Joryeff, who converted the spot-kick himself.


South Hobart coach, Ken Morton, said:

“I’m disappointed.

“I thought South Melbourne were class. They moved the ball around nicely and kept their shape and their organisation. They played two-touch and three-touch coming out the back. I thought they played some attractive football, and some wonderful football with good finishing.

“Having said that, I’m not too disappointed, but I am in terms of three of the goals we gave away. They were the result of poor defending, and then sloppiness when we won the ball. We gave the ball back to them. But, good sides capitalise on that. The higher up the ladder you go, the good sides will capitalise on mistakes like that.

“But, you’ve got to remember we hit the post twice and we’ve had chances when the game might have gone 1-1 and 2-2. What would have happened then? It would have been different.

“We missed Kwon today. He’s moved on to better things in Indonesia, but I think his presence would have been important for us in the middle of the midfield today. But, that’s okay. He’s gone and we have to accept that.

“We’ve got to give them credit. They played some superb football and we gave them a bit too much time and space. When you play a pressing game, everyone’s got to press together. If you’ve got one lazy person not prepared to do it, then it’ll break down. It’ll break down against quality sides.

“All I said at half-time was: ‘How much more of the ground do you want them to play in? You’ve given them 30 yards, 60 yards in which to play. How are you going to keep pressure on them further upfield if you’ve got gaps 60 or 70 yards to your back-four?’ So, we’ve got to work to squeeze that space.

“A great game by South Melbourne, and I’m proud of my lads as well. They’ve done the job again.”

South Melbourne Hellas coach, Eddie Krncevic, said:

“It was a good game for us again. I thought our boys played well and moved the ball well and scored some nice goals.

“It was a good hit-out for us. And, South Hobart was good opposition. There’s no doubt about that.

“We were maybe a level higher than South Hobart, but, all in all, like I said before, this is pre-season for us and preparation for the season in about three weeks’ time.

“We’re still a bit rusty in some areas which we need to work on.

“All in all, I’m happy. We scored some nice goals and we put on a good show for the Hobart public.”


South Hobart: Kruijver - Pennicott, Ludford, Brown, Feral - Lo, Roach, Fielding - Kanakaris, Brennan, Hickey (Subs: Williams, Bladel, Mizael Linhares Caires, Wook Bum Heo, Di Falco, McKenna)

Booked: Wook Bum Heo

South Melbourne Hellas: Sardelic - Petrovic, Topalovic, O’Dor, Payne - Vasilevski, Recchia, De Moraes, Gasparis - Joryeff, J Krncevic (Subs: Simmons, Zeneli, Riccobene, Vandermay, Naumovski, Jacobs, Colosimo, Treloar)

Booked: Vasilevski

Goals: Joryeff 8, 48, 69 pen, Gasparis 25, De Moraes 61

Att: 700

Ref: K Barker


Anonymous said...

Isnt it funny SOUTH HOBART get pumped and now Big Kenny is making excuses.Come boys it was always on the cards.....

Anonymous said...

Great day for South Hobart and for Tasmanian football, great crowd and well organised event. Hobart City Council need to put in a decent PA at the ground, I felt for that kid singing through that shocker of a box.

Wonderful stuff from the visiting team. Though they made mistakes when pressed hard, something South Hobart failed to do often enough. Even saying that most of them looked so comfortable on the ball that it was always gonna be tough to dispossess them.

I thought South Hobart were disappointing. They were bouncing off those giants and lost their shape too readily, didn't press as a unit, looked a trifle overawed and lost their confidence. You could see a few of them go missing - usual great performers like Lo & Roach not seen much, others taking too many touches - Fishy, Daniel Brown & Kanakaris in particular - and that gave South Melb time to adjust, and the ball speed from South Hobart not quick enough, and too often passes were not crisp or well directed. There seemed to be a lack of energy from the local side, with not enough support play going on from players who didn't have the ball. Fishy's lack of fitness really showed, though he battled hard, and Kostas also battled away and showed some great fighting spirit. More than quite a few of his team mates. I thought the game changed when the youngsters went on. Nick Di Falco did really well, even though he let his man get behind him a few times, Mizael looked lively, but has a lot to learn and Bladel made some timely intercepts and played some very positive though balls into danger areas, something the team had failed to do for long periods.

A good team & coach will learn from that experience, so it's gotta be positive.

Anonymous said...

sth hob weren't terribly outclassed walter. the hellas keeper was ok but invited a bit of pressure at times. o'dor was class.

was a shame kosta missed the first chance, would have made for a completely different contest.

eddie's boy moves very well too.

mckenna coming on was a joke and they looked anything but settled. And what's he doing on the bench without a proper game top as well? surely south hobart have a decent youth keeper coming through?

was a brave take by the sth hob keeper when he got concussed.

Anonymous said...

Let me be the first anonymous to suggest that based on this result, South Hobart must be up for relegation this year.

Anonymous said...

the difference is class was definatly a massive gap, I hope this shows to all the people who are calling for south hobart to play in a higher league that they are know where near ready for that, im sure there were alot of other clubs very happy at the belting they received, question is now what are south hobart going to play for now as this was there big game for the year, will all the players stay at the club now? Time will tell

Anonymous said...

January 17, 2011 9:35 AM

let me be the first to say, you are not as humorous as you obviously think you are.

Anonymous said...

January 17, 2011 9:52 AM

I certainly wasn't happy. Are people so small that they dont want p[eople who work hard to have success?

gd luck to ken and his players.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was very funny!

Anon said...

what a great day for football in Tasmania. It was fantastic to see so many supporters enjoying the great atmosphere. Thankyou to South Melbourne for coming and lets hope we see them and other team visit us soon.

surf's up said...

Anon 9.01am Jan 17 Spot on. South Hob's best periods was shortly after Morton made changes 10 mins into second half all of which worked except for the young left back (Williams?) who's not at this level yet.
Young Bladel also added composure which had been missing from the midfield when he came on. Very promising stuff from the youngsters

4-3-3 is ok against less polished and fit opponents but will find you out against the next level with too many senior Sth Hobart players lacking mobility when tested. The defence struggled to hold its shape at times due to a lack of defensive pressure and structure in midfield (except for Fielding who unfortunately ran out of legs) and the forwrds needed to hold on to the ball a bit more at times to bring others into the game.

A great day out all the same.

Anonymous said...

Why was it a joke that mackenna came on? What a ridiculous comment. He played well and his distribution was much better than most on the day. He needs to drop some kgs but still some quality there

Anonymous said...

Zebras 1st
Knights 2nd
South 3rd
After this what do south have to look forward to.Will the koreans stay now knowing there is better football out there.
I reakon three of thr npl teams would have done better.....

Anonymous said...

Anon 9.16 the guy has just had a couple years out and he didnt make a mistake in goals when he came on so one can only assume you were jealous of the reception he recieved from the crowd when he came on. Also dan brown was south best player yesterday easily. You must be a jealous keeper as you talk about keepers a bit in your post.

Anonymous said...

i love the comment by coach and blogger, "if kosta had put his goal in it would have been different" yeah, a 5-1 loss. Kenny needs to accept defeat gracefully. For every compliment he gives hellas, he makes 3 excuses.

well done to south hobart for the day. thank mother nature for the weather. and any team that wants to beat south this year will take alot from that game.

Anonymous said...

I think this result shows where and how far we have to go as a state, a team that won every trophy on offer without a defeat against a team who didnt make the vpl finals last year shows we need to keep improving with games like this it will happen, well done sth hobart for organizing a great day, maybe fft can try and get onboard for next season

Anonymous said...

South Melbourne would have made the finals. They had 6 points deducted for pitch invasion. Well done South Hobart for a wonderful day of football.

the future said...

Yesterday showed that Tasmania MUST get a team into the VPL within the next couple of years.

The step to A-League is financially beyond us but a single Tassie team in the VPL would get community support if yesterday's standard of play and level of interest is an indication.

Yes it would take a little while to be highly competetive but drawing the best players from across the state and using the team as a pathway for the effective, but disconnected development programs (FFT, TIS, MSS)already in place would get real results in the short term.

I agree Sth Hobart can't do it on their own but FFT should make this a strategic priority and seek FFA backing (incl. $$$) for it. It's clearly the most realistic and affordable way to develop the game in this state.

get real said...

Far too much hate here. Losing 5-0 to a VPL team is no disgrace. South had a few chances, its not like it was a whitewash. Knights will probably get pumped like Olympia did, but really..shouldn't they? Captain Fielding walked out, their best Winger Jade Clay isn't playing, they have lost Brodie Green who is a decent centre back and haven't really picked anyone up apart from a Division 1 striker. In the end, it's just good to watch class teams when we are used to such mediocrity.

South will win the title easily, followed by Zebras..the rest is completely unpredictable..I think Eagles will surprise many and finish 3rd this year, with Knights and Kingborough fighting for 4th and 5th.

Anonymous said...

I am not a South supporter but after reading some of the comments on here , some of you obviously have no idea.South are by far the most professional club in Tasmania with the most dedicated group of players .Many have trained during the day over the Christmas holiday period in addition to their evening sessions. No other team will come close to them this year.

pedant said...

What was Mr Barker thinking in allowing Sth Melb to play the first half in all blue tops only to decide there was a clash aftyer all requiring a change to all white after half time.

While I'm indulging in a whinge, if you're going to the trouble of printing a program with squad details could someone please ensure that the listed players turn out wearing the corresponding numbers. Very confusing otherwise.

Apart from that, it was all good.

Anonymous said...

sorry January 17, 2011 12:43 PM -def not a keeper. and It wasn't just me who noticed that he shouldn't have been out there.

Dippa said...

I wasn't there but from the comments above sounds like there were quite a few spectators... How many to be exact?? anyone???

Paul said...

It was a pleasure to finally meet you Walter, as well as several people from the Hobart football family who showed us great hospitality during our trip. Hopefully tours like this one can be of some assistance in improving Tassie soccer. On the flipside, the fields we played on were in magnificent condition - I wish we could play on that carpet every week, it'd improve our football considerably.

Anonymous said...

the future,

If we want a VPL team we have to play our home games in Victoria, so you would never see them play anyway.

Anonymous said...

Some have used yesterday's result as an excuse to dismiss the idea of sth Hobart venturing into the vpl. Because they were beaten by a club that has a long and illustrious carreer in the nsl and now vpl? Sth melb play teams of a high high standard week in week out, year in year out. Sth Hobart get four or five decent games a year and spend the rest of their time running effortless rings around social teams from social clubs. Yesterday showed that they are better than Tasmanian standard, but below vpl standard. Isn't it better for them to aim up rather than down? Tasmanian soccer has been languishing for over a decade now, and one club is doing everything possible to kick start it again. Maybe instead if hoping they fail and fall back to the pack, people who claim to want the best for tassie soccer should be more positive. I'm sure people will dismiss this post as the excuses or rantings of a sth supporter, which I am, but look at the big picture.

Walter said...

Hi Paul, I was absolutely delighted to meet you and your friends (George, Con and George) at last. I admire your enthusiasm for the game and your club and your willingness to travel to Hobart to support South Melbourne and watch them play. That really is dedication. Hope you saw the photo.

the future said...

anon 5.25pm
how do you figure that Tas would only play in Victoria if it joined the VPL? I'm suggesting it work along the same lines as the Tassie Devils VFL model with home and away games. Yes, it would require extra funding to assist all teams to travel but if FFA backs it it can happen. After all FFA has an responsibility to develop the game nationally and this arrangement does that in Tassie at a reasonable cost.

Still can't see how Sth could go it alone as it simply doesnt have the financial resources. To my mind it needs to be under the auspices of FFT/FFA and without alignment to any particular club.

I'd be interested in any other views.

Anonymous said...

I have been told on the highest authority that a true estimate is1000 people at the grounds based on the stands and crowds on the sidelines (plus a quick head count while in the bar!)

Regardless of numbers how wonderful to have a visiting team of the quality of South Melbourne.
I was proud of the turn out and the entire process and game. South Melbourne players, staff and supporters were true ambassadors for the game.

Well Done to South and Ken Morton for the fine efforts of the day.

I for one will be backing up with the next instalment in only a matter of days!!

As the great Sam would say - "Too much football is barely enough!"

Hopefully FFT will be watching and listening to the fans.

Anonymous said...

my comments on olympia getting pumped 9-0, now this result compunds the fact that the standard has dropped significanly must be true. South melbourne would probably get similar results against a victorian or nsw 4th div team. The level even in the 90s would not render similar results. Guys like Chris Hey know the game so I wouldn't blame him. There must be something wrong with the set up. 2 years ago I argued that a state league must be set up. I am currently the senior coordinator at Byron Bay fc, you may laugh at the name but we playred gold coast united in a friendly last year and lost 5-1, If I'm being realistic about it there could have been more goals scored by both teams. I think the level up here has dropped somewhat but I would also that the level is at least on par with Tasmania. This shouldn't be the case a provincial league being on par with a state league. I think by breaking away from state football and having a north-south situation you have created a rod for your own back.

Anonymous said...

January 17, 2011 5:45 PM

If your comments weren't so arrogant someone might take you seriously.

Anonymous said...

I can't think of anything more arrogant or craven than commenting as an anoymous, anonymous

Anonymous said...

You still havent said why he shouldnt have been out there?

I cant imagine Ken having a guy in the squad If he didnt think he was up to it.

From Walter's report it sounds like he sured things up at the back. Walter is your report acurate?

Mckenna you can come play with Olympia anytime.

djalbacore said...

Anonymous..Re South Hobart....I thought South Hobart were competitive in some stages of the game against Hellas...however at the end of the day class shone through....However your comments in regard to South running rings around social teams is misguided.and disrespectful..I can remember when South were cellar dwellers and copped a hiding week in week was almost like having a bye. Things change quickly and the cycle will turn around...Can you remember those days or have you just jumped on the bandwagon??

Anonymous said...

the future,

I'm just going on what happenned with the AIS, they had to bus down every week and I think it cost 280k per season which the FFA funded on top of the govt funding. It would be great to see a team in the VPL, however I think we would have to start in Div 1 or 2 and have to gain promotion through the league system.

Anonymous said...

so madmcglone is your real name then?

This is the only blog I read where some people that love themselves continue to harp on about anonymous comments.

If you want to put your name to your comments because you think people really care what YOU think then that's fine but I don't think that's the case.

The only commentators that give me the shits are those that make annonymous comments when they're bagging someone and then put thier name to their positive comments.

Anonymous said...

The youngest Brazilian has future! He looked Lively, his passes and his speed were good to watch. Good lucky to him. He showed confidence all the time against the giants.

Anonymous said...

To have FFT and FFA back a VPL team they would have to have the Juniors fund it like everything in Football it is funded from the Grassroots as where AFL and Cricket are funded from the top.

This is where the problem lies, until FFA fund from the top this situation will never change.

Brisbane have a population of around 4 million and have just over 10 000 turn up to the games, that's around .25% of their the population.

For a team to keep afloat in Tassie for the VPL it would need 1% of the population of Hobart to attend the home games.

Anonymous said...

south melbourne had 4 ex-a league players in the squad along with an accomplished international coach so how is south hobart meant to compete with ex-professional players. Only an idiot of a football fan would've written them off at the kick-off. Just watch any English cup competition to see the part-time footballers bringing down the stars. No matter the teams whether real madrid vs south hobart or south hobart vs hobart zebras the chances of either team winning is equal. i believe if some of the south hobart players could earn enough as footballers they would give melbourne a challenge. No matter what we say tasmanian football won't be on a level playing field with the rest of australia for a considerable amount of time. While they showed class and good attacking football at times they weren't embarrassed in any way however hobart olympic losing to their youth team is embarrassing. I'm no suck up to south hobart or an olympic hater but i know which team performed better and had a style of football.

Anonymous said...

Who were the four ex A-League players in the South Melbourne team??

djalbacore said...

Anonymous....Re The chances of either team winning is equal.....Thats a bit like saying Keith Richards lives a healthy lifestyle..or maybe even Hugh Hefner does not need viagra!

the duck said...

Re South Hobart team photo.

Note to Hugh Ludford: if you get a ball boy who taller than you, pass him on to Roachie. LOLJK

Anonymous said...

o'dor and recchia are ex a-league/nsl and the keeper is victory's yth keeper

Anonymous said...

Anon January 17, 2011 11:37 PM
"No matter the teams whether real madrid vs south hobart or south hobart vs hobart zebras the chances of either team winning is equal"

You must be on drugs. If not then you should be.

Paul said...

Anon 9:47, the four players with A-League experience were.

Fernando de Moraes, who had a brief stint at the New Zealand Knights

Steven O'Dor, also at NZ Knights and Wellington Phoenix, who returned to Melbourne to continue his legal studies.

Carl Recchia, who was with South in the late NSL era and also played with Melbourne Victory in the first A-League season, and briefly with Queensland Roar.

Daniel Vasilevski, who's had stints at Carlton, Melbourne Knights (NSL era), Perth Glory, Melbourne Victory, and Newcastle Jets (where he didn't get a game). Injuries have hampered his career.

jolly roger said...


With the Sth Hobart development squad (aka Morton Soccer School showcase squad) comfortably beating the Knights U19's and the performance of the 'younger' senior players against South Melb, it looks a long time before South Hobart are going to be whipping boys.

That's not to say, it's necessariliy the best thing for the game in this state but while Ken's at Sth, I can't see anything changing.

IMO a Tassie side in the VPL would fix that.

Anonymous said...

hey, Walter how come there's 12 South Hobart players in the starting team photo? Did Kenny expect he'd need some extra help?

Anonymous said...

from the clubs webiste

stephen o'dor-wellington phoenix
daniel vasilevski-melbourne victory
joseph keenan-melbourne victory (also chelsea,brentford and hibernian)
carl recchia-melbourne victory, queensland roar

and when you think a match is going to be a white-wash read this match report from when Spanish 3rd tier team Aclcoron defaeted Real Madrid in the Copa del Rey 4-0. Football is full of suprises

Anonymous said...

"No matter the teams whether real madrid vs south hobart or south hobart vs hobart zebras the chances of either team winning is equal."

this is one of the rather more bizarre posts i've seen on here. You do know of the odds system which is based on the 'chance' of winning. Are you suggesting this system is completely false?

Are you suggesting the ole sayin 'well both teams start on 0' is anything more than a load of cods-wallop.

Anonymous said...

Wouldnt it be great if the fft took the next step and brought a vpl league match to the state, im sure with money they could tempt a club to come here, you then could have a mens and youth north vs south game to expose these kids to the clubs

Anonymous said...

You don't need money to get these teams down. South melb were not paid money by south Hobart. It just takes initiative. Most of these big clubs have genuine interest in promoting the game, and recognize that Tasmania us a state that needs help.