Photos (Top to Bottom): Australian under-14 representative Jessie Williams; Jessie Williams and Tasmanian Institute of Sport women's coach, Vicki Linton; Jessie Williams passing the ball; Jessie Williams juggling the ball
Alex Johnston, of Southern Cross Television, and I interviewed Jessie Williams, 14, on Monday, 6 July 2009.
Jessie is a member of the Tasmanian Institute of Sport women’s football team.
She recently represented Australia in the Asian Football Confederation Under-14 Women’s Tournament in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, scoring 8 goals.
Jessie is in Year 8 at Mt Carmel College in Hobart.
Alex Johnston: I guess whatever happened when you were away was going to be good, but to come home with a few goals next to your name, that’s great?
Jessie Williams: Yes. I was really rapt by the effort I put in.
AJ: Tell us how that trip unfolded.
JW: Well, we got over there and we had a day before the tournament actually started and then we got straight into it, playing a lot of matches. It was pretty full on, but it was good.
AJ: I haven’t seen the results. How did the team go?
JW: We played quite well against the teams. We got better as the tournament went on, just getting used to playing with each other. We did quite well.
AJ: Was it what you expected? Was the level of soccer what you expected or was it harder, or what?
JW: It was probably as hard as I thought it would be. Going to China earlier this year, I was used to playing against teams like that. Yes, they were really good.
AJ: And as far as your personal performance went, were you obviously set up pretty well by some good midfield work?
JW: We played really well as a team. I was lucky to play in such a good team.
AJ: Do you enjoy that goalscoring role? Is that where you want to play most of your football?
JW: Yes, I do enjoy it. But, I do like to have a go in midfield at times and push up a bit.
AJ: And the goals that you kicked while you were away, did a couple stand out? Any that you were particularly proud of?
JW: No, not any in particular. They were all all right.
AJ: So what’s next for you? Obviously, striking a balance between school and football and stuff, but is there some goal?
JW: At the moment I just want to get back into school and catch up on everything. At the moment, I just want to keep going and keep training and waiting until another big competition comes along.
AJ: Is football something you think about as a sport you play because you love it, or it’s something that one day could be a career for you?
JW: Well, I really do love it and that’s probably why I enjoy playing so much. But, yeah, I’d love to have it as my career in future years.
Walter Pless: What were climatic conditions like? It must have been pretty hot.
Jessie Williams: Yeah, it was really warm.
WP: How did you adjust to that coming from the cold of Tasmania?
JW: It wasn’t actually as bad I thought. The humidity was hard, but I got used to it quite quickly. It was the sun that was quite intense.
WP: You scored five goals in one game. That’s quite an achievement.
JW: Yes. It was a good game and I was quite lucky.
Alex Johnston: Who was that against?
Jessie Williams: Singapore.
AJ: What was the team score?
JW: It was 9-0.
Walter Pless: Does football seem popular in Vietnam?
Jessie Williams: Yes. We didn’t end up playing the Vietnam team, which was a bit of a shame, but yes, it’s certainly growing.
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