Photos (Top to Bottom): Lino Sciulli, the Launceston City coach; Peter Savill, the former Leeds United player who Sciulli rates as one of Launceston City's best ever players; Sciulli (second from left in back row) as Launceston City's goalkeeper on the day they were pipped for the State League title at Wentworth Park; Lino Sciulli (third from left in back row) with a Launceston City squad at Olinda Grove; Launceston City at KGV Park, with Peter Savill second from the left in the back row and Liam Monagle second from the right in the front row [PlessPix]
Lino Sciulli, 46, is the coach of Launceston City, one of Tasmania's most successful clubs.
City have had a hard time of it in recent seasons following the retirement of key players, but Sciulli is determined to get them back on track.
I interviewed Sciulli this week about his involvement with the club and their prospects for the coming season.
Walter Pless: How long have you been with Launceston City as a player and as a coach?
Lino Sciulli: About 21 years.
WP: What were the highlights of your playing career?
LS: Winning trophies, and friends.
WP: Which was the best Launceston City team you played in?
LS: Early on, when Peter Savill was coach. We had some awesome players.
WP: What coaching experience do you have?
LS: I coached junior teams with my son in them, and one year in the State League when we lost the State-wide Cup.
WP: You eventually became a goalkeeper. How did that come about because you used to be a midfielder?
LS: I was getting a little old and slow and I saw it as an opportunity to extend my career.
WP: What do you think of the Northern Premier League as a competition?
LS: It’s okay, but it needs an influx of players. The youth program does seem to be working, though, with good talent coming through.
WP: In what ways could it be improved?
LS: We need to go back to State League, with possibly one or two teams from Launceston who can use other clubs as feeder clubs.
WP: How would you describe your coaching philosophy?
LS: We will see, I guess, but I’ll try and keep it simple.
WP: Who will win the Northern Premier League title in 2011?
LS: Launceston City. Silly question (chuckles).
WP: How will Launceston City go?
LS: Hopefully, well. We’ll just try and move up the ladder and see. Who knows?
WP: Have you got any new players?
LS: There are possibilities, but until they’re signed, no.
WP: Are there any exciting youngsters coming through at the club?
LS: Yes, plenty. There are some good ones from last year, and some under-16s coming through. Very exciting times for all clubs if we do it right.
WP: What are your aims in the game now?
LS: I would like to see Launceston City strong again and all the teams competitive.
WP: Who are some of the best players you played with at Launceston City?
LS: Peter Savill, Liam Monagle, the list could go on and on. I could write a whole page on that.
It just goes to show, a good article, but if it's not about the Knights,Fish, or Corey then the result is very few comments from the punters.
lets hope the best club with the best colours head back where they belong on top !!
Melikesfootball! the reason no one commented is possibly because that interview was about as insightful and entertaining as an eppisode of "in the night garden"
Walter, some of your interviews will be worth while publishing, this one was not, save us the pain in future and just announce the coach rather than wasting our time waiting for valuble answer. If this interview is anything to go by, City will spend another year in the bowels of the NPL, bring back SAV I say, atleast would use some colourful language!
You need earn your place back at the top, no one belongs there.
We need more interviews like with Troy Scott and Adam Whitemore, this interview is as borings as you know what.
Walter not your fault, why wont coaches say something interesting. This must have been like pulling teeth.
Walter if you want some people to interview from the North, why not contact Chris Mckenna from Devonport (Im sure he would have some good points to make).
"the reason no one commented is possibly because that interview was about as insightful and entertaining as an eppisode of "in the night garden"
"Walter, some of your interviews will be worth while publishing, this one was not, save us the pain in future and just announce the coach rather than wasting our time waiting for valuble answer."
Do we actually want a journalist to censor an interview by failing to publish it (I mean this is the whole outrage over the Julian Assange case).
Walter can only ask the questions, he can't answer them.
If this interview is anything to go by, City will spend another year in the bowels of the NPL.
Agree here.
Interesting to see yet another person involved in football suggesting a state league to improve competition.
Yeah State league with City as a feeder club to Prospect Knights now that would be funny.
The truth being neither would play in a state league at the moment.
As many people who mention we should have a state league, there are a equal amount that say we shouldn't.
I notice Lino suggested he had no new signings. Rumour on the street and the guy himself is Tim Claxton from Knights for $200 a game. Added to this, they have been ringing nearly every decent player in the Launceston area offering them cash to lift them from their current duldrums. Again I have this from the approached players mouths.
Accept you may have another year or two near the bottom, and develop your kids the long term returns are greater.
Anonymous 6.42am
The point I make is how not having a state league appears to football pundits who don't reside in the state. Mainlanders label us as a backwater. FFA Technical Directors rarely visit.
For a team enjoying unmitigated success, like South Hobart men's last year, what challenge is left for them?
Some people use the rationale for what they perceive to be failures in the past of state leagues, as sufficient reason to quash future state league models. They have not conceded that the game of football, in a national context, has moved on dramatically since the eras of those Tasmanian state league experiments.
I've previously mooted a state league model on this blog. A state league team would only have to travel once every eight weeks for an eight team league. A team would only have to travel once every ten weeks for a ten team league. This is of minimal cost. Logistical and time issues are relatively insignificant.
Some posters advanced some arguments to proffer other state league models instead. I disagreed with them, but essentially they were suggesting positives for a state league.
An antithetical football scenario for Tasmania is what? To continue as we are?
Anonymous 6.42 am
This is the second part of the post.
Other than Tasmania getting an A League and W League team how do you see football developing in this state? Are you satisfied with the current standard and the isolation we feel in the Tasmanian football scene?
Other regional areas in Australia like Wollongong, ACT and North Queensland, have produced far more quality players that we have in Tasmania. Why? Possibly because they have local access to state league teams for footballers to aspire to. Henceforth, a clearer pathway is present.
It is not a question that Tasmania has inherently inferior football players. Per capita head of the population we have the best cricketers and hockey players in the country.
We have had three to four home grown players who have played Test cricket in the last year. We had three starters for the Australian men's hockey team. These two sports have elite pathways. Don't use AFL as a model. it is a provincial game played as the main sport only in four states in Australia! It has no international profile or competition.
Having a state league will give young players something to aspire to at senior level. There should be eight or ten South Hobarts in the state men's competition. They should all operate viable junior/youth development programmes in both genders.
A state league will also demonstrate that Tasmania can organise a more elite senior competition. Local proactivity if you like. In the past Rob Baan dismissed local youth players as being substandard. Institutes are good, but there are always some players who miss out. Selection is subjective, like for any team.
State league youth teams can be a safety net.
Institute players need to aspire to play in a higher level of local competition. The reality is that less than one percent will play at a higher level than their local league (Steve Payne, international statistics).
If we don't get an A League/W League team, we will have a higher level competition by having a Tasmanian state league. The A league/W League bid relies on a benefactor/s with deep pockets.
If we get teams in the national league, we will have a more viable feeder competition, where players are playing at a higher standard. A few more locals laying in a state league can aspire to play at an even higher level than state league. We may be a more attractive option for fringe players in the VPL or NSWPL, or even aspiring coaches from interstate.
Prima donnas who don't like to train can play social football. In the past too many 'stars' not prepared to commit to the training track have still been selected for senior teams. This practice needs to change.
What is more interesting is they offered more money to Tim Claxton then the back to back George Dale Winner....
The new coach of ity rang Marshall Pooley and said Ive got some money to throw around are you interested. Never got to figures as he poltely said NO.
Surely the best keeper in the state is worth more than $300 a week??
I'm not absolutely certain about a state league. What I do know is that a few female players, 19 -21 old, are going back into the institute programme from the Southern Premier League. In the past female institute teams have played against the top 14 year old boy teams. These women need to be playing at a more elite level in an adult female competition. Maybe a state league is the only way?
Look from a neutral point of view the interview is a bit boring. I mean there doesnt seem to be much meat in the answers. Whitemores impressed a lot of people in the south here, as it had a lot of insiteful comments. This one doesnt really say anything.
Perhaps its just the way Lino is but is a bit of a yawn. No offense
If you were looking for a club to play for in Launy, Launceston City would probably be last on the list. Their Junior Development is widely seen as non existent and last years teams were a rabble.
Quit living in the past! Launy United should be a good model... Put time and effort into developing juniors and keep the odd 3 or 4 senior players around to keep structure. Sure, you might struggle for a few years but at least you are headed in the right direction.
Not sure Lino would have the patience to give some younger ones time in the seniors to develop. Could be a short stint as the boss.
Riverside have played in the state league for a few years back in the day. Saying Lonny Utd is the model to follow might be a bit optomistic young players need teachers the club doesnt have any including the coach. Devonport have had the best succession plan in the north for a decade which rangers and riverside are now starting to follow
that would be great if a state league came back and city were included. they would get embarrassed more than they already do in the npl. they would get raped by double figures every second week. though they might bring back roger and jd to improve the losses by a couple of goals
Im not involved with City, however they do have a great history in Tasmanian football. However if you look at the clubs in Lonnie at the moment, Riverside and Rangers are definitely the standouts. Happy to develop their own kids and not chase other players from other Launceston clubs.
All clubs respect City's past and record however you lose respect when you chase players from other clubs offer them money as a quick fix for your current problems chasing easy glory.
its really amusing how all these nobodies bag out launceston city.... they have been there done it end of story rangers have won a cpl average premier league titles, and never played state league or won a statewide cup - there club isn't half the club juventus is !!
I dont think anyone is arguing that Launceston City are a proud club and have undoubtedly the best record of the Launceston teams.
I think what peope find amusing, is that they have a few mediocre years and they try to buy their way out of the problem.
If Rangers have won to mediocre leagues, what is your opinion of finishing 2nd last in both these seasons??
i would just like to say if you dont know lino personally you have no right to comment on how he would coach especially when it comes to children as he is the most patient person i know and is fabulous with kids. also i bet the people making the opinions wouldnt give up there precious family life and spare time to put time into a club. good luck lino and hope your team does really well for the season
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