Photo: King George V Park in Glenorchy, Tasmania [PlessPix]
I wish all readers and followers of this blog a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Thank you all for your support throughout the past year.
A special thanks to all clubs, players, coaches, administrators and officials, as well as all supporters of our great game, for providing me with information for articles. Your input is always most welcome.
Thank you also to Football Federation Tasmania, who have been most helpful in recent months.
This blog will NOT close down during the Christmas break, so keep reading.
It is through your interest and support that the number of hits continues to increase.
The site is getting as many as 1,000 hits a day - and remember, this is the off-season.
The number of hits during the season is as high as 1,700 a day, which is fantastic.
With increased coverage, including the whole of Tasmania, I would expect this number to rise to over 2,000 during the coming season.
The current number of unique visitors to the site is over 4,000, so thank you, one and all.
All the very best to everyone for 2011.
All the best to you also Walter. I hope you and your family have a great Christmas and New Year. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and your dedication knows no bounds. Keep up the good work.
Have a good 1 Walter :0)
A happy Christamas and prosperous newy year to you Walter and all your readerss.
May the team you support prosper.
Happy Christmas Walter! Thanks for all your efforts, they are greatly appreciated.
Keep it going Walter we may see the return of 8ball in 2010.
Walter, thank you for what you are doing on here. I'm an ex Tasmanian living in NSW and view your site everyday. It keeps me informed on whats going on in the game of football in Tassie. Keep up the great work that you do for the game of football in Tassie. If it was up to me, i'd make you a life member of football Tas .... cheers Allan Grundy
Thank you Walter! keep up the great work
Have a great Christmas Walter - hope a little rest and relaxation comes your way (I'm hoping for five wins for Liverpool!).
I'm a frequent reader of your site and enjoy your look at years gone by as well as current issues.
Merry Christmas Walter keep up the great work
As a player who grew up in Tasmanian soccer before moving interstate and now overseas, I love this website, as it is the only way to stay in touch with the game there. Just add a bit more input from Marty Nidorfer and it will be perfect.
Peter Maddox
Merry Christmas Walter!
Thank you for your efforts in producing and maintaining this blog; your articles are always timely, interesting and appreciated.
Have a safe and happy festive season :D
G'day Alan Grundy
Merry Christmas Walter, hope all is well! :)
G'Day MP.
Sorry but i'm unsure who you are. I've played with and against a lot of players, some very good and some who wish they were very good..lol
I would have loved to play in the same team as my brother, even if it was for one game.
Hope you all have a safe and happy New Year
i remember nutmegging icon david stoddart during a match against the eagles which wasn'y anything to write home about but it felt good............merry xmas mr pless, and a happy new year........
happy yuletide .. haven't felt this good since I nutmegged david stoddart at kgv on a freezing day it got me a few drinks from the calies boys at the waratah......happy days
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all your readers!
An especially good new year if Beachside brings home some silverware in 2011!
Your efforts to continually produce stories and information on the local soccer scene is much appreciated.
Mike Linacre
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