Thursday, December 16, 2010

Of reunions and credentials

Photos (Top to Bottom): Marty Nidorfer (centre) is the man to see about New Town Eagles' 50th anniversary reunion next year; Kwon Jun, who played for Figueirense FC in Brazil and is now with South Hobart [PlessPix]

Planning is continuing for next year’s 50th anniversary celebrations of the New Town Eagles club.

The weekend of Friday, 8 April to Sunday 10th April is the one you should pencil into your diaries (for those who don’t use computers, that is).

Guests will be welcomed on the Friday evening and there will be nibbles and drinks at the Polish Club.

On Saturday, 9 April, a ‘past versus present’ match is scheduled at Clare Street as a curtain-raiser to Eagles’ Premier League home game. Does this mean the first team will play two games in quick succession?

On Sunday, there will be a barbecue at Clare Street and the club’s junior and social teams will play scheduled league matches.

There will probably be a dinner on Saturday night, but a venue has yet to be confirmed.

The event has a facebook site which former and current members can join in order to receive information and invitations:

Marty Nidorfer, one of Eagles’ reserves coaches, is the man to see for more information. I’ve posted a photo of Marty so that you can readily recognise him and approach him. He’s very friendly and will answer your questions about the reunion.


There has been some confusion about South Hobart’s new Korean player, Kwon Jun, in regard to where in Brazil he played.

Well, here goes. I’ll try and set the record straight.

He signed a professional contract with Brazilian League Division One club Figueirense FC on 26 March 2006.

He scored 4 goals in 32 games for the club and played in several positions, including defensive midfield and centre-back.

He trained in Spain with the Korean national under-19 team in 2006 and played in a Busan Cup match for that side.

Kwon is 23 years old, is 186cm in height and weighs 78Kg.

He first went to Brazil in 2004 and played with Brasilis FC.

He is also fluent in Portuguese and speaks only a little English and Spanish.

Kwon had a trial with Gold Coast United earlier this year but was injured and returned to South Korea for rehabilitation.

He is now back in Tasmanian with South Hobart and may well go for another trial with an A-League club in the New Year.


Beachside will play South Hobart at Olinda Grove on Saturday at 2pm in a pre-season friendly.


cobbler said...

walter thank you for keeping me half sane love your passion for the game. I remember your articles over 25 years ago encouraging myself and the players when times were tough. To all you johnny come lately's and no jack shitter'S NO ONE IN SOUTHERN TASMANIA IN THE LAST 25 YEARS HAS DONE MORE TO PROMOTE THE GREAT GAME prove me wrong kevan wright

Anonymous said...

So what exactly is this south Korean doing here Walter? Is he here for schooling, football or is he here to use Tassie as a stepping stone to bigger & better things?


Anonymous said...

No disrespect to the local league, but I echo Tripods' comment. Why would a player of this calibre come here? Tasmania doesn't even have a state league.


Anonymous said...

maybe he's always wanted to be coached under the mighty Ken

Anonymous said...

neither does victoria or sa or WA. really only QLD and NSW do

Anonymous said...

Should be a big year for a club with a great history. Hopefully Eagles can get some results on the park to compliment the anniversary. Probably one of the better teams they have ha over the last 5 or so years too

Anonymous said...

anon 1.17??? Victoria has a state league??? What is the VPL??? Qld has a mockery state league which is not as strong as the Brisbane Premier League??? Why do people comment on things when they are so mis-informed and uneducated???

Karl said...

Walter things don't add up if he is 23 years old in 2006 he was only 11 years old can't see him playing seniors games any country