Photos (Top to Bottom): Zebras do a warm-up lap; Ryan Smith is back in training after knee surgery kept him out last season; Liam Scott, the former South Hobart player, trained with Zebras; Brett Andrews, the Kingborough Lions United midfield enforcer, was also at Zebras training; Senior coach Romeo Frediani issues instructions; Clarence United's Sam McIntyre in new surroundings; Romeo Frediani chats to some of his players; Sam McIntyre and Brett Andrews in a new environment; Sandra Chisholm, Romeo Frediani and Nick Lapolla prepare for the training session [PlessPix]
Tilford Zebras had Ryan Smith training last night after recuperating from a knee injury that kept him out of action all last season.
They also had Liam Scott (formerly of South Hobart), Brett Andrews (formerly of Kingborough Lions United) and Sam McIntyre (formerly of Clarence United) at last night’s training session.
Senior coach Romeo Frediani took the session, while director of football Nick Lapolla and reserves coach Sergio Pace were also in attendance.
“Pre-season is looking pretty good at the moment,” said Lapolla.
“We’ve been training since about the 16 November, so it’s probably about four weeks now.
“It’s looking pretty good so far.”
Lapolla confirmed that Zebras would be taking a side to Queensland next month.
“There’s a trip for the senior squad on the 26 January. It’s a four or five-day trip and we’re having training sessions there and two games.
“A game against Eastern Suburbs is one we’ve got teed up and Brisbane City looks like the other candidate.
“Mogul FC is another team we’re looking at for a game.
“It’s a just a bit of a trip away. The players have done the hard yakka and, instead of going north for the Steve Hudson Cup and playing other games, we thought we might take the boys up to Brisbane for a good four-day training session and two games at the same time.
“That’ll leave us a week and a half before the Summer Cup starts.”
Lapolla said he was enjoying his new role at the club.
“It’s going slowly at the moment,” he said. “It’s just making sure the teams and coaches are all up to date.
“My role at the moment is just to oversee Freddy [Frediani] and give him a bit of a hand when we can.
“Sergio Pace has come on as reserves coach, so he’ll be involved with senior pre-season training, and we’ll go from there.
“But, my role will probably start next year when all the teams start coming back, looking after all the coaches.”
Zebras had three goalkeepers training last night - Jason Voss, Troy Kaden and Frank Mainella.
I wish I could put my name on the back of Man City 3rd strip.
Looks like Voss will be playing div 2 this season
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Well Done to Zebras and the committee lead by DJ, a great idea for pre season and what a way to bring new players to the club with the offer of a holiday(training camp) in Brisbane.. Is the club covering the bill?? or looking after airfares and accomodation, 4 days in Brisbane 20 people including staff Big Biscuits !! Heres a club that must be doing something right.. Great to see Frank back on the training park but a few extra laps needed if the photo is true(extra 20 pounds!!!)Zebras back to a real Italian flavour now with all the senior coaches and most of the junior being Italian.. Lets hope sucess comes or they are closer to the front runners otherwise we may see a mafia style take over from internal ranks!!!
Can Brett Andrews repeat his 5 yellows in 5 games? Cant see his discipline fitting in very well.
with the new 'arrivals' (McIntyre, Scott and Andrews) all looking to play midfield,it looks like spots will be at a premium at Zebras this year.
McIntyre has trained with Zebras, Olympia and Sth Hobart - and Clarence don't start til 1/2011. I'd be looking for a signature before I took him to Qld.
Sammy mac will choose zebras
NO WAY the zebras will fit the bill for that trip. Cheap accom at best.
It would be nice if FFT allowed signings before the new year, but all contracts expire 31 Dec and there are no registration forms available, bah humbug
Could someone from FFT be interviewed as to why clubs have to wait
The only winner with Brett Andrews possibly joining Zebras has got to be Kingborough! His game seems better suited to AFL.
zebras are still crap
good to see fabian lapolla back,zebras need talent
Anon 8.46 I think you are right.
I cant see the club paying for all to go. If they had that sort of money to throw away ,would be better off offering better players more incentive to join them.Why blow it away ?
I presume they will insist only players that have signed get to go .
What if that player wishes to leave the club after two months ?
How will that be handled ?
I heard Brett Andrews wants to leave kingborough to be reunited with his close mates in Jason Voss and Matt Lyle.
hey walter, i like your comment about sam mac training with zebras as a "former" Clarence player. You are assuming he has left which is fair enough but id wait until that dotted line is signed before using such terminology.
Anon 12.01 . Agreed. Fabian is one of the nicest guys about.And a decent player. Maybe he will be allowed to develop as a player , unlike during his last stint at the club, where he was criticised behind his back , within public earshot, by some within the club.
December 14, 2010 3:39 PM
very sad to see them only hiring italians to do the coaching. not a good example to set.
Anonymous 10.36am, you bigot! Those guys were all born here and are Aussies with Italian heritage. And, so what? Zebras are an Italian-backed club and have the right to promote their heritage. Who are you? David Hill?
South are playing beachside at 2pm on sat at olinda grove, any other practice matches going on this weekend?
Anon 10.36 So it was Ok when the poms ran the clubs and competition years ago , when they bled all the clubs dry ?
Some of those clubs no longer exist because of it.
December 16, 2010 11:07 AM
I'm the bigot? Isn't it Zebras only hiring people with italian heritage. that means anyone without italian blood can forget about running a team at zebras. that makes you bigoted. you need to learn the meaning of the word.
"very sad to see them only hiring italians to do the coaching. not a good example to set."
December 16, 2010 10:36 AM
Anonymous 11.58am, Zebras have support staff who are not of Italian heritage. They have had non-Italian coaches in the past, so what's your beef?
Fair's Fair , you are better off not responding to the idiots on here who have no idea. Let them think what they wish.
That moron who suggested that Zebras ONLY hire Italians needs to pull there head in, completly wrong and a completly un just to say the least!
Those Coaches, in most cases are the First or only people to put there hand up to dedicate there time and support to these teams.
To suggest the club only selects Coaches based on Ethnic back ground is a very very bold staement to make and in the real world, a statement like that comes back and bites real quick!
Im sure there were prefered coaches and coaches from last year who would have had there roles again, but personal commitments cant always dictate that.
Well done to those coaches appointed and well done to those fine Italians who have stepped up when required to help out the club they support, and no doubt all grown up with in Hobart.
Im guessing your one of these clowns who thinks they are obviously a better coach than everyone else, but fails to apply or put a hand up. So good you only want to be asked! Get a life!
December 16, 2010 11:07 AM
"I'm the bigot? Isn't it Zebras only hiring people with italian heritage. that means anyone without italian blood can forget about running a team at zebras. that makes you bigoted. you need to learn the meaning of the word."
The original comment was made in a positive light of Italian heritage as seen here "Zebras back to a real Italian flavour now with all the senior coaches and most of the junior being Italian." There is nothing bigotry about that because the comment is NOT showing animosity or intolerance to differing beliefs or cultures. In fact it make no mention of other cultures what-so-ever. The comment could mean 'it is good see Italian coaches because of the success they have traditionally had over the years.'
Your comment on the other hand
"very sad to see them only hiring italians to do the coaching. not a good example to set,"
is purely bigotry due to its negative connotations of a culture/ethnicity. IT IS showing animosity towards another party. Learn what the word means before firing it back buddy.
I would also like to know what you mean by "not a good example to set." Who is the example being set for? The One Nation Party? Republicans or the KKK?
Now piss off!
Bloody hell the last thing the zebras are is racist I have played and coached at the club for 10 plus years over the past.. Passionate and sometimes tunnel visioned but calling clubs racist, or biggots come on if people have a beef or a question then bring up something worth talking about.. They do have at the moment "italian" senior staff in heritage but half of the committee and support staff are not Italian.. Racist rematks do not belong in this day and age so please lets grow up!!
December 16, 2010 1:13 PM
It's not a good example to set. It will alienate non-italian hertiage people from applying down the track and joining the club. This is why FFA have moved away from ethincally backed clubs.
The point is not that Itlaians should not be coaching Zebras, but there is obviously a distinct bias this season, as verified by the original poster, who semeed quite happy with this situation.
As far as racism goes, Balloteli can't even travel to play against your club's name sake due to the club's, yes supporters are inclusive, inherant lack of respect for black players.
Don't go near racism, because history is not on the side of those with italo-heritage.
I'm Australian and Italian's are better coaches than us.
Hopefully we are starting to develop coaches who will one day be as good or better than Euro, South American coaches.
"It's not a good example to set. It will alienate non-italian hertiage people from applying down the track and joining the club.
It's hilarious how narrow minded you are. So what you're saying is South Hobart are alienating for example people with Italian, Greek or Croatian heritage because they have in the past predominately hired anglo saxon coaches. What you're also suggesting is that someone like myself (with some Italian heritage) would be deterred to apply to coach/play for the club because of this history. Well I can categorically say I wouldn't. Nor do I think South Hobart has in anyway been racist or prejudicial.
"there is obviously a distinct bias this season."
Please name the many coaches with non Italian heritage who applied for positions? I assume there were dozens to assert that there was some sort of bias.
"As verified by the original poster, who semeed quite happy with this situation."
Because a public forum by an anonymous poster is bulletproof verification.
"Balloteli can't even travel to play against your club's name sake due to the club's, yes supporters are inclusive, inherant lack of respect for black players."
And this has what relevance to do with the topic at hand? A team I remind you based in Tasmania, not Italy. Do you think that I can't real of dozens of examples of anglo-saxon racism. Cronulla! But that is all beside the point. I don't condone any of it and I don't condone your uneducated comments either.
The reason most of the Zebras coaching staff are from Italian background is because no one else applied ,if what I hear is true.Some positions given to unsuitable people for wrong reasons. Unfortunately one person seems to control everything that happens and that is unhealthy for the club.Others too soft to speak up or think for themselves. It wont last long .
Do we really need to play the racisim card, people need to get over it and get on with the world game. If it happens that all the coaches are all of Italian heritage at Zebra's does it really matter.I think before comments like that go on here yes you need to look at who actually applied for the coaching roles.
Also regarding Balloteli, you are talking about something that has happened in Europe, it is not attached to us here in Tassie and pretty shameful that you would bring that up and associate that will all Italians here. If you want to bring up Racisim in soccer there are plenty of examples across all countries yet you specifically target Italians.
Anon 10.36 So it was Ok when the poms ran the clubs and competition years ago , when they bled all the clubs dry ?
Some of those clubs no longer exist because of it.
December 16, 2010 11:28 AM
Anon 4.59 Hit a nerve did we?
My comment was a silly one but made tongue in cheek in response to the original post about the Zebras having too many Italian coaches.
All that is irrelevant and I cant understand what it has to do with anyone outside the club,or inside for that matter .
There is no racism in the sport here these days.Even back in the
80's much of what was said was in the heat of battle and comments from supoporters also.Lets not go down that track now.
Some of the comments on here are obviously made by young gen Y upstarts (some not all) who believe the world owes them everything. Think about what you post before you make an idiot of yourself.
do you live in a glass house then?
Not trying to add fuel to the fire but back in the day when I used to play & at an ethnic based club, the games we would most forward to would be against other ethnic based clubs.
They would always have the highest intensity & Passion.
Games against teams like South & Metro who were also the whipping boys never had the same intensity.
So in short what I am trying to say is that our league, teams & supporters have had an important part of making our football history & community so let's embrace it instead of making it a stupid reason to divide our beautiful game.
I have played Senior Football with Zebras when Renus Jansen was senior coach followed by Kenny Morton as Senior with Colin West and Kevin....(sorry,can't remember last name) as reserve coach.... none of which are italian... Albeit this was 10 years ago but still...
Get a life people, I can't believe this post
fabian lapolla is one of the most talented youngsters going around at the zebras its ridiculous that they would want to alienate him from the club,i watch alot of tassie soccer and i enjoy watching all three of the lapolla boys because they all have natural ability and skill, REAL italian soccer players!
December 17, 2010 1:45 PM
they must be an astute divers then if they are REAL italian players
Anon 1.45 .All done behind everyone's back ,trust me.In public it all seems Ok .Behind the scenes , another story.
hey anon 2:48 haven't they won four world cups?
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